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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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Cozy and soft and snuggly. And, worry? Worry that this is all going to disappear? It's a silly worry (especially with the vassal ritual coming up soon, she's going to belong to him, in theory he doesn't have to let go), but he has it anyways. What if he snuggles her instead of worrying and tries to enjoy her love instead.  


Then she will be very snuggle and cozy and love him very much, that's what.


Well, he'll just have to enjoy that then. And think about the fact that she loves him so much. And how good that is and how he still feels like he doesn't deserve it. And other related feelings. It's very cozy and good to be loved though. He doesn't want to lose it. 


Cozy Rosy is so glad to love him. ❤️


And he is glad to be so loved! More or less. 

Eventually, though after far too much ruminating, and some waiting, he'll ask, "so how about what's in that drawer?" He is very curious. 


She blushes happily and kisses him on the cheek.

"Well, come see," she says, scooting to the edge of the bed to open the bottom drawer of the nightstand.

Inside, there are several neat little trays organizing the contents. The biggest one holds empty bottles that look like they probably used to hold a variety of cosmetics, all with the labels removed, all with... shall we say, a certain size profile. The next one down holds clothespins in a whole rainbow of colours, pastel reds and oranges and yellows and greens and blues and purples, arranged tidily in order by hue. Then there's a little square tray of rubber bands, and another tray with an unopened box of condoms and a hairbrush.


The size profile is very suggestive! He looks at them and smirks. 

He can also guess what the clothespins (in colors, of course, why should he have expected anything else) are used for, he's seen that in porn. There are a lot of them. Does she use all of them? Does she look like a pretty, kinky rainbow? (Can he have pictures of the pretty kinky rainbow? He wants pictures.)

The rubber bands he's less certain of. "What do you use those for?" he asks, pointing. 


Blushing, she takes a rubber band out of the drawer and demonstrates holding it against her leg with two fingers of one hand and pulling it up and snapping it with the other.


...well ok then, that's, hot. "Okay, I like that," he says. "Hm, how much does that hurt? Can I try?" He holds out a hand. 


She hands it over.


He spends a moment fumbling trying to do it on his arm before realizing he's going to need both hands, then sighs and positions himself so he can pull up a pants leg. He starts small (not too bad) adds more and more stretch (a little painful but quite tolerable) over a few iterations until... 

"Ow!" He rubs the spot on his leg. "That stings, huh. Ow." He rubs it again and hands it back. "Okay, good to know." He has some idea of what she's doing to herself now. Which is useful if he's going to tell her to do that to herself. (Which he totally is.)


She grins at him. Blushily. And puts the rubber band away.


He has further questions though. "Do you um. Do you use all of those clothespins? All over?" He's seen porn where they're all over the body (and then also all torn off at once with a piece of twine running through them, which is hot), but he's not sure if that's what she's doing (he doesn't see any twine, or string for that matter) or if it's something else. 


"Well, I haven't yet." Blush. "Why, would you like me to?"


"Maybe? I don't want you to do things you're not comfortable doing." Mostly true. Essentially true. "What, um, have you done with them, then?" There's more than she'd need for just her nipples, which he assumes (especially after recent experiences) would be the first place she'd put them. 


Blush blush shy wiggle. " you want me to show you?"


"...maybe?" Yes. Yes he does. "I, if you wouldn't mind?" 


Blushing and ducking her head shyly, she pulls two blue clothespins out of the drawer and attaches them to her nipples, then takes a purple one and pinches it on the upper curve of a breast.


He grins appreciatively and watches. So far more or less what he expected (also he wonders what would happen if he were to play with the blue ones a little, how she would react), but he wants to see what else she's going to do. 


"I mostly stick to variations on this theme," she says, gesturing at her breasts. "I've tried other things but it's harder to get them to stay in places where I'm less squishy, and, um," blush, "I like them best here."


"I like them there too," he says, admittedly slightly surprised she hasn't added more. "I've seen, um, things where they put them other places, but I do very much like them there." They must be doing something to get them to stay on arms and legs and stomach and things in the things he's watched. Possibly it depends on the person? Or something? "How, um, how many have you um..." he gestures at her breasts in a circling motion and trails off. 


Blush. "I did a whole rainbow all the way around once—" She demonstrates, one of each colour in a circle on her breast, starting from the purple at the top. She's getting more than a little squirmy by the time she gets the red one on there. "But, um, I didn't manage to mirror it on the other side." Lipbite. Blush. Squirm. "You could tell me to, if you want."


He wants her to. He's not sure how he feels about telling her to do things right this second, but watching her do that and the way her breast is now in that... shape and the way she's naked and squirming and wanting it more is very much having an effect. (Just watching her put it on had an effect.) "Why didn't you manage it last time?" he asks, giving himself a moment to get in the right mindset. (Getting into the right mindset is not particularly difficult at the moment.) "What was the problem?" 


"It was kind of intense and I got distracted. And then once I got off I didn't want to be doing it anymore. But, well." Blush lipbite head-duck. "I like doing intense things. And... I want to do intense things for you."


Yup, he's turned on now. He likes that she wants to do intense things for him. (Also he wants her to. And she's halfway there already.) "Then, go ahead and do it," he tells her, channeling his confident mindset some. "But um," in his normal voice, "let me know if it's too much?"

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