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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Yes sir," she says softly, leaning down (with a little shiver) to get another rainbow of clothespins out of the drawer.


John watches her, excited, turned on by her calling him sir and the way she shivers and what she's actually about to do for him. While he watches. (And this is just the beginning... fuck, he still can't believe it.) 



She mirrors the colours, making them turn the opposite way around the circle, with purple still at the top going down through blue and green along the inward side, yellow at the bottom, then orange and red coming back up the other way. By the end of it she's shivering quite a lot, biting her lip and looking longingly at him like she wants something and isn't quite sure what.


Meanwhile, from John's end, he's having a very good time watching as she puts them on, seeing her feel the intensity of what she's doing to herself (what he ordered her to do!), and enjoying that play across her face. (And getting turned on all the while.) "That's.... it looks really pretty," he says, when she's done. "And hot." (He wants to ask her for a picture but he has no idea if that's a good idea and it seems bad to find out now.) He can very much see the look on her face, too, though he's not sure what she wants either. "How does it feel for you? How are you doing?" Also can I touch them? he doesn't say. 


"It's good," she says, squirming a little. "Intense. Good. you want..." Another tiny squirm. "...I could just take them off, if you want to be done, or..." hopefully, "you could play with them? You could tell me what to do, to show them off to you, and you could play with them?"


He does want that. He still wants to be careful (he's not about to go grabbing a fistful of them no matter what some parts of him want) but he does very much want that. He scoots forward on the bed. "Put your hands behind your back," he tells her, still channeling some of the confidence but not all of it. (He's not sure he wants to go fully into it at the moment, and it seems to work ok part of the way? Possibly she's just very responsive to it.) "And um, arch your back to present your um, breasts forward so I can see them more easily." 


"Yes sir," she whimpers, obeying. "Thank you sir."

She puts her hands together behind her back and pushes her chest out for him, lifting and presenting her breasts, each one with a blue clothespin on the nipple and an encircling rainbow of six more clothespins around it.


Yup. Yup that's um. Fuck. He can see clearly each clothespin pulling the flesh up into them, pinching tightly, discoloring the area around them slightly. It looks painful, which makes it look hot. And even more hot... he reaches out with one hand and gently touches the purple one on the right hand side, to see how she reacts before going further, moving it up and down just a little. "How does that feel?" he asks, watching her face and body. 


"Hurts," she breathes. "Good. Thank you sir."


He grabs it in both fingers (careful not to pinch it open by accident) and gently moves it up and down and side to side. "How about that?" he asks. 


Tiny shivery whimper. "Good—thank you sir—"


He moves to the one on her nipple, gently moving it up and down. "And, and this?" She seems like she's enjoying everything but he doesn't want to hurt her. (Okay, he doesn't want to hurt her in the wrong way. Mostly. Basically. The parts that want to do that don't matter, the parts that want Rosy to enjoy this are the parts he's listening to.) 


"Thank you sir," she moans, wide-eyed. "Hurts. Good."


"How much hurt is still good," he asks. He starts to twist, gently. "Is this still good?" A little more. "Is this?" He's definitely getting more turned on now, and his voice is starting to shift of its own accord. Well, he's not about to complain about that. Another twist. "How about this?" It's nearly halfway twisted around, now. 


She nods eagerly the first time, and again the second, and when he asks her a third time she's swaying a little on her feet and moaning, and has to take a deep breath to clear her head so she can express appropriate nuance: "Hurts. Intense. Not good like pleasure but good like being yours. Thank you sir."


He wants to go even further (and Rosy will let him go further, almost certainly), but there can be time for that later? He doesn't want to mess things up again. So instead, he takes his other hand, and puts in on the other blue nipple clothespin, and twists it the same amount. "Still good?" he asks, his voice mostly normal. 


"Y-yes sir," she says, shaky but sincere. "Thank you sir."


Fuck. Looking at suffering (?) for him like that is really hot. He wants he wants he wants to do even more. He could. But he shouldn't. (Well, unless she asks him to. Which she could! She's done it before. But without that...) But even if he's too concerned to do that now... "If I wanted to do even more, twist even more," he asks, "would you let me? Would you, um, take it, for me?" 


She bites her lip and nods. "Yes sir. I'd," shiver, "be glad to. ...I should—may I—sit down first, or kneel? So I don't lose my balance if it's too much?"


Does he want to do it? She's scared she's going to fall over, is she also scared of the... pain? Intensity? Whatever it is she's feeling. He's not sure. But she's not terrified, and she said she'd be glad to... fuck it, he wants to try it. 

"Knee- actually wait," he says, realizing his hands are on the clothespins and kneeling might be difficult. "Hold on." He knows enough (from porn, again) that letting go all at once will hurt, so he returns them to their more natural configuration slowly, and gently lets go. "There. Now kneel." Is he really doing this? He can stop if he wants but he wants to do it. 


"Yes sir," she says, nervous and eager at the same time.

She kneels, carefully, shivering, keeping her hands behind her back and her chest pushed forward the whole time, and then pushes her chest forward and her shoulders back a little more once she's safely on her knees.


This is... one of the hottest things he's ever seen. And he's just going to keep seeing hot things, and doing them, and... fuck. She's going to belong to him and in theory he'll be able to do this without worrying and (that's not going to happen, he's going to be careful with it regardless of the power), and he just feels really powerful right now. (And turned on. Definitely turned on.) He carefully reaches down, takes both nipple clothespins, and starts twisting them, slowly, watching her face. He'll stop at three quarters of the way around, right? One full turn at most? He shouldn't go too much further than what he was doing before. (And he should be able to see if she's having a bad time.) 


She shivers, and whimpers, and at halfway around she starts whispering "thank you sir" and doesn't stop, and she does get wobbly enough that it was probably a good idea to kneel first, and she stares up at him in pain and awe and love and reverence, wanting to flinch from the intensity but wanting more than that to keep her breasts presented for him to play with, "thank you sir, thank you sir—"


He does manage to stop, somewhere between three quarters and a full turn, staring down into her eyes that are full of love for him. Love and so many other things. This is... intense, but it's intense and hot. He can feel her keeping herself there despite the pain, as she tenses her body to stay there, straining to keep the position she's in, and it's... incredible. It's hot and it's beautiful all at once. He's so glad he can do this with her, share this with her. He holds there for a few seconds, then says "Good slave-in-waiting," meaning it completely, and slowly starts to release the torque on her nipples. 


She closes her tear-filled eyes and whimpers and sways and trips over her tongue trying to thank him again, "th-thank—thank you sir—glad—glad to be good for you, sir—"

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