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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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And indeed, somewhat later than the usual forty-minute schedule, the followup appears!

I love you so much.

Not going to be up to my usual standards of polish and style; still a little shaky from how hard I came.

I want to be yours, I want to be yours, I want to be yours and kneeling naked at your feet waiting for you to use me.

Took my phone into bed so I could keep rereading your email. Very hot to be told what to fantasize about. Very hot to have it there to look at and remind myself of what you want from me. The fantasy itself, also very hot.

Took off my clothes and thought about taking off my clothes for you so I could kneel naked under your desk. Ran my hands over my breasts and thought about the way you touch them and tried to do what you might do to me if I was stripping for you like that. Very hot and good. Maybe went a little overboard, but then again maybe not. Experimentation needed to verify conjectured groping levels?

Thought about crawling under your desk naked and eager; hands started moving from chest to crotch. Thought about you squeezing or slapping my butt on the way in. Thought about saying "thank you sir" when you do. Very hot. Whimpered a lot.

Thought about sitting there quietly, minute after minute, staring at your crotch. Wondered whether you might order me to play with myself while I wait, or order me not to. Couldn't decide which was hotter. Ended up settling on imagining you telling me to keep my hands on my breasts, so I moved them there. Thought about waiting and waiting and waiting and seeing you occasionally touch yourself a little and not knowing what you're looking at or thinking about, whether it's porn or our messages or me or just a passing thought or nothing at all. Thought about watching you touch yourself more and more, and playing with my breasts harder and harder (and I did), and hoping and hoping and not being able to do anything but hope. Squirmed a lot. Thought about having to stay still and quiet on my knees for you. Hot. Wanted my hands back but I was still keeping them on my breasts on your imaginary orders. Thought again about getting those orders, and saying "yes sir, thank you sir" and groping my own breasts for you. Groped my own breasts for you some more. Enjoyed it.

Finally thought about the moment when you tell me to suck and I get to unzip your pants and make myself gag on you. Remembered you making me give you a long slow lick to show you how much I wanted it, and imagined doing that first, if you wanted me to, to show you I'm a good desk toy who's here to serve your pleasure and not just pounce on your dick the moment you say the word. Allowed to have hands again. Hands immediately dive for crotch. Glance at phone again, see "enjoy your orgasm in my honor!", remember I'm doing this for you, dedicated to you, on your orders. Thinking about tears running down my face while I force your cock down my throat. Thinking about being your naked kneeling desk toy ready and eager to serve. Thinking about how much I want to be yours. Orgasmed catastrophically. (That's a good thing.)

Sorry I'm late sending this. Took time to do and time to write. Forty-minute schedule was informal anyway and no one cares but me. Love you so much.

Your slave-in-waiting ๐ŸŒน

Well that was.

That was exceptional. 

Her being turned on by what he told her to do and having it available to read: hot. Her taking her clothes off (also he wants to see and touch them for real now not just through clothes) and imagining doing so and waiting under desk: also hot. Her touching herself the way he might touch her (and he does in fact intend to verify): still hot. Her thinking about touching herself under desk at his order while he does other things: extra hot. (Also, her imagining watching him touch himself makes him wonder if porn really would be ok?) Her not having control of her hands but wanting to: mega hot. (His hand got inside his pants somehow, not sure when that happened.) Her only touching herself in real life when she's allowed to have hands in the fantasy: ultra hot. (And fuck is he hard.) Everything she thought about before her catastrophic (good) orgasm: super mega ultra hot. 

He takes the phone into the bathroom with him, and reads her message a couple times. And then cleans himself up, and heads back into his room to write a response. 

He dithers for a long, long while on how to start the message. He deletes the line several times (it's sourced from porn, what if it's bad) and changes it around to "slut" and "girl" and back, and in the end leaves it as originally constructed. 

Good slave-in-waiting. 

He leaves that hot bit on its own line (imagining her reactions), and continues. 

I read that several times, and enjoyed it quite a bit. 

He can't quite bring himself to tell her what he was doing while he read it, even to obliquely hint at it by mentioning the bathroom. That's ok though. 

I am now very very much looking forward to Wednesday. I want to try all of this out (and give you a good baseline for breast groping). To that end, I'm going to get as much homework done now as possible. Even if that might be difficult when I'm thinking about tomorrow, and you. If there's anything left you can get done in advance of tomorrow, you too should do it now so we aren't delayed at all. 

(Giving orders keeps working so well, there shouldn't be any problems with this one, right?)

So I'm going to get to work, if I can. Thanks for all of this, and looking forward to tomorrow! 

He sends it. And goes back to work. It's going to be a long night. 


In keeping with the implication that he intends to be very busy and hardworking for the rest of the night, she doesn't email him again until 6am the next morning, when she says:

I did an intensive homework binge and then afterward as I was falling asleep I got myself off again to "good slave-in-waiting", just reading the words over and over and imagining you saying it in the voice and remembering what I wrote and thinking about you enjoying it. Thank you sir ๐Ÿ’– I'm so glad to be good for you ๐Ÿ’–

Looking forward to tonight. I do still want to try doing some homework to see if we can manage it, but I also hope we will have plenty of time for other things ๐Ÿ’–

John is a little bit concerned about the fact that she did an intensive homework binge after being told (ordered) to do so. (He's also very turned on by it.) He should be careful to use this power for good and not ill. (Luckily, making your slave-in-waiting do homework clearly falls under good.) And he bets that Rosy is going to use her best judgement anyways -- even once she belongs to him if he lets her. Which he's planning to do! (Most of the time.)

