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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Ooh, sci-fi has possibilities. I wonder if we could do something with, like, magitech? Some kind of Treasure Planet situation with that kind of steampunky sci-fi space-sail aesthetic? But then add the fairy tale back into the mix so there's also magic?"

Thoughtful lip-nibble.

"And as for the queen telling her all of the details, I'm almost wondering if, like—so this depends on how many times we want to run this, obviously—but in theory we could build up a whole library of recordings over successive iterations of playing out the fantasy. Start with an early queen submitting to you as your slave and making some recordings to show her next self, then the next self seeing the recordings and eagerly giving herself to you and making some recordings of her own, and so on. If we don't get tired of it. Hmm, though I wonder... see, it's so hard to decide what order to do things in here, because I almost want to have the first time we run the fantasy be with me as the new princess, so I'll experience everything for the first time as she does? But then there wouldn't be recordings, unless we imagined them rather than actually making any. I guess maybe we could write the queen's diary entries or something. And I guess I will figure out how to inhabit that innocent mindspace despite having done it before anyway, if we do run it several times."

She wiggles shyly.

"I think maybe I want to run it several times, it's got a lot of potential. Diary entries first, and you take the innocent princess, and then later with that queen you come up with the idea of making recordings so the next princess can see exactly what's in store for her? And the queen thinks that's really hot but what's even hotter is that she doesn't get a choice, you can make her into your personal porn star whether she likes it or not?"


John had not been thinking of this as a long-term scenario! This has... possibilities. And sounds fun. "I would be curious to figure out why exactly she submitted in the first place," he says carefully (no antagonism no antagonism no antagonism), "though I suppose if she's a you there's an obvious reason. Though it may take some convincing if she's a queen and has responsibilities?" (No antagonism no antagonism.) "I don't know, what did you have in mind?"

"Though, also, I um... I really like the idea of being able to turn you, or the queen, or either really, into um, my own personal porn star." His dick very much agrees with this assessment. 


"Um—the me in real life actually has some hangups about that, more specifically about, um, well, not wanting there to exist any pictures of me that are illegal to possess. But! Probably by the time we manage to renovate the old house to have a strip club stage set that flips between airplane and Treasure Planet fairy tale castle, and source all the costumes, that problem will have solved itself!"

She blushes and hides her face in his shoulder.

"Anyway. Um. I think it can just be the case that the queen really wants to be yours, and trusts you to wield her power responsibly, including let her take care of all the work of running the kingdom so you don't have to, and letting her be a good and wise ruler while she's at it? I think that's a pretty reasonable way for a kinky fairy tale mind control fantasy to be. And it's, I think, kind of part of the fantasy for me, that... she gave yourself to you because she wanted to be yours, and now she's yours and there's nothing she can do about it, and so she's this magical fairy tale queen who's powerful and special and beautiful and in the end that just means you have a really impressive slave. That sort of—contrast, where she legitimately is still the queen, and legitimately is doing a great job at it, and you own her completely and she and all her accomplishments belong to you and you can make her do anything you want. I don't know, am I making sense?"


How exactly is she going to manage to put together all of that in the first place. Also, it takes him a number of seconds to figure out what she's saying and... that probably means her birthday is soon, isn't it. He's not entirely sure how soon. He should probably pay attention to that so that he can be a good... boyfriend? and give her presents and things. Even if she probably is going to be his at the time, it still seems like the right thing to do. 

"I like having a really impressive slave," he says, kissing her on the top of her head. "I think I might be getting one, soon. And yes, I think you're making sense, even if, um, normally I might... approach it differently normally" no antagonism no antagonism "having her be good and impressive and coming home to serve me because she's mine is in fact very hot." 


"I'm looking forward to being your really impressive slave."


"I'm looking forward to it too. It's hard to tell since I have no background in magic whatsoever, but it seems like you're very impressive at ritual spellcasting things. Also in math. And um, being cute? You're very impressive in being cute." He needed to find a third thing and well, that's what came out. She doesn't seem to mind though. 


"All accomplishments I'm very proud of!" She kisses his nose and wiggles happily.


Okay good. "Well, I'm glad," he says, grinning at her and her wiggles. And wraps his arms around her and snuggles her. 


Cozy! Cozy snuggles!

" we've got great ideas for the fairy tale queen/princess scenario, now I feel like I should be applying the same creativity to the rest of them... the maid and secretary are probably the first ones we're going to actually do, because all they need is a costume and the keys to the old house, both of which I bet I can get within a week. A maid premise seems pretty obvious: you're a rich man or a noble and I'm your servant. But I feel like there's lots of places we could go with that. Likewise the secretary is pretty straightforward—um, actually, have you seen that movie? I don't necessarily want to draw much inspiration from it but I do think it's a useful example to have in mind."


"I have heard of the movie," he says (he's run across it doing, um, internet searches), "but I haven't actually seen it. Your parents let you see it?" Her parents seem a lot more permissive than his are (well, ok, than his mom is). "But I guess there's no danger in me pulling from it much. Though there's some scene where she goes across the room with papers in her mouth, crawling, that is, I think? That could, um, be fun. In um, things that I've read secretaries, um, sometimes schedule, um, the guy's harem, which um, probably doesn't apply to us." 


