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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"I'm glad," he says, because he doesn't know what else to say. Maybe he does love her right now? For forgiving him? He doesn't know. "I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad. I'm... glad." More tears. More cozy Rosy? 


So much cozy Rosy! So many cozy squeezes and snuggles! So much warmth and affection and care!

(She's... putting a pin in other possible reactions for now. Eventually she'll probably also want a hug. But right now John is clearly having such a time of it, and she's patient, she can wait.)


Eventually, John will in fact stop crying and apologizing and having confused reactions about still being loved despite having made such an incredibly awful mistake. (Or nearly awful? Something. He's so sorry he did this to her. Or nearly did this to her. Something. It was bad, and he knows he shouldn't have done it.) And will find a tissue (or three, or seven) to blow his nose and wipe his eyes and eventually start to feel less awful again. He still might be apologizing too much. "Sorry," he says, for the several-hundredth time. "Sorry. Are you okay? I just. I'm sorry. Thank you. Sorry." (Okay, definitely apologizing too much.) 


"I love you," she says, also for the nth time. "It's okay," likewise. "I'm okay. Are you okay?"


"I don't know," he says, still sniffling a little. "I just thought... I don't know what I thought." What was he thinking, really. "I just... I had to make up for all the good things you're doing for me, somehow. I guess? That's what it felt like. If I don't do that then..." then he'll lose all of this. But he nearly lost it anyways. "I won't do that again. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to lose this." 


"You won't lose me. I promise you won't lose me. Even if you hadn't noticed, even if you did it on purpose—with full knowledge of what it meant, I mean. If you did it on purpose I'd be terrified and a mess but I'd still be yours for the asking."


That makes it worse somehow. "Why though? I still don't know what I've done to deserve you. It doesn't feel like I've done anything! And you'd forgive me for... so much? Why?" 


Squeeze. "Because I want to. I told you, you can't deserve me, that's not how it works. But I love you and I want to be yours. I... I'm really glad you weren't being cruel to me on purpose? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it enormously. But you don't have to worry about losing me, even for that."


"I don't want to be cruel to you on purpose," he says, still sniffling. The parts of him that would take exception to this normally are silent. (Okay, mostly.) "But it still feels like I need to pay back you, or the universe, or something, somehow. I don't want to lose you." He's a little bit talking in circles. "I'm sorry. I know I've said it a lot, but I'm sorry." 


"I know. I know you're sorry and I really appreciate it. And I love you. I don't think you need to pay me back for anything. I don't want you to pay me back for anything? I just want you to be you, and be okay, and be happy."


"Okay. Okay." He still doesn't get it and still feels like it's going to all fall away. But for now he can be cozy in her arms? He can be cozy in her arms. "I can try." He breathes, for a while, in her arms. "What about you, I... I nearly hurt you. Or well, not just nearly but." He's not doing a good job of this. "Are you okay?" 


"...I'm okay. I guess I want a hug too? But—I really am okay."


"I can give you a hug," he says, and wraps his arms around her and squeezes. He wants this to be the best hug ever. Since he does kind of owe it to her. "I'm glad you're ok. I'm glad." 


She snuggles cozily into his arms, and lets herself take comfort there, and squeezes him right back.

"Thanks," she says, a little shakily. "I love you."


(He still feels like he should say it, especially now....)

"I'm glad," he tells her. "I'm really glad." 


She smiles, and kisses him on the cheek, and then buries her face in his shoulder and squeezes him very hard.


He squeezes back. She seems... unsettled, though, and like she's clinging to him for comfort. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asks. 


"Yeah," she says, settling into his arms. "I can be okay and still need hugs. Like... it's not... it's the difference between being okay because nothing bad happened, and being okay because I can handle bad things happening. Does that make sense?"


"Like, you're ok because you had a normal day at school, vs you're ok because you failed a test but you know you're going to do better next time? Or something?"


"Yeah! Yeah, exactly." Snug.


Squeeze. "Okay. I'm um, sorry for being a bad grade on a math test?" That may have made more sense in his head. "I mean, not that I mean the failure was from you, it wasn't! I was just, um, analogizing." Is that even a word? It is now. 


"No, I understand, I get you." She nuzzles his shoulder. "I love you and I appreciate that you don't want to hurt me and you're sorry you did. I really, really appreciate that."


"I'm glad," he says. He's going to be saying that a lot, isn't he. "I'm glad. I'm glad of all of that." He very much is. 


Further nuzzles? Further nuzzles. Relaxing into his arms and letting him comfort her, letting the tension out a little at a time until she feels steady and safe.


He's happy to hold on to her and comfort her and squeeze her (and try to stop apologizing every few seconds) until she relaxes as much as she wants or needs to. 

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