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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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The signs are there! She's doing better at not squirming this time. Also biting her lip in an anticipatory fashion.


It's very cute when she does that. So far nothing has slipped, but he thinks they're about to. The only way to find out is to check! He twists just a little bit harder, to see if they do come off. 


They do and Rosy gasps and shivers about it.


"I think I might have it figured out," he says. "But I should try it a few more times to be sure, I think." He almost makes it a question, but she's clearly so turned on by it that he can stay confident. Okay, what if he does yellow next? He tries carefully twisting those, feeling for the telltale signs, and watching her face this time, to see how she reacts as well. 


She is trying so hard not to squirm and doing such a good job.


She is doing such a good job! John doesn't know that she's trying so hard not to (well, he can see her holding so still and effort on her face, so he knows a little but he's not really conscious of it) but he appreciates how still she's keeping for him, as he experiments. (And enjoys himself.) Twisting gently, and letting go, yup, still there. Twisting a little bit more, and it starts to slip, and it loosens, even when he lets go. He might be getting the hang of this! He twists these two all the way off, watching her reactions. 


When they come off, her body definitely does something that could be described as a flinch, but she gasps and bites her lip and looks up at him with those reverent eyes in a way that suggests a more... complicated... response.


Yeah, she's having responses. She wants him and she's turned on. And he's really enjoying this. A lot. "Having a good time there?" he says with a bit of a smirk, while reaching for the blue ones on the outside of her breasts. He's now very much wondering how the nipple ones will go, but he's going to save those for last. And he's in no hurry. (He's turned on, but it's not overwhelming like before. He's enjoying this.) 


"Yes sir," she says, half-smiling, shivering a little.


"Well good," he says, grinning back. Maybe a little faster this time, to see if he can catch the telltale sign of slipping sooner. Getting more experience is important here. Plus she's having very excellent reactions. (He likes making her have reactions. He likes it a lot.)


Going a little faster is a useful learning experience in that regard and also, as a bonus, makes Rosy bite her lip in anticipation!


He likes that. He likes that a lot. She's very cute. (And attractive, and turned on, and into him...) He noticed it slipping, but notices it too late, shrugs, and twists it the whole way off, enjoying her reactions. 


She flinches again, in that same way where she's clearly enjoying herself, and whimpers a little, and says "thank you sir" and means it.


(It's really hot how she calls him sir, and thanks him for doing this to her.)

One more to go, before the big finish. He might be a little bit impatient. But only a little. He twists it gently, but firmly, not stopping even when it starts to slip (okay maybe more than a little), until it starts to slip and he quickly twists it off the rest of the way on both sides with a satisfying snap. 


"Thank you sir," she gasps.


Yup, hot every single time. 

"One more," he says, resting his fingers on the final pair, on her nipples. "Are you ready?" 


Rapid emphatic nodding. "Yes sir," she says, nervous but eager. "Please."


He's always wanted (okay, complicated, fantasized about maybe?) doing things like this to unwilling people, and that desire isn't going anywhere (unfortunately), but doing it to willing people has a lot to recommend it, it turns out. The way she's reacting is incredible

How far will they go before they come off? He twists slowly, carefully, trying to detect the sensation of them about to slip. And watches her reactions, of course (they're hot!). How many twists around before they start to slip? How does she react as he does this? 


They're starting to slip just a little as he gets a bit past three-quarters, which is also the point at which, per last time, Rosy is trembling and thanking him over and over with tears in her wide, scared, reverent eyes. They won't be in serious danger of coming off until a ways after that, though, closer to a full turn, when she's holding her shaking body as still as she possibly can and the words have fallen away to be replaced by open-mouthed whimpering. If he goes slow and careful from there, he can probably make it to one and a quarter before they just can't hold on any longer.


Oh, he is going to savor this moment (her whimpers are so hot and he is so turned on and enjoying this a lot). He's going to turn them extra slow and careful until they get to the point where they can't hold on any more, pause for a moment, and then, with a little more firmness, twist them the rest of the way off. 


She makes a tiny high-pitched noise and shivers all over, and the tears spill from her eyes and trickle down her face, and although at first she flinches back, as she recovers her balance she sways farther forward and arches her back just a little bit more, like her body is silently, subconsciously begging for his touch.


Hot. So hot. He reaches out carefully when she arches towards him, fingers hovering over her (almost certainly extra sensitive) nipples and asks, "do you want me to?" He hopes she does. He wants to see what happens, and he wants to feel her react to his touch the way she's been reacting to the clothespins. 


"Mhm, mhm, yes sir, please," rapid shallow nodding.


Powerful. In control. That's what he feels like right now. Technically he's only doing what she agrees to, but it still feels really good having the power to make her feel all these things. And the fact that she is agreeing to it, putting herself in his hands, that makes him feel powerful too. (And being called sir only feeds that feeling even more.)

He reaches out and brushes a finger against one of the nipples, gauging her reaction before going further. 


Eager whimpering and leaning into his touch!

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