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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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He joins her in bed and snuggles up next to her, putting his arms around her. Snuggle time! 


Cozy! 💖


Very cozy. And hopefully helping her be a little bit less loopy, as she put it? 



Well, after a few minutes of snuggling, she says shyly, "...I had a really good time. Especially—well, especially a lot of things. Most especially when you were, um, hurting me, a lot, though. Also, um," blush, "when I got to serve your pleasure."


"Really liked hurting you," he tells her. "I really like the way you react when I do that. And, I also like the way you um, serve my pleasure." Hopefully the little tinge of regret in his voice is probably not noticeable? It's probably not noticeable. "I um, really like the way you put that. It was hot." He bushes and hides his face in her shoulder. 


"I'm glad. was... I felt like you owned me, a little. I felt like... the most important thing was to serve you however you wanted. I really liked that."


If only his wants and desires were simple, if only they weren't so complicated and he could actually have her serve whatever he wanted... 

"I really liked it too," he says. Regardless of his own messed up feelings on the matter, her feeling that way, her wanting to do that, is really hot. "I... I find that really really hot. I... I like the idea of you finding it most important to serve me, um, however I want. Normally you um, need mind control to get that.


"Well, you're going to get to use mind control for it too," she says, happily.


He blushes. "How much, um, is what we're going to do, um, going to affect your mind?" Is he asking out of concern for her, or because he wants it to? He isn't sure. (It could always be both?) 


"Well... I guess that's open to interpretation. It'll make it so I can't betray you and can't—hmm—delude myself about what you want? Not that it lets me read your mind, it just—doesn't let me be satisfied with an answer I could've known was questionable if I thought about it. Apparently it took a lot of work to get that part in, but it's obviously worth its weight in gold. Um, it also makes me naturally pay more attention to you, and I think have an easier time hearing you clearly? And general things like that. You're always my top priority. If you give me an order and mean it, I can't disobey. But, you know, besides all that I'm still me, just a me who's yours. And... all of that is things I want. All of it is things that I feel like would come naturally to me."


"So no genie wish problems," he says. "And you have to pay attention to me, almost like, um, in the story we both read?" His voice ends in a squeak. He blushes. "But it mostly doesn't change your mind." He's not.... disappointed? He's essentially not disappointed. He doesn't want Rosy to be a different person. Mostly. "They do seem like they would come naturally to you," he says, and then blushes again. "At least, um, in my experience. So far. With you." 


"I like paying attention to you," she confides, grinning.


"I like it too," he says, remembering how she stares up and him, and blushes. "I like it a lot. I um, like, um how you pay attention to me, too." 


Happy blushy wiggle.

"...I, um, I don't know how much of this was obvious from outside my head, but... when you were hurting me... there's the kind of hurting that feels good, just by itself, I like feeling it, and then there's the kind that... it's a lot, it's kind of too much, but I like it being that way, I like... that you're making me feel intense and extreme things. I, um, especially like... when you were just... playing with my breasts, hurting them, as much as you wanted, however you wanted... it hurt, a lot, more—more than I would've wanted it to, except—it felt so, so good to be in your power like that, to be—used and enjoyed and played with like that, to be... hurting because you wanted to hurt me, hurting for you. I really really liked it."


John literally just came a few minutes ago, is he really getting turned on again already? (Only a little bit, but still.) "That's, um, fuck. That's um. I like that you like that. It's hot how you like, um, taking intense things for me because I want to do them. To hurt because I want you to hurt. It's um. Fuck. That's really hot, I like that." (Okay, more than a little.) "I, I want to do more of that, hurt you because I want to, and have you um, enjoy it. Fuck."


Happier blushier wigglier wiggle! "Yes please."


Does he want to do more right now? He does not want to do more right now. (He wants to a little bit.) "I'm, um, looking forward to it then." He really, really is. "You're really good to me, you know. I just..." He still feels like he doesn't deserve this. "You're really good." 


She kisses his nose. "You're really good. You're good to be good to. I love you and I want to be yours forever."


"I'm really glad." He's really glad? He's really glad. He still feels like all of this is going to disappear, or go wrong, or something. He doesn't know what he's done to deserve all this. He almost feels like he shouldn't have this. But he does. "I, well, I look forward to you being mine." He squeezes her tightly like he doesn't want her to disappear. 


Warm cozy squeezes!

"...trying to think if there's anything else I should tell you about... I suppose I had a, I can't defensibly call it a thought, I wasn't much for coherent thoughts at the time, but at some point while I was holding my hands behind my back for you and you were doing things to me, it occurred to me that it would be really really hot to do anatomy lessons that way—I mean, if you ordered me to, show you, whatever you wanted to see, and ordered me to hold still for you while you touched me however you want?" She blushes and hides her face in his shoulder.


Right! Anatomy lessons! Shit, he really should do those. That's still five to none (not that he's keeping track) unless he counts the ones she's um, had in his honor (still hot) but those don't feel like they should count. That's not how it's supposed to work in an equitable fashion, right. 

And even ignoring the fact that this is something he really should be doing, the way she described it, is, um, hot. Very hot. "I think I might like that," he tells her. He's never actually really seen a um, vagina (such a weird word to use when talking about sex, for some reason. Pussy? Pussy works ok maybe? Still derogatory) before. (Not in real life anyways.) Technically she's been naked, but there's been hair in the way. (Unlike in porn, where there, well, isn't.) And his attention might have been on other things (it's her breasts, that's what his attention was on). "How... how would you like to go about it? What should I do?" 


"Um, well, my originally concept was basically just—okay, my original original concept was in fact just 'we are dating and you will probably see me naked someday' with a side of 'you could order me to show you my genitals and I'd do it and it would be fun'. But then—you were talking about wanting to get me off to make things more equitable, and—the thing is, I don't want... to have an interaction with that kind of pressure on it? I don't want you to touch that part of me for the first time with the goal already set in your mind that you're going to repay your debt right then and there, that's—scary and not in the good way. So, I wanted to do 'anatomy lessons' instead, just let you... explore the territory, so to speak, without any expectations or goals besides just seeing what it's like there. And, um. I think it would maybe work really well if. If you did it by ordering me around, and went into it with a mindset of—this is your slave-in-waiting and you get to do whatever you want with her and that includes make her show herself to you and hold still to be touched in whatever ways you want to touch her, and, and tell you how things feel, when you want to know how they feel. And you don't have any obligations or expectations at all because I'm yours and I'm there for you. Does that all make sense?"


It... partly makes sense. Maybe? He may have stopped paying attention past a certain point. (Or not stopped paying attention, but he may have had a question to ask and it put everything else out of his mind that she said after.) "You... don't want me to get you off?" But he should he's supposed to


"I would like you to eventually someday get me off! I'm all in favour! I would like the first time you ever touch me in my orgasm parts to be separated by, like, at least several hours, from the first time you seriously try to get me off."


"...okay but if there are several hours between then it probably won't happen until like... tomorrow?" Or wait does he need to do more homework tomorrow? (He can do homework here...) "Or something like that?" What time is it anyways. "And then... I like. Won't." Gah. "I guess if that's what you want? But like." It's supposed to be fair and she doesn't seem to mind (doesn't even want him to go in with the goal in mind) but he... he should do something to make up for all the good things she's done for him? Or else it isn't fair. "It feels weird I guess." He's not sure how else to explain it. 

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