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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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What if she closes her eyes and rests her head on him and makes a soft little happy sound and gets a little dozy, what then.


Sweet! Cozy! 

Depending on how dozy she gets he may get a little bored eventually, but he's not about to bring that up. Instead he will continue snuggling her and taking joy in her love for him. 


As it transpires, she only wants the comfy dozes for about five minutes. After that, her mind starts wandering back to Recent Events, and she does a shy little wiggle and murmurs, blushing, "...I really liked being your desk toy. Even though we didn't quite make it the entire way to the desk. It was still really nice."


(He can wait five minutes. He only really starts getting bored towards the end anyways.) 

"I would like to make it to the desk next time," he says wistfully. (He had the whole scenario thought through and everything!) "But I'm glad it was nice. I had a nice time too!" A slightly complicated (and weird) one, but overall a nice time. It's really hot when she begs. And kneels. And also touching her breasts. Touching and hurting them, fuck. He wants to do that again.  Not... not right now, but at some point. 


"Even with the turmoil? I'm glad."


"The turmoil caused some issues," he admits, "but got cleared up more or less," he fibs. Kinda. It did get cleared up! More or less. "And there were some very nice times before and after." This is true. "Some very nice times. I um," he curls up and blushes. "I liked touching your breasts. A lot."


Blushy wiggle. "I liked it too. Very very much."


"I... look forward to doing it more in the future?" He does. He really does. "And um, hurting you more?"


Blush. Lipbite. Emphatic wiggling. "Me too."


It's hot how much she wants him. He's not quite in the mood for more sexy things just yet, but he can kiss her softly on whatever face surface is most easily accessible to him at the moment. Like a cheek! Cheeks are good. 


She wiggles happily and nuzzles his shoulder with the thusly blessèd cheek.


Cute! Cozy! She's so adorable. His life is just going to be full of adorable things now, isn't it. 


That's what it's like being around Rosy.

"...sometime—not necessarily now, we're cozy now—do you want to be introduced to the contents of the Innocuous Drawer?" She blushes. "So—so that—you can tell me what to do in more detail, next time I'm having an orgasm in your honour? If you want?"


He is intensely curious about the contents of the drawer. The idea that he could direct her to use these objects is an un-thought-of but extremely tangible side benefit. "I very much would like to see the contents of the Innocuous Drawer," he says, grinning. "I have been curious about it ever since you mentioned it." 


Happy wiggle. Cozy nuzzle. "Anytime you like, then!"


Is he curious about it now? He's curious about it now. (Possibly he can wait until after the snuggles though?) "I would very much like to see it," he says, "though there seems to be some important snuggling going on at the moment instead." He snuggles her by way of demonstration. 


"The snuggling is so important." She kisses his nose.


He makes a happy surprised squeak and kisses her nose back. So there! "Very important," he adds, nodding solemnly. 


Happiest coziest most snugglesome Rosy beaming adoration directly into his face!


Gosh. It's a lot but it feels very good. He buries his face into her (trying and failing to avoid the breasts but it's probably fine?) to avoid being too irradiated (it's very much a lot) and grins and makes a pleased noise. 


Her breasts are soft and warm and full of love for him, just like the rest of her, and it is perfectly okay to bury his face in them and be lovingly snuggled.


That's good because that seems to be what's happening now! He still feels self-conscious about where his face is, but Rosy doesn't seem to mind. 


What if she softly pets his hair some more, what then.


He is being very, intensely loved. For some reason it's a lot? He'll curl up some more and let his hair be petted. "You're very good to me," he manages, after a moment. 


"It's true, I am!" Cozy snuggles and soft hairpets.

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