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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"I support you in this endeavour." She kisses him again, and softly nuzzles his cheek. And maybe gropes herself a little. "I'm definitely having an orgasm in your honour after you go home. ...if I may."


It's hot that she asks. (It's really hot that she asks.) But there's no way he's going to tell her no, especially when he still feels like he owes her orgasms (even though that, um, led to problems before...). (Also it's hot when she gropes herself? It turns out Rosy is just really, incredibly hot and John is really, incredibly lucky.) "By all means," he says. "I hope you enjoy it." He kisses her forehead. "Man, what time is it, anyways. I should probably be home in a bit." 


"It's getting late-ish for sure." Kiss. "I could reluctantly put on clothing and take you home? And you could tell me anything you might want me to do or think about while I'm touching myself in your honour? Maybe I'll do preliminary maid outfit research first."


Kiss. "Clothing should probably be reluctantly applied," he says. Kiss. "I um, would like it if you looked up maid outfits first?" He wants to see them. And comment on them. And possibly even touch himself to them? He's pretty spent, though. "And then you could think about, well being my maid, I guess? If you wanted? Or being my desk toy. Or my secretary. Or my secretary desk toy! I guess all of this is that one fantasy you came up with, which um, well, if you want to think about that I have no issues with. As long as you tell me details, anyways. If you want. I do want to hear the details." He blushes and hides his face again. 


She hugs him and nuzzles his shoulder and says merrily, "Yes sir."


Hot. He snugs her back. "Okay, dressing time?" he says. He makes no moves to let go of his adorable and naked and cozy Rosy, though. 


"Dressing time." She smiles, snuggling him. "May I get dressed, sir?"


She just does not stop being hot!!

"You may," he says, grinning, letting her go so that she may go do that. (Still hot.) 


She grins and wiggles and then scoots out of bed to grab some clothes.


He sits up and watches her start to dress, then realizes he should be heading out (once all the fun parts are covered, at least, so it's less interesting to watch) and goes and grabs his bag so that he can head out. Even if he doesn't want to leave. (Though he probably should. He very much should. He can assuage mom by telling her that Rosy is coming to visit tomorrow? That should help.)


Soon she is all dressed and ready to escort him out of the woods!

"I should learn to quick-change," she says contemplatively.


"Quick-change?" he asks. Is this like, magical costume changes? (Can she do magical costume changes? That has fun possibilities. Probably not though, from what he's seen of her magic. Still, maybe, though?) 


"You know, like a stage actor."


Okay so not magic. Figures. (Oh well.) "What, quickly changing costumes behind the scenes or something?" he asks, a little uncertain. 


"Exactly! I hear there's a skill to it but I'm not sure how it works. And it would be useful for swapping between sexy outfits quickly and also for getting dressed after lounging around naked with you for hours."


"It does sound like it would be useful!" he says. He sighs, and holds out a hand. "Shall we go?" he asks, letting the regret tinge his voice. 


She takes his hand. And kisses it.



It feels really good to hold her hand (just... relaxing and nice and happy), and it turns out to feel extra good when she kisses it. He smiles and sighs happily. 

And so they don their various protective gear, and travel to the edge of the woods to say goodbye. Which John doesn't really want to do. (He wants to hold her hand and have her kiss it instead. That was so good.) "Okay, I guess I should head off," he tells her, sadly, dismounting his bike and holding it up with one hand. 


She hugs him and kisses his cheek. And then his mouth. And then gets distracted from what she was going to say, as should be thoroughly predictable.


It is very predictable! And not remotely unwelcome. (He likes her kisses, too. Different kind of nice from hand holding, but very, very good. (And hot. She's so into him. And, likewise, he's into her. Though not as much? Which is bad? Something to worry about later, fun kisses now.)




Okay. Okay. She will be strong. She will... stop kissing her boyfriend.

"...maid outfits," she says. "I'll look some up when I get home."


"I look forward to seem them in my email," he tells her. "And, um, maybe your thoughts on them? If you want?" he shouldn't be basing what he wants her to get purely on what he likes after all. She's wearing it too! (For him. Which is hot.) "I, um, see you tomorrow, I guess? Dinner at my place?" and boy is that going to be a time. 


"Mhm!" She pecks him on the cheek. "Okay. I must flee before I kiss you again. I love you! See you tomorrow!"

And she escapes into the woods.


But what if he wants her to kiss him again? 

Still, she is being eminently sensible. Alas. He watches her skate off for a few moments, then gets on his bike to head home and assuage his mother's worries (hopefully dad has been helpful on that front, he usually is) and tell her that dinner is a go for tomorrow. (And then look at pictures of French maid outfits that his girlfriend (seems right to use that term by now for sure though also slave-in-waiting seems correct too) is going to buy to wear for him. For sex. 

How is he this lucky?! He's... still worried about what he should giving back to her (and clearly orgasms isn't that thing, and least not when she doesn't want them, or explicitly tells him not to, that was... a really stupid mistake, fuck, he's so lucky), in return for everything wonderful she's doing for him. She still is telling him that he doesn't need to do anything, but... he still feels like he must do something. If only he can figure out what. Oh well. 


By the time he gets home, he already has an email from Rosy.

I know I should be looking for sexy maid outfits that I can buy but, in my defense, I got distracted.

May I have my orgasm in your honour to this picture, sir? ❤️

The attached picture is... eventful.

It's an anime-style drawing of a petite girl with delicate arms and generous hips. Her straight black hair is done up in two high ponytails tied with thin ribbons, which are set back slightly from the traditional ruffly white headband. She's standing with good posture, legs together, one hand down by her side slightly clenched in the edge of her skirt, the other elegantly holding up a round tea tray. Her maid outfit is a short black dress with a white petticoat beneath and a white apron overtop, and has a low back that leaves her shoulderblades exposed; the apron is tied in the small of her back with a big white bow. The picture shows her from the back at a slight angle, with her head turned to the side to further bring it into view so we can see the side of her face, which is flushed red with a small, strained grimace and tears filling her eyes and running down her cheeks, like she's trying really hard to maintain her composure and failing. The skirt is short enough and lifts up enough in the back that we can see her bare thighs, part of her ass, and her tiny white panties, which are straining to contain a massive vibrating dildo shoved all the way up inside her; there's a cutaway view to make sure the viewer knows exactly how incredibly full she is, incidentally also revealing a much smaller vibrator in her ass. The whole scene drips with tension; streaks of sweat are visible on her back, neck, arms, and thighs.
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