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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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Cute, cozy. "Bed, snuggle," he agrees, unwrapping himself from her, pulling his chair back so she can actually get out, and offering her a hand with which to do so. 


...she hesitates for a second, and then gathers up the dropped clothespins, cradling them in a bundle against her chest to carry them out with her. This leaves her without a free hand to accept his help, but hopefully that's okay.


He's not... entirely sure why she does that (cleanliness? she doesn't want to lose them?) but he can still grab her by the elbow or something, especially since she doesn't currently have hands with which to pull herself up with. And  then put out his own hands cupped to take some of the awkwardly-held clothespins in to help her with. 


She successfully extracts herself from under the desk, and kisses John's leg, and hands him half the clothespins, and carries the rest to the nightstand herself, and puts them away neatly in their tray, and climbs up into bed to Flop. It really deserves the capital letter. She is so Flop.

...also kind of lightly groping herself again. That too.


John follows suit, both in terms of neatly tray-ing the clothespins, and falling into bed after her. Flop! 

The fact that she's still groping herself is kindof hot. He snuggles up behind her and holds her that way so as not to impede her groping. (Even if that means he can't see it directly.)


Oh he's so cozy and warm and his arms are so strong and she is so snuggled up in them. Good. Cozy. Hot.


John is in less of a hot mood after cumming (and two other times that night!) but is very much good and cozy at the moment. "So that was really hot," he says, kissing her on the back of her head. He's glad he finally got it right. 


"It was so hot." She wiggles happily. "Looking forward to more."


He grins and squeezes her close. "I, too, am looking forward to more," he tells her. And there's so much to look forward to. "And... you're really going to get costumes and things and we're going to do, um, so much stuff?" Gosh, so much stuff. He's excited. And delighted. And so much more.


"I might send you pictures of sexy maid outfits to see which ones you like best."


John is a bit gobsmacked at the concept and suddenly isn't capable of making intelligible sounds for several seconds. Just noises of amazement and astonishment. 

"That sounds like it would be fun, yes please," he finally manages. 


She grins at him and turns around in his arms, the better to kiss his adorable nose.


Cute! He grins back and snuggles closer. He likes her smile. (He likes the way she loves him. Even if it still makes him feel complicated. It still feels really good.) 



"I liked... a lot of what we just did. I hope it was, um, okay, that I sort of... innovated? Um. I was just really turned on watching you touch yourself. And somehow that turned into hurting myself more. And then at the end I accidentally pulled one off and it felt so good I kept doing it."


"I um, really liked the innovations," he says. "I really liked hearing and eventually, um, watching you pull them off of yourself. The little snapping sound was good. And um, I'm very glad you like watching me touch myself?" He shrinks and blushes. He still has mixed feelings about this. 


"I really like watching you touch yourself."


"Oh." He shrinks further. He's not sure how he feels about this. On the one hand it's super hot, on the other... it doesn't feel like it's something he should be doing in polite company. (Though, well, possibly this isn't polite company.) "And... it's ok that I do it?" he says, feeling a little silly about needing to ask. 


"Of course! Actively encouraged!" She kisses him on the cheek. And then blushes. "How could your desk toy possibly object to you feeling pleasure?"


"That's... hot..." he says. It really is. "That's really hot. I just... it feels because you're not supposed to do that in front of people, and, I don't know, it feels weird. In theory like, you're not really supposed to do it at all?" 


"...why not though??"


"...I don't know, you're just not? That's just not what like, good people are supposed to do?" Is he making any sense? He's not sure if he's making sense. 


"John, are you bringing society into my bedroom again?"


Is that what he's doing? He hadn't thought of it that way. But it might be what he's doing. "...maybe?" he says. It's totally what he's doing, isn't it. 


She kisses his forehead. "I like when you touch yourself. Would it help if I closed my eyes next time? Or just reminded you that it doesn't matter what you do in front of your desk toy?" Blush. "Toys are just there to be played with."


Still hot. John is spent, but, fuck. "I, um, really like when you say things like that," he says, softly kissing her back on her lips for a moment, lingering, feeling her desire for him. "I don't think I want you to close your eyes? I... might like the way you look at me." He likes it a lot. "I think I should just, um, learn to not bring society into the bedroom with us. It shouldn't be too hard." 

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