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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Yes. It won't happen until tomorrow. Or even later than tomorrow! I think that's okay! And," blush, "later, when you've learned your way around my anatomy, I would not object to you deciding that you're going to clear your balance all in one go and holding me down and making me come until I sincerely beg you to stop. Just, um, as a hypothetical way for you to handle it feeling weird. In case it helps. But really, truly, I do not want you to rush into trying to give me orgasms. I want you to have a nice slow leisurely journey of exploration. And if I get you off six more times between now and then, that is fine by me. Actively preferred, almost. Please?"


"I... if that's what you really want, I guess." He does also like the idea of holding her down and making her cum until she begs him to stop. (He likes it a lot.) And... who knows, maybe as he's doing things with her, she'll, organically change her mind and decide that she actually does want to cum tonight. It could happen, he's, um, been making organic (and unwanted) genital decisions a lot lately himself. (And it might be even more likely if he, well, helps it along some.) "Okay. How exactly did you want this to work again?" He may have um, missed some explanation earlier. 


"Um." She blushes. "—it would be absurd of me to say 'but I've already used up the good words'—I think I said something along the lines of, I want you to approach this from a place of you getting to do whatever you want with my body because I'm your slave-in-waiting, and order me to show you whatever you want to see, and order me to tell you whatever you want to know, about how it feels when you touch me or anything like that, and order me to hold still for you while you touch me however you want, and—not be trying to get me off, not be going into this with the goal of getting me off, not hold yourself to any obligations or expectations, just—" She blushes harder. "Just play with your toy."


(But what if what he wants to do to her body is give her orgasms?) They can cross that bridge when they get to it. 

Before they cross that bridge, well, um, it sounds like there's a lot of fun before they get there. (A lot of fun.) "Play with my toy, huh?" he asks, confidence creeping into his voice. "I think I can do that. Did you want to start now?" (He almost put slut on the end of that and cut it off at the last second and now it's too late. He wishes he could be more confident, like the version of him in his head that isn't worried about any of this. The one who can just do that.)


Tiny shiver. "Yes please, sir."



Hmmm, how does he want to do this? Easiest way would be... he lets go of her and scoots away. "Lie on your back, then. Legs apart." (Also hot: giving her orders.) 


"Yes sir." It is indeed very hot when he gives her orders. And very hot to obey his orders and lie there open and waiting for him to look and touch however he might want.

(For lack of specific instruction she leaves her arms by her sides; her legs are loosely folded up, with her feet on the bed close to her hips and her knees raised, and she's trying to let her knees fall as far apart as possible without straining her hips. She feels like this is closer to the spirit of his instruction than if she'd just left her legs stretched out flat on the bed and moved them apart; this way, her hips tilt up a little, further exposing her crotch, where the spreading of her legs is also encouraging her labia to pull apart slightly.)


He had intended her to lie flat, not with her knees up in the air, but as he moves around to between her legs, he can see that it makes things a lot more easier for him to, well, see things. There's plenty of room for him to be between her legs, since her head is at one end and the bed is not small (she's rich, clearly). He pulls himself, resting on his knees, looking down over her, to her face and breasts, and her, well... vagina? He reaches out and gently touches one of the lip parts with a single finger. (He's definitely taken health class, and also has experienced porn. He doesn't remember what anything is called. Luckily, anatomy lesson!) "What am I touching?" he asks, running his finger around the edge of it. "How does it feel?" 


A pitfall of this situation, she discovers, is that now she has to talk about her genitals out loud with her words from her very own face. She wants to squirm in arousal and embarrassment and pull away and close up, but she's determined to be a good slave-in-waiting, so she just blushes and hugs herself and keeps her legs nice and open for him. (It's hot. It's really really hot to be doing that.)

"That's, that's my inner labia," she says, shivering. "It feels good. I'm really turned on from all the hot things we've been doing. I, I think normally a light touch like that wouldn't feel like much, nice but not that nice, but you're hot and this is hot and I'm turned on and it feels good."


That is a term he has definitely heard before and has completely forgotten. Whelp. Well, luckily he's learning again. 

He grins at her reactions (the holding herself is odd but not causing him any problems and he didn't explicitly tell her not to, so he's not going to say anything about it) and what she's saying, and moves his fingers from one inner labia lip to the other just because he's enjoying making her feel things, and then moves his finger to the part of her that seems like skin (well hair covered skin) to him, but by the naming scheme, "So this would be the outer labia then? Where does it become the labia and stop being skin? Is it the hair?" 