" what point would my parents even intervene in the process of me watching a movie on my own time??" she wonders, mildly baffled. "Anyway, yes, tragically you don't have an entire harem of me. But I suppose I could learn how to quick-change and do a scene where first I'm your secretary taking orders about who you want to see next, then I go out and 'send in' the maid or the cheerleader or the playboy bunny... I think the thing I like the most about the secretary outfit, though, is the idea of being, um." She hides her face in his shoulder. "Your pretty dressed-up desk toy, eager to serve however you want, standing by your desk where you can grope me or kneeling under it waiting for you to use my mouth." Breathe. Extract face from shoulder. "Playing that off against the scheduling thing might actually work really well, though, like—the idea being that I am literally your secretary, but I'm also your eager adoring mind-controlled slave, so you have me doing normal secretarial work in my sexy secretary outfit and then, also in my sexy secretary outfit, you casually order me around as your desk toy and I love every minute of it."


He hadn't thought about doing costume changes! That's cute and also hot. "I don't know I'd get ahold of it to watch on my own time, I guess," he says, "and also mom wouldn't want me to. Which makes it difficult. Regardless, um, I hadn't thought about the costume changes, but, yes, I do like the idea of you, um, standing or kneeling ready to serve any way at a moment's notice. And I do like, um, the idea of you doing secretarial work while being, um, ready for use? Like, um, there's, um, some things I've seen where... where the girl is doing a task and the dude just um, starts fucking her from behind while she's doing it? She's naked, or um, he flips up her skirt because she's not wearing panties or um, orders her to present herself for him, and um... just... fucks her?" Some of that might have been from his own head. "I'm not sure how well that would actually work, given that they also keep doing the task" usually dishes, honestly in things he's seen "but, um. I do like the idea." As she can probably hear in his voice. She probably can't see his dick right now, though she can probably guess about it too. It would be noticeable if she could. "And I guess that could also work with the maid thing. Come up from behind her while doing dishes or um, bending over to dust or something." 


Blushy little wiggle. "I, I think I'd like that. I think I'd like that very much. Okay, the more I think about it, the more I feel like the maid and the secretary naturally work really well together as part of the same - storyline, I guess? Where you just have this mansion and these girls and they're all eager to serve you, and you can have your maid washing dishes or dusting the furniture or, um, on her hands and knees washing the floor, in her cute little sexy maid outfit with no panties, and every time you look at her you know she's there to serve you and you can just interrupt her with sex anytime you want; or you can have your secretary sorting paperwork and answering imaginary correspondence and similarly ready to serve at a moment's notice, or tell her to kneel under your desk and wait to be used like a good toy. I think I like this story. I think I might like this story a lot."


"Man now I wish there were two of you," he muses. "Most of that we can accomplish with costume changes but um, I had a thought of the maid showing herself off while dusting in the office, um, bending over with her, um, ass to me or tits to me, and um, all the while, the secretary under the desk sucking me off? But I'm sure we can come up with other things, send one out for another or have you switch between them depending on mood, or, something?" Or maybe he's making this too complicated. "Or just enjoy each individually without thinking about the other," he adds sheepishly. 


"No I love the idea of combining them!" she says, wiggling happily. "I am absolutely going to look into self-duplication. It'll take years but I'm a very good ritualist. And I will be an even better ritualist once there are two of me." She smushes her face into his shoulder for a second and then murmurs, very shyly, "Then you can have two really impressive slaves."


Gosh. That's.... really hot. "And um, once you figure the ritual out, you could even make, more than two? I mean, of you wanted." He might be thinking of an entire harem of Rosy now. The harem outfits might feature. And a secretary Rosy to organize them all. (Though they might self-organize just fine. Still, though, it would be hot to have one. (And order her under his desk.))


"I think I would want to be wary about making lots of me. Especially since we still have to worry about the Veil Laws and there are only so many times you can pull another identical copy of yourself out of the couch cushions without someone noticing something's up. But I'm definitely on board with two, and probably three is safe, and after that maybe I can start looking into how to make temporary copies that will not stick around confusing the mundanes."


That's fair he supposes. (More than fair, really, he still isn't sure what's up with the Veil Laws and he doesn't want to be on the wrong side of them.) "Would it be easier to make temporary copies or long-term copies, do you think?" he asks. "I have no idea how magic works, so I have no idea, but it seems like temporary would be easier than permanent." 


"I actually don't think that's necessarily true! Or, like... I think most of the foundational work that makes either one possible will apply to both, and making temporary copies that don't work in some bad stupid way like 'melting into a puddle of horrible goo after eight hours' or 'being mentally frozen with no ability to experience new things' or 'being too fragile to physically touch without breaking them' will need a bunch of additional work on top of that, whereas permanent copies will require... more resource investment but not so much tricky engineering, if that makes sense?"


He doesn't entirely, but he might be able to see what she's getting at. "I think so," he says, "though you're the expert. It was just a thought, anyways. I guess... making them impermanent makes them, well, impermanent, in ways you might not intend? Or something?" Oh well. Also he feels pretty foolish for proposing something to her since she actually knows what he's doing and he has no idea


"Please by all means have thoughts! I like your thoughts!" She kisses his forehead. "They live in my favourite brain."


He blushes and shrinks into himself a bit at the compliment. "I, um, I'm just worried that I have no idea what I'm talking about." Hm. "How hard would it be for me to have any idea what I'm talking about? I assume I'll pick up some things by living with you but I'm not sure I'm, um, meticulous enough to actually, um, do rituals."  


"Ritual theory and design is definitely a viable subject to learn even if you can't cast the rituals themselves! It's harder to learn the theory if you can't put it into practice, but you can absolutely still do it and I will welcome your help and be very glad to teach you. My dad helps my mom with her ritual design sometimes and they're adorable about it."


"I might ask for some information on the basics, then! When I have time not doing homework or rituals or um, not having sex with you. It may be hard to find some time." 


"The homework and the rituals and the sex are all very important," she agrees. "And Cozy Math! Don't forget Cozy Math!"

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