Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"We try to limit the availability of information about the dark side at the temple here in part because it is actually a problem that can be mitigated by not thinking about it. If a Padawan does not know how deep the dark side goes, they will be less tempted, and if they do fall, they will not fall so far."


She nods. "My first idea might work as a starting point, then. It's basically... I can use emotional states as spell triggers, like the fear-triggered defensive spell that I have. It'd basically be the same spell, but as a hex - so they couldn't deactivate it themselves, though there should be some way to deactivate it - and it'd send them somewhere to talk to someone. With some kind of delay that they could control, but where they'd have to go eventually. Revan's concern was that some people don't do well with having to talk to people when they're upset, but... actually I think what I might do is set it as a hex, but one that can only go off once, and then they can figure something else out from there if it's a problem."


"I am... uncomfortable with the precedent that would set."


Nod. "It's not a good solution, yeah. The other option I came up with would be for it to just flash at them, like, 'yes, you really are experiencing an intense emotion right now', but that doesn't do much, and for it to do anything you'd have to tell them what it meant ahead of time."


"This may not be a problem your magic can solve. But with the Sith removed from the galaxy, we will all be under less stress, and it will be easier for us to keep a watch on ourselves."


Nod. "All right. Sorry for bringing it up, then." Hug.


Hug. "It's quite all right."



"I talked to Revan's holocron about the Sith a little, too. They think there's a pretty good chance that the ones who give up their lightsabers can be redeemed, and suggested seeing if they have friends or family here that can talk to them."



"It is certainly worth trying."


The kobold grins. "I need to go by the reception area and put in the portals to the second world, and get rid of the portal from there to Coruscant, and make viewing and communication portals for all the cells, and then it'll be all set up to start using as soon as there are people to watch it, as far as I know. My part of that will take an hour or two, maybe, once I know what you want for the viewing and communication stuff."


"Could we use a similar setup to the one for the first prisoner?"


"Mostly. In order for someone here to talk to them, there has to be a portal from there to here, which I can do safely, but it has to go to a set spot on this side, so that's a limitation."


"We have mobile communication devices. Place one end at the speaking portal, and attach the other to the rest of the controls."


"Sure. Have somebody set that up and show me where?"


"It will be done by tomorrow."


Nod; consider. "I'm supposed to meet Occlus for a magic lesson sometime tomorrow; I was planning on going right after lunch. I'm not sure when I'll be back."


"Either before or after that will work for us, delay on that scale is unlikely to be a problem."


Nod. "After will work better, probably, I just don't want to inconvenience anyone." Hug.


"You are a very convenient kobold, I think that you would have to try quite hard to be inconvenient."


She giggles.


Continued kobold hugs.


Such snuggles.

After a while: "I'm thinking about offering the tribes in my meetup group the option of moving to an empty planet here. I'm not sure they will, even if I do, but if I'm synchronizing the worlds anyway I'm not sure there's a downside."


"We would be pleased to have you in the galaxy."


Grin. Snuggle.


Snuggles. And work, with one hand.

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