(He's definitely making her feel things. She makes a tiny happy noise when he strokes her.)

"You know," she says consideringly, distracted from her own embarrassment by questions of philosophy, "I'm not actually sure. I think that might be like asking when your elbow starts being your forearm, a bit? Like, there's clearly something that's within the definition of the part of the body you're talking about, and there's clearly something else that's not, but there's ambiguity in between? I guess I'd say that—at the top it stops being the labia around when they merge together, and at the sides it stops being the labia at the sort of crease between crotch and leg, and at the bottom... I'm not sure? I haven't made an in-depth study of the boundaries of my vulva." She giggles softly.


"I guess that makes sense," he says. "I suppose the boundaries of these things aren't really all that specific, necessarily." Also she said something about them merging together? At the top? He can kinda see that, maybe? There's a part where it comes together with the other one, at least? He puts a finger back on the lip of what is apparently called the inner labia, and traces gently upwards, trying to see if he can determine exactly what she's talking about. 


"Mhm!" she agrees, and then for some reason becomes very distracted.


John feels her react to... something? He's not sure what just happened. Good thing he can ask. "What just happened?" he asks.


"'re touching me really near but not quite on my clit," she says, as neutrally as she can manage.


"Really???" Well that's excellent. "And how does it feel?" he asks with a smirk. He moves his finger around a little in the vicinity, over top of the, the flesh at the point where everything seems to meet together, to see if he can find it. (He has no idea what he's looking for.) "Let me knew if I find it." 


"Um. It feels nice and it makes me want things. Um—it's sort of—so the outer labia come together and merge kind of above and outside of everything else, and then right below and inside of that the inner labia come together and the, hhhf—! —you found it. It's, there, the—wow I'm really turned on—the sort of, hard bit, it's not normally this prominent, I'm just very horny,"


John has found the hard bit! It's very hard. And definitely prominent. And she definitely is having reactions to it! (He likes making her feel things. He should make her feel more things.) What happens if he presses on it? Or if he... wait. "How does it feel when I press on it like this?" he asks. "Or wiggle it like this... or like this?" First up and down, then side to side. 


"Good—good—" Her breathing is getting ragged and she's kind of struggling to speak. "Intense. Good. Most, most intense, when it's, more direct, there's, um, if you're coming at it more from the top side, there's the, clitoral hood kind of in the way, less direct, but then, when you come at it from below a little more, the, the, ffff. Words are hard. Do you, can you feel the difference, between, when you come down from the top and touch it through the hood, compared to, when you come up from below and kind of peel the hood back a bit, and get at it directly?"


He can tell the difference, yeah. There's a hard bit underneath the well, the hood, as she's describing. That's the real thing. He slides his finger up and down, observing what she's describing. And then he presses his finger directly against it, and wiggles it up and down, making sure to touch it the whole time. "So how does that fee- whoops!" His finger goes a little too far and slips away. "Let's do that again," he says, and slides his finger down, dipping between the inner labia folds... and stops. "You're, um, wet in there," he says, amused and surprised. So that's what they mean by that. It's weirdly slippery and sticky all at once. 


She blushes. "As I have been mentioning, I am very very very turned on."


"I see that!" he says. So now what. Back to the clit (and maybe getting her to cum?) or more exploration. Getting her to cum (if he can, if he should) comes at the end, do more exploration it is! He slides his finger deeper inside, slowly, questing. There's supposed to be a hole here somewhere, right? His penis is supposed to go inside it? He doesn't seem to be finding it. 


Despite the elusiveness of her vagina, Rosy seems to be generally pleased by this exploration!


Pleased is good, at least, but also there's a hole somewhere, right? Maybe it's lower do- . Oh there it is. 

He carefully slides his finger in, though the angle here is weird and not working perfectly. He can find the right angle to tilt his hand, though. It's warm and very wet and sort of.... wait, shouldn't he not? He jerks to a stop. What about the hymen? He hasn't gone through it yet, has he? Or has she already lost it? "I um," he says, unsure how to ask this question. 


"You found my vagina?" she says, uncertain because of his uncertainty. "It feels very nice when you touch me there. Not to state the obvious or anything."

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