Lurker visits The Old Republic
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This gets a snort. "Yeah. I'll try asking Satele about it, I don't know that they'll have a solution either but I bet they can help." She grins fondly. "And I'll come back and talk to you about whatever we come up with, especially if it seems like the answer was too easy."

"What about the other side of it, figuring out which Sith might be redeemable?"


"I don't have as much experience with this, but I've got some. ... Which is probably more than most holocrons, so go me, I guess. I think that what redeemed Revan wasn't the brainwashing, it was - reminding them of what they were fighting for. And, admittedly, putting them in a situation where what they thought they wanted wasn't achievable anymore. More telling is when they helped redeem Bastila Shan. Which uh, mostly consisted of them beating the ex-Jedi over the head to knock them out, then throwing them to the Jedi Council to fix them. They weren't involved in that one, but I bet there's records of it somewhere.

"So since I lack in a lot of personal experience here... I think the key is to remember that the dark siders are all kind of, uh. Traumatized. Traumatized is the word I want to go for. And people handle trauma very, very differently. Maybe see what Sith do when you take away their ordinary methods of torture, intimidation, and murder? Once those are out a Sith is starting to look a bit bereft of choices unless they're one of the smart ones. ... Look for the smart ones." Pause. "I'm really not as good at this one. Talking to people and being there for them is about all I've got, sorry."


"...Bastila Shan? How do names work, here, that might be important."


"In the culture Bastila came from, first name was personal, second name was a family name, belonging to members of that family unless they married into another. Or wanted to change it, I suppose. Why?"


"... Grandmaster Satele Shan. Who's a friend, I want to be careful if I'm maybe bringing up upsetting stuff."


Nod. "It was, apparently, ancient history, so that might help, but I don't know what Bastila did after Revan left the galaxy."


The kobold nods, then thinks back over the rest of what Revan's holocron said. "It sounds like I'm on the right track with asking them if they want to keep their lightsabers or not, actually. The actual choice there is 'keep your lightsaber and live with the other people who chose to keep theirs, or give it up and live with the other people who chose give theirs up', so it's already the right kind of meaningful. The ones who give theirs up get this nice ocean planet with a bunch of islands, I thought it'd make it easier for them to get some privacy and feel safe from each other, but maybe we should be doing a little more to give them a chance to stay in touch with people from this world."


"I think you're on the right track, yeah. And not all Sith have loved ones, but some of them definitely do. Maybe look those up, if you can."


She nods. "I'll see what I can do - I'm not actually going to be around nearly as much starting in a few months, but I'll get things set up as well as I can and check in as often as I can."


Revan's holocron nods.

"Anything else I can help with, then?"


"Not unless you have something to say on the question of whether or not I should teach the Jedi to cast teleportation spells."


"Hmm. Yes, but not all Jedi, I think. Use your judgement, it's pretty good."


"I already asked Satele who'd be taught, if I let them have it. 'Most Masters and some exceptional Knights' sounds okay to me. I trust Satele's judgement, too," she grins.


"Then it sounds like you have this pretty well figured out," says the holocron, smiling.


The kobold grins. "Yeah. Thank you for your help."


"Mhm! If you need me, I will be," he points back towards the actual holocron, "right over there!"

And he disappears.


And the kobold takes a minute to snuggle with Raafi, and then they go find a librarian for help finding a book about Jolee Bindo.


There's not much information about him in the library. As a Padawan, he fell in love and got married, against the disapproval of the Jedi Council. His wife later fell to the dark side during the war with Exar Kun, she attempted to turn him and he refused. They fought, and he did not kill her, but let her go. She went on to kill many Jedi in the war before she died herself. The Council offered him a Knighthood, he declined and left the Order. Apparently he held a nontraditional view of the Force, this is mostly glossed over. It is possible to tell, reading between the lines, that he did not believe the distinction between light and dark was so clear cut as the Jedi Order officially maintains.


This Jedi library: is kind of awful. Does Bar have anything better?


Not really, he seems to have been a fairly private person, content to let history pass him by. There is one transcript of a lesson he gave, in which he has an interesting quote: "It's not about what you do, it's why you do it. Keep a good heart, and don't let the galaxy get you down. Well, okay, maybe it is a little about what you do. Don't go massacring people willy-nilly. Uh, where was I?"



All right, Jedi library, the kobold will forgive you this time. She returns their materials to the librarians, leaves Raafi to use up the rest of his translation spell talking to holocrons, and goes to see if Satele is still free.


She is.


Free, and also snuggled. "So that all went pretty well."


Such snuggle.

"I am glad to hear that."


Grin. "I'll probably be able to do something about the risk of Falling, but I don't have a good solution yet. I was talking to Revan's holocron and they think there might not be a single good solution, but if there's not, that makes things a lot more complicated - not impossible, just hard; I get the impression it's something you try not to think about if you don't have to, and you'd have to."

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