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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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She is so good. So good. He feels... really good about her, he's not sure how else to describe it. He's turned on, but that's not what he's feeling. He just really... appreciates how much she wants to be doing this, how devoted she is, how good she is. (And he is also, definitely, turned on.) "You are," he tells her as he lets go of the clothespins. "You very, very much are. How... how are you doing?" She is still okay, right? He's pretty sure she is. But it's important to be sure. 


"Good," she sighs, her voice soft and fluttering. "Little loopy. Very turned on. Love you."


He's still a little thrown by the line, but he has something to say in response, right? (What was it again?) "I'm... I'm glad," he says. (There, that was it, right?) "Do you want me to hurt you more?" Or wait, possibly he shouldn't have used the word 'hurt' (it's fine). "Is that still okay?" 


"Mhm." She opens her eyes to look up at him reverently again. "Please, sir, play with me."


It's still really hot when she begs. (Really, really hot.) He decides to try a different pair of clothespins now, the orange ones, on the outside of her breasts. He reaches out and grabs them, and gives them a tentative and careful twist.


"Thank you sir," she whimpers, straining to stay in place for him.


He twists them a little more. "How does this compare to the ones on your nipples?" he asks, voice normal and full of curiosity. He's definitely turned on by doing this, but also wants to understand what's going on.  


"—mm—doesn't hurt as much? Doesn't feel as good?"


Hm. That makes an amount of sense, possibly? Nipples are extra sensitive? "How about now?" he asks, giving them a harder twist. 


"—thankyousir—still different, but more comparable?"


"Different how?"


"Hmm—like—there's, less sensation at the surface, I think, and comparatively more deeper under the skin? And, on my nipples, there's more of both but especially much more on the surface?"


Huh. He doesn't really have the same fortitude Rosy does here (or the proper equipment) but he wishes he could try and see what it's like, just to properly understand what he's doing to her. But for right now... right now she is clearly having sensations but still not as much as with the nipples. He tries giving the clothespins another quarter turn. 


The one on her left pops off—the other one nearly so—and Rosy gasps and jumps a little, though in the very next second she's smiling about it.


"Fuck, shit I'm sorry!" he says, holding the removed clothespin in one hand and immediately letting go of the other (too fast!) in surprise. "Sorry, I didn't realize that would happen. I..." she's smiling. He doesn't need to ask if she's ok, she seems to be? He's going to ask anyways, to be sure. "Are you ok? You seem ok but like. I didn't mean for that to happen." 


The other one swings around and slips off by itself. Rosy is still smiling. "Mhm, I'm okay. Are you okay?" Her shoulders shift like she's thinking of releasing her hands, though she doesn't. "Do you need a hug?"


He looks down at everything on her breasts, and grins despite himself. "I'm not sure a hug would work very well at the moment," he tells her. "I think I'm ok, I'll just be more careful next time." 


"I could hug you if you needed me to! I'm resourceful!" ...she wiggles slightly, smiling. "Do you want... to experiment with the rest? To get a better sense for when they come off?"


"I... is it ok when they come off? I... um," he blushes. "I may have um, heard somewhere that they hurt when they come off." (Porn it's porn he's seen it in porn.) 


"Mhm! They hurt," she agrees, cheerfully. "It's okay though? I want you to." She does a sort of adorable little wiggle-shrug of shyness. "I like when you hurt me."


(How did he get this lucky?? He feels so incredibly lucky. And glad.) 

"That's good," he says, some of the controlling voice leaking back in at the prospect of hurting her more. "I like hurting you too." The inside ones this time, he decides, going for the green ones. He reaches out and twists them carefully, paying closer attention to how they feel, to see if he can detect when they start to slip. 


There's definitely a difference in how it feels to hold and move them as they strain and strain and start to slip. Rosy is getting all wide-eyed again, and trying very hard to hold still and be good for him, and mostly succeeding though she may be squirming just a teeny bit.


The squirming is making it slightly more difficult to judge things, but only slightly. He can feel the green ones start to slip, and relaxes them a little so that they stop slipping. Unfortunately, it turns out that that leaves them less well attached, and when he twists them again they come off almost immediately. "How was that?" he asks, holding one clothespin in each hand. 


Well she definitely felt it. She's shivering pleasantly. "...good. Hurts."


He grins at her. "Good." Red ones now maybe? Red ones now yes. Let's see if he can find where they start to slip before they slip too much. Now that he knows what to look for from last time. He twists slowly and carefully, feeling for the signs. 

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