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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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Oh! He kisses her back, happily, grinning as best he can while being kissed. He likes her kisses. 


Comfy cozy kisses! Full of love and snuggles!


She's so delightful and happy! And very good to kiss and snuggle and be in her arms and hold her in his. He's really glad of all of this. He feels lucky (almost too lucky really) and glad to have met Rosy and have her be, well, um, extremely into him. 


...speaking of which, these kisses may be trending in a somewhat... horny direction?

"—okay," she says firmly, breaking away. "Tell you what. You go home and do homework, and I," she blushes, "will have an orgasm in your honour?"


"Oh. Oh wow. Um. Is that... allowed?" It's totally allowed. He blushes. "I think I might like that. If that's ok. It doesn't really count as one I gave you, though. I think? I guess possibly if we start keeping track that's a bad idea but also I feel like I should be helping. But also feel free to um, have orgasms in my honor." He blushes some more. 


"I would prefer not to keep exact track of the numbers." She blushes. "Though, if you wanted to order me to keep an orgasm spreadsheet, I wouldn't say no."


He kisses her. She's so silly and cute! "Probably not a good idea," he says, when he's done kissing her out of delight. "But also you're very meticulous, you know? And the idea of a spreadsheet is just... I don't know, it made me want to kiss you I guess?" He blushes and shrinks. "Is that okay?" It's probably ok? She doesn't seem to be minding. 


"It's okay. It's actively encouraged. Please continue kissing me when I make you happy. I'm very happy about it."


He grins. "Okay then," he says, and kisses her again. "Then I will," he adds, after a moment, to make it clear what he's doing, and kisses her some more. 


...too cute... too good... too kissable........ what do they do.............. infinite kiss loop......................


She's so happy!! And that makes him happy! He kisses her some more, since, well, that's what he said he was gonna do!


After a couple of minutes of this, though, he says. "I should probably go home?" Kiss. "But I really like kissing you?" Kiss. "But I do need to do homework." Kiss. "And I'll see you on Wednesday?" Kiss. "For homework and um, anatomy practice?" He blushes at that last bit, and kisses her again. 


"I really like kissing you too," she confides, wiggling. "Go. Be free. See you Wednesday. —I can take you to the edge of the forest again if you need."


"I would like that," he says, giving her one more kiss and then forcing himself off of her to a sitting position on the bed. And then not immediately going back to kissing her. "I like being around you and also I am still maybe a little bit scared of the woods. But only a little bit." 


She pats his arm. "They'll get to know you."

And on that only mildly ominous note, out they go?


Out they go! There may be a kiss or two (or three) along the way, but there's forward progress between each one and it's probably fine? Soon they are ready with bike and skates to head off. 


Objectively speaking this does not bode well for their ability to do homework around each other, but consider: kisses.

Anyway, she gives him one more kiss and sets off down the road.


And off he goes together with her! Slightly regretful that there (probably) won't be any more kisses. Until Wednesday. 

He bikes to the side of her (he knows the way at least a little bit by now) while they bike down the road. 


She's just so full of love for him. And happy memories of his penis. How do people learn how to handle being in love? It's too good.

Luckily she could probably skate this route in her sleep and does not need to be particularly focused in order to get him safely to the forest's edge.


And meanwhile he's trying to think of the best ways to be able to kiss her more. And occasionally thinking about what they're going to do this weekend. He's very excited about their weekend plans. 

When they reach the edge of the forest, he stops, and dismounts. "I guess this is where we part ways," he says. "One more kiss? For good luck?" 


She bounces adorably and kisses him. There may be a little bit of face-grabbing, just out of general enthusiasm. Listen she's very enthusiastic about kissing him.


He has to keep one hand on his bike to keep it from falling over, so he can't do as much with his hands. He's still not entirely sure how he feels about the face grabbing coming from her, but given that it's showing just how enthusiastic she is he chooses to enjoy her eagerness instead of being hung up on something unimportant like that. And so he kisses her back, and enjoys it. And wishes there could be more. (He has homework to do though. Why does he have homework to do. Why can't he just be kissing (and other thingsing) Rosy for hours.) 



Much as she might like him to drag her back to her bedroom—or perhaps just off the road into the woods—and other-things her for hours on end, she does in fact, very reluctantly, let go. After a minute. Or two or three.

"Love you," she murmurs, her lips lingering on his cheek.


"I..." (He has no idea what to say he has no idea what to say aaaaaaaaaaahhhh.)

"I, I," Fuck shit just go it'll be fine it's been fine the past however many times she knows you're not there yet probably but also he's supposed to "I'll see you Wednesday!" he says, brightly, and starts to extricate himself from her (looking at her face to make sure she's ok right now though it might be hard to to tell in the dim light). 


...she sneaks a quick hug, because he seems like he needs one, but then lets him go.


He hugs her back, still smiling (nothing seems to be wrong as far as he can tell?) and then gets on his bike (one foot on the ground) and waves goodbye. And then rides away before he does anything else stupid. She doesn't seem to have noticed or been worried or anything so it's fine but also he should figure out how to say that he loves her back before this gets too far. 

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