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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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That could work! The classroom that is. "I haven't really given Disney princesses much thought," he muses. Except Jasmine that is. But um. Besides that. "And What would Belle lingerie even look like? Like, her normal outfit doesn't... a yellow ruffly bikini maybe?" He sticks out his tongue in disgust at the thought. 


"I feel like it could be done! You'd just have to get creative about it. Maybe I should design something. Like, Ariel's costume is practically already lingerie. But if you want to go a different direction, I'm all ears! I will buy as many sexy costumes as you want to see me wear for you."


Okay, he'd forgotten about Ariel. Her too. 

"There... might be a lot of those," he says blushing. "A number of them anyways." 


"Ooh. Exciting."


"We can, um, start with the already mentioned ones?" he says. That way he doesn't have to say anything more. Unless there's something he really wants? What else is there, there's cheerleader, there's um, harem girl, there's... um, sexy slavegirl princess Leia, which he is not mentioning, there's "Oh! And um." He blushes. "There's, um, secretary? Which um, fits-very-well-with-the-desk-toy-thing." And also the sort of way she wants to behave as his? Or something like that. 


"Oooooooh." She kisses him. "Let me get a notebook so I can write all this down."

She rolls off the bed to retrieve a notebook and pen from her desk. The pen is purple and sparkly.

"Okay!" She starts writing her list. "So we have maid, schoolgirl, secretary, potentially one or more Disney princesses..." She flops back into bed and snuggles up, notebook in hand, pen poised. "Please, tell me more! Or do you want me to try to come up with more ideas myself?"


Crap. "Um. We don't have to get them all at once?" he tries feebly. What else is there that he might want to say? There's waitress (German version), waitress (diner version), flight attendant, how is he drawing a blank. 


"I mean, we don't have to. But I want to? I at least want to have a list."


Oh dear. "Should I just start saying things?" he says, blushing. There's also like, police women and superheroines (wonder woman and supergirl specifically) but that's not really the sort of thing that Rosy is going to like, most likely. Mind controlling or defeating (or raping) powerful women/superheroines is probably not her thing. (It is his though.) "I um, I guess in terms of um, Disney princesses, um there's always Jasmine. In the red outfit, specifically?" Though actually that's probably not her thing either, is it, damnit. 


"The red outfit? Right, yes, I remember." She writes. "Please, say things. Say whatever comes to mind! If you think you might like to see me in it, say it!"


Oh, well. He might as well? "I, um, I guess along the same lines there's harem girl outfit?" Also along the same lines: slave Leia. Which he is not saying. "Also, um," what has he thought of? "There's flight attendant, there's, um, waitress, both the more normal and the um, busty Bavarian girl kind," he blushes. "Oh, and cheerleader!" What else? He can't think of anything else, other than the stuff he doesn't want to say. "Oh! Um, possibly teacher?" though that might fit into the superheroine category, damnit. "Um, playboy bunny? I'm sure there are other things, but I'm not thinking of them." Other than the stuff he doesn't want to mention. 


"Let me just get that all down..."

She finishes writing.

"So we have maid, schoolgirl, secretary, red Jasmine, harem girl, flight attendant, various waitresses, cheerleader, teacher, and playboy bunny. I think I'm going to prioritize the first three, because I want to dress up as a sexy secretary and be your desk toy, but are there any others that call out to you, or things you could do with me in them that you're especially excited for?"


(The fact that she wants to do that is very hot and he's very excited for it.)

"Hm." He thinks. "I guess some of these I um, just find hot for one reason or another but I don't have specific scenarios for, or ideas what to do with necessarily. Maid and schoolgirl and secretary have those, though. As for the others, um," there's a lot of mind control domination for some of these. Flight attendant especially, but also teacher. Though flight attendant doesn't have to be... it could be like, well, um, "you've seen Iron Man, right? Do you, um, remember the bit with um, when he got on the plane? With um, his um, private flight attendants?" John remembers that part very well. 


"Ooh. It'd be trickier to set up an airplane set than a classroom set but I bet we could manage something! Should the functional stripper poles be included? I don't think I can get functional and telescoping out of the ceiling, at least not easily... also I don't know how to pole dance. But I could learn!" She carefully jots down a note next to the flight attendant. "Hmm, and if we were clever about it we could reuse the set for any other scenes you might like to involve a stripper pole in." She tries on a few mental images. "Modernized harem girl, maybe? Cheerleader...? Man, I feel like the stripper pole should have so much potential but I just can't seem to fit a good narrative to it! What do you think?"