I'm glad you got so much done last night! I did too. Well done. 

Better to not set her off again with a different line. (Even if he wants to.) They both have school soon. (Even if it's really hot thinking of her masturbating to the line again.) (He's totally going to use it a lot though.) 

I expect we'll both still have homework to do tonight, even if it's hopefully not that much, and I want to see how it goes too. And then we can have an anatomy lesson and desk toy fun and whatever else we come up with to do. See you this afternoon! 


She valiantly refrains from messaging him all day, and is waiting at his locker bouncing excitedly when he gets there after his last class.

She's so very adorable. He grins sheepishly and waves and heads in her direction. He wants to kiss her. (He wants to go overboard kissing her.) Does it look like she wants to be kissed right now, even though there's a bunch of students milling about? (Does he want to? They didn't do it last time, and he never did ask about why. Or check if he's ok with it.) 


She is practically vibrating off this plane of reality with desire to be kissed, yes.


Is he up for kissing a cute girl in public? This specific cute girl, even? (Are there any concerns about him doing so of the pyrokinetic variety? Fuck, there's a concerning thought.) What will people think or say? (The cat may be out of the bag already, people are already giving them looks like they know.) What about hand holding, how about he starts there and see where that goes? "Hey there," he says, unable to hold back a stupid grin. (People must be sure, he can practically feel them looking at them. Though that's probably just social anxiety?) He offers her a hand. "Shall we get going? To your place?" He grins wider. Fuck he wants to kiss her. 


Happy bouncy handsqueeze!

"Let's!" she says, and pecks him on the cheek.


Her excitement is infectious. He still wants to kiss her, but he can almost certainly wait. It's probably safer to wait. He squeezes her hand back, and leads her through the hallway to the outside, holding back a desire to skip. (And also a desire to make out with her in the middle of the hallway.)


Once they're at his bike, she sits down to put her skates on, and then they can zoom off together toward her house! ๐Ÿ’–


Before they do, though, watching her and thinking about later and seeing her be cute and wanting her and everything is just... he has to kiss her. And so when she stands he grabs her and pulls her close and holds her by the back of her head and kisses her. (Making sure to hold her steady, she is in skates.)


She wraps her arms around him and holds him tightly and kisses back like he's the only thing in the world that matters.


She's so cute (and hot) and she keeps wanting him and it feels so good (and hot). He leans into the kiss and enjoys it. (And gets a little turned on.) (Okay more than a little.) 

Eventually he does stop kissing her though. Some people have probably noticed. (Shit. It's probably fine? It's probably fine. It was only 30 seconds or so. A minute at most. Probably.) "Time enough for more of that later," he says, doing his best not to look at the bulge at his crotch (why did he do that seconds before riding his bike?). "We should go?" 


"...yeah. Yeah. Let'sโ€”yeah."

She spends another few seconds hugging him, catching her breath and reminding herself that they're in public and she's in rollerskates and she cannot just tackle him to the floor and have her way with him. Oh boy, trying to do homework like this is going to be interesting.

"Okay." She lets go. "C'mon."


He holds her close as she catches her breath, a little worried about the fact she has to but still really happy about the kiss and about her. (Plus it gives his body time to calm down a little.)

"Lead the way," he says, gesturing. "You know it best." He's still grinning. (And still turned on.)


She does a happy little twirl and then skates off.


Cute. Adorable. (Going to be his.) He follows, occasionally biking a little bit ahead of her because he is so excited before falling back. 


Well in that case she'll just have to skate faster to keep up!


He can definitely go faster than her, he's on a bike, he shouldn't turn this into a race. But he can turn up the pace a little bit as long as she doesn't get too winded.  (Homework, and then fun, and he wants to get to the fun so very badly. The faster the homework starts the faster it gets done.) He may still be ending up ahead of her sometimes. 


Rosy can definitely get up to a decent speed when she puts the effort in, but if they made this a race she'd still lose. She is very responsible about her pace-setting and doesn't try to seriously race him, just gets them to her house as fast as she sustainably can.


Sitting on the front step to change out her skates for shoes, she announces, "I'm gonna need a shower when we get inside."


So much for her not getting winded. Fuck. And by trying to make things go faster, he has instead made them go slower. "Shit, sorry," he says, apologetic. "I can get started on my homework while you do if you show me where the setup is?" Hopefully it won't take too long. 


"Why are you apologizing?" She stands up again and pecks him on the cheek, then opens the door and heads for her bedroom.


He follows her. "Because you have to take a shower first and can't start on homework until after that? And because I made you skate so hard that that happened?" And because that means other fun things may be delayed? he fails to say out loud. 


"...I'll only be a few minutes, it's really not that big of a deal."

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