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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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She pulls her mouth away slowly, and then can't resist darting back in to give him a little kiss.

"Thank you, sir," she says with deep sincerity.


Adorable. He grins despite himself. "You're welcome, toy," he says, his voice almost entirely normal. "That feels really good when you do that, by the way,"  now completely normal. He breathes. That feels better for some reason. "Sorry about the um, bit in the middle there." 


" Don't be sorry? It's okay?"


She doesn't seem to mind at all, which is weird, but he supposes that's ok too. "Oh, okay," he says. He's feeling even better again for some reason. "I'm glad, I just got, um, stuck there, for a bit. But it seems like you had a good time?" 


"I had a very good time!" She hugs his leg. "...may I put my robe back on and snuggle you?"


He's not sure why the robe part, but the snuggles don't sound bad, honestly. (Rosy snuggles are very good, past experience has shown.) "Of course!" he says. "Snuggles sound good." As do snuggles in the fuzzy robe, now that he thinks about it. Maybe that's why she wants it? 


Tragically his penis is probably not in a position to appreciate the naked girl crawling across the floor to get her robe. She stands up when she has it, and wraps it around herself without caring much about the belt, and swoops down upon John to apply Fuzzy Snugs.

"We could go to my bed if you want. Or we could stay here! Either way."


His penis isn't, but he sure is. Crawling was hot when he read about it in porn. Turns out: also hot in real life. Fuzzy snugs! Fuzzy snugs impeded by being in a chair. 

He doesn't want to leave the room, because he wants to do the desk toy things properly, but... if they can leave the room they can always come back. And probably they won't get carried away while there, right? (He seems to get carried away too much. He should be better about that.) And the bed sounds really cozy. "Bed sounds like a good plan," he says, standing, still snuggling her. "Let's do it." 


She kisses his cheek and bounces and ties her fuzzy belt and grabs her backpack to take it back to her room.


He hadn't thought of that, but he might as well too. He grabs his and follows her. 


Distracted by thoughts of Fuzzy Snugs, she fumbles the doorknob the first time she tries it, then flicks open the lock and succeeds the second time. To bed! To coze!


To snuggles! He closes the door behind him (not sure if that's the right thing to do but it seems a reasonable thing to do) and follows behind her through the halls and to her bedroom, with its cozy bed and cozier Rosy. 


She drops her backpack by her bedroom door, closes the door behind both of them, then kerflomps into bed and holds out her arms for John.


Cute! He grins, and lands in her arms, and breathes out whatever remnant of weird tension he's been feeling. She loves him. (He's still not entirely sure what to do about that but that's not remotely relevant at the moment.) She loves him and he can feel just how much in how she snuggles him. It feels good to be snuggled and loved like this. 


She is fuzzy and warm and full of affection. She nestles her head on his shoulder and makes a soft happy sound.


Cozy! (She's very very cozy.) He wraps his arms around her and nuzzles her face and squeezes her close and basks in the warmth of her love and care and the way she feels about him. "Technically I don't really have much to compare to," he says, "but from what I can tell your snuggles are extremely good." 


"I'm glad! Your snuggles are also extremely good." Nuzzle. "I want to call myself a snuggle expert to lend weight to my assessment but that would be a lie. I'm an aspiring snuggle expert."


He laughs. "Is there a certification for that? How does one become a snuggle expert." He squeezes her softly. 


"Maybe I will pioneer the field. Invent my own snuggle certification and then award it to myself. Is that nepotism? I feel like it's some form of corruption."


"I'm not sure that's nepotism? Are you your own family member?" That's the definition of nepotism, right? "It's definitely some form of corruption though, though I couldn't tell you what." 


She nuzzles him again. "Perhaps best not to find out."


"Sure, sure," he snuggles closer. "Possibly you should found and create a snuggle council of some kind? Which can then approve you on your merits. Somehow." He tries to think. "I'm not sure there's a way to make this work without it feeling like corruption somewhere." 


"Maybe I will have to remain uncertified. A daring rogue snuggler."


"A dashing rouge, seducing all the ladies," wait no "or, gentlemen, rather, with the promise of a night wrapped up in your snuggly arms, only to leave them for the next adventure?" That actually doesn't sound like her at all. "Okay, maybe not, sorry. On the run from the snuggle authorities, perhaps?" 


"They're out to get me for practicing without a license!" she says, giggling and hugging him.

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