He blushes, slightly amazed. "You're very... efficient? Ambitious? I don't know. I didn't expect so much, I was, admittedly at least partly thinking about, um, what comes after the pole dance part. Or the whole idea behind it anyways. Probably didn't happy in the movie with someone else there I guess. But, they were so... service oriented, and with a slightly different flair he could, um, get on the plane, and be greeted, and they could be, um... topless... or at least have their breasts out revealing what they are... and anyways one of them could kneel at his feet when he's sat in his chair..." he trails off. He's getting turned on again. 


"Ooh." She kisses him on the cheek, wiggling a little. "I like being efficient and ambitious for you! I want to explore all kinds of ways to kneel at your feet. Though it's a pity there aren't two of me, so one could be kneeling and waiting to serve your pleasure, while the other brings you your drinks and asks if there's anything you need and then maybe makes use of the stripper pole while the first one sucks your dick."


(He does not actually want to get her to recruit others no matter how hot it sounds. That wouldn't be ok. Even if the scenario she's describing is hot and would need a second person.) 

"Yeah, he says. "That's... yeah." He's turned on now. "Unfortunately, there's only one of you." he kisses her back, softly on her own cheek. "But I'm sure there's plenty of things we can do with just you." 


"I could look into how to magically duplicate myself but that would be a long-term project."


He giggles. "That would be amazing if you could! But also yeah, not anything that needs to be focused on. Plenty of things that are more important." Hot though. Twin Rosys, both serving him... 


"Mhm! Like looking up mind control spells." She kisses him again. "And mindreading. I've been taking a preliminary look at that one and I have a few leads, but I'm not going to start doing a deep dive on it until after the ritual."


"Yeah, the ritual is probably more important," he says. "What... what exactly does that entail by the way? What do I need do? Or prepare? Can I see the checklist or something for stuff that involves me?" 

"Ooh, I would love to show you my checklist!"

She starts flipping through the notebook.

"Here's the short one, just for stuff I should go over with you."

She turns the book around to show him.

It's neatly written and colour-coded, with differently decorated checkboxes at various levels of bullet point, and goes something like this:

  • How to end vassalage
    • Safety valve
    • Release from service
    • Partial ritual inversion
  • Basic ritual safety for non-casting participants
    • Don't touch anything without caster's express invitation
    • Don't speak, sing, or make noise without caster's express invitation
    • Stick to your assigned spot
    • Memorize your lines!
    • This is a safe ritual, the worst that can happen is we have to scrap it and redo later ♡
  • Reminders about ritual effects
    • I will be completely loyal to you and unable to betray you or want to betray you (or want to want to, etc)
    • I will have a sincere desire to serve you
    • My highest priority will always be you, though I can have others
    • I will be bound to obey your every command, if you mean it as a command
    • You will have a sense that I belong to you, and know when you command me that I am bound to obey
    • I will have a sense that I belong to you, and know when you command me that I am bound to obey
    • I will pay more attention to you and perceive you more clearly
    • I will be unable to deceive myself about what you want
    • I will be unable to interpret your orders antagonistically
    • I will be unable to harm you without your clearly expressed consent
    • I will be unable to deceive you except by your command or to save your life
  • Other notes
    • Rituals are best conducted nude but I can adjust for clothing
    • I will be bringing Contingency Tea ♡
    • I will be prepared to cast the ritual twice in the same night
  • Structure of ritual: see next page! ♡→

She's adorable. Her lists, and her, are adorable. "Should I be asking about what's up with the safety valve and things here?" he asks, pointing to the top of the page. 


"Yes! Okay so. These are the three ways to end vassalage, from least to most complicated. The safety valve is just—if you ever find yourself in total rejection of the concept of owning me, wanting without reservation to stop, the spell will break and I'll be free. Release from service is only slightly harder: I get on one knee and you touch my head or shoulder and say 'I release you from your service' and mean it, the only tricky part is that you do have to mean it, it won't work if you're too conflicted. Partial ritual inversion is the most complicated one; we have to go back out to the ritual site and do an abridged inverted version of the same ritual I used to swear myself to you, except that instead of swearing myself again I ask to be released from your service, and you just have to agree—and it'll still work if you're conflicted, as long as you agree freely without coercion."


" conflicted is 'too conflicted', exactly?" he asks, suddenly concerned. "I want to be able to release you to um, check on things, even though I might also want to um, keep you." 

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