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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Not that, I um." He feels really silly at the moment. "Your, um, virginity, um, did I... where is it?" This is probably dumb and he's had all sorts of conflicting information about it and "will I break it? Is it already broken? How does it..." He blushes and wishes he had somewhere useful to hide his head. 


"What? Oh. To tell you the truth I'm slightly confused about that one myself. I have never detected a, um, barrier, in that area, and to my understanding it's supposed to be obvious if there is one, the sort of thing you cannot miss if for example you are making unauthorized use of a former bottle of moisturizer. So my best guess is that I'm one of the lucky few who was just never meaningfully obstructed, which is apparently a thing that happens within normal anatomical variation? Either that or I was so lightly obstructed that I unobstructed myself without noticing, which apparently also happens. I, um, I'm sorry to disappoint, if you were looking for something different. I admit it would be hot if there were something physical to mark the occasion when you took my virginity."


"Oh, o-okay." Everything is fine? Everything is fine. He does kindof wish there was something there, but well, at least he didn't break it by accident. "Okay, good," he says, getting his composure back. He continues to slide his finger deeper inside her. "So um, how does it feel? Me being inside your vagina, that is." Also that name still feels much too clinical but he doesn't know what else to use (and this is an anatomy lesson, anyways. So it makes sense).


"It's good. There's, um, it's just one finger so it's not as intense as it could be, but it still feels really nice. It makes me want more." She bites her lip, then quickly adds, "But of course you should touch me however you want to and you don't have to do things just because I want them. It's hot to be making myself your toy to play with like that."


"You want more fingers in there?" he asks. It is hot how she's doing that, but also he likes the idea. Even if she suggested it.

He moves around a bit to do so, fumbling a little. But he does figure it out, and a second finger slides in to join the first. "Is that better?" he asks, watching her face. 


She makes a little sound when he does it, and blushes and nods rapidly when he asks. "Thank you sir."


Hot. Very hot. "You're welcome, slut," he says. And if two are good, why not three? He moves his hand and eventually adds a third, pushing all three deep into her. It's a bit more awkward and starting to get tight, but it certainly works. "And how's that?" he asks her, though he has a guess from watching her face. 


"Good," she gasps. "Really—really good. Hard to hold still, want to squirm, want to be fucked—it's so good, that I'm your toy, making myself hold still for you to play with—"


That's... that's hot, isn't it. (Yes, it very much is.) "So doing this," he slides his fingers slowly in and out as he speaks, "makes you want to squirm. But you can't, because you have to stay still, be my toy, and just let me do whatever I want to you?" Yup he's enjoying this. (She didn't mention she wants to cum yet though. But he can find more hot things and see if any of them make her want to?) 


Rapid emphatic nodding "mhm mhm mhm!! Thank you for playing with your toy, sir."


Yup, that's really hot. Really, really hot. Also, his hand is starting to cramp. This is not the best angle. "You're welcome, toy," he says, and then slowly pulls his fingers out. They're sticky, and wet, and he's not entirely sure what to do with them. "Where else should I touch you," he muses, half rehtorical. Is there anywhere he hasn't explored yet? Should he go back to the clit? 


"Wherever you want, sir," she says, soft and sincere and shivering.


Yeah, that's still hot. (Also he really likes being called sir. He wants to be called Master even more, but that will have to wait.) The way she's reacting.... very hot. "Whatever I want, huh," he says, trailing a finger over those inner labia lips again. Now if only he knew what he wanted. Maybe the clit again? He quests with his finger, searching for that little hard bit once more, until he finds it. 


"Mhm, mhm, mhm—" She cuts herself off, biting her lip. "Thank, thank you sir. It's, so good, being your toy, sir. Good to want things and know I only get them at your whim."


"Oh?" Well, if he's looking for ideas. And he doesn't have to do them if he doesn't want to? "Well what do you want then, slut, whether I give it to you or not?" He asks, putting on the confidence so he can say it the right way. Meanwhile, he's trying to wiggle her clit again. It's weirdly easier with his finger all sticky with... whatever this stuff is called. The fact that it's slippery means he can move his finger over it rather than wiggling it, but she definitely seems to be enjoying that a lot. 


"Want—want your touch—feels so good when you touch me like that—want to be fucked, want to have something inside me while you touch my clit—feels so good when you touch me like that, it's, it's better, much better, when it's wet—"


Well, he asked and got an answer. And it's something he hadn't thought of! And isn't entirely sure how to implement. His one hand is busy, and he can't really do both of the things at the same time with one hand (can he?) but even if he could, it would probably involve things that would make his hand hurt even more. But maybe... his other hand? 

It takes him a moment bit to figure out logistics (and he's only using two fingers for now) but he slides one hand past the other and lets his fingers go inside her, while another finger continues to explore just how she reacts to him rubbing her clit. 


"—thankyousir—so so so hard not to squirm—so hard to stay still for you—want to be a good toy—"


"You're welcome, toy," he tells her. And continues rubbing, and starts moving his other two fingers in and out, like it's a penis thrusting into in her vagina (there really should be better words). Maybe now if he goes hard enough and gets turned on enough she'll change her mind and want to cum. "How does that feel, toy?" 


"Good, good, thank you sir, good," she gasps. "So good, so much."


That doesn't sound like her wanting to cum yet. (Or well, it might, but she's not saying anything about it.) He tries rubbing faster or slower, thrusting quickly or firmly, to see what she likes best, or how best she likes it. (At some point his fingers are going to get tired... but also he wants her to change her mind. So he will go a while yet.) 


Going faster vs. slower on her clit seems to pretty directly affect how verbally coherent she is; the faster he goes, the worse she is at talking, but the more emphatic she is about the things she's trying to say. On the other hand (so to speak), she seems to enjoy firmer deeper thrusts more than quicker shallower ones, and if he's paying attention he can probably follow the map of the sounds she makes to develop some theories about angle and movement. Or, optionally, if he feels like it, he could let up enough for her to articulate a complete sentence again, and see if she has anything more specific to say. Up to him.


He very much likes the way he can get her all inarticulate and emphatic. He likes that a lot. And he is very much paying attention, though his fingers are starting to get a little frustrated. As fun as it is to make her get all inarticulate and emphatic, he might want a short break and also maybe he can ask her how he's doing and if she has any tips. About trying to make her cum. Which she doesn't want him to be doing. (He might be starting to feel a bit weird about this but also if he doesn't then it isn't fair and... well, he's come this far. (He could still back out though? Maybe?)) He lets up a bit, giving his fingers a rest (resting inside her at a less-uncomfortable-for-him angle, slowly rubbing her clit instead of quickly) and asks, "so, how are you doing?" with a silly smile on his face. "Is there anything more I can do to um, help?" 


"Dzfvvzzzhglh," she mumbles, smiling up at him full of love and pleasure. "Hi. Hi. Good. You're, you, good. Good. Yours." Sentences? Anybody got a sentence going spare? Maybe a verb? "Help... w'th what?"


He is not sure how to put this without (also he is having second thoughts and also regrets) giving away what he's trying to do? (The thing she didn't want him to do? What is he doing?) "How to um. Make you feel, um? More? I, nevermind." Fuck. 

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