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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Yes sir. Thank you sir," she says, and dares to kiss him on the cheek on her way off the bed, and then obeys. Fourteen clothespins laid out neatly on the floor, a double rainbow with two extra purples this time, and then she gets on her knees and starts putting them in place, in the same pattern as before. This time, though, she saves the nipples for last.


John watches, shifting in place, hand occasionally moving toward his crotch but not touching himself (he doesn't know if it's ok and doesn't know how to ask. It's almost certainly fine, but yet...). He does want to though, and watches very appreciatively as she puts them on herself. 


Now he has a clothespin-decorated Rosy kneeling on the floor looking up at him with reverent adoration. What would he like to do with her?


Lots of things. Lots and lots and lots of things. To start with, though... "Um, twist the ones on your nipples, a little bit, please," he asks, without confidence yet. "And tell me how it feels," he adds, ramping the confidence and control back into his voice. 


She twists them just a little, like he asked, slightly more than a quarter turn. "Thank you sir," she murmurs. "Hurts a little. Feels really nice."


"Okay, good," he tells her. "A little more then. No more than a full turn, so they don't come off. Tell me how much you can tolerate." 


"Yes sir."

She twists and twists until she's shaking slightly, at a little more than three-quarters.

"Hurts," she manages. "Intense. Yours. Good. I can—do more—if you want—"


He breathes. "No," he says, "I think if you're going to be doing that long term, it's better if you leave it somewhere you can tolerate for several minutes. Since that's what's going to be happening." He looks at her face, making sure there's nothing wrong with that anywhere. Then his voice softens. "Though um, do tell me if it becomes a problem, please," he says. 


"Yes sir," she says, with that reverent look again. "Thank you sir."


He grins. It's hot when she calls him sir, and hot when she looks at him like that. "Okay then, toy," he says, "under the desk, and go back to hurting yourself like that." (Is he really going to look at porn with someone else around? Is he really going to do it on someone else's computer? Well, thank goodness for incognito, at least.) 


"Yes sir."

She glances over at the desk, considers the distance between her and it, and then crawls there, naked and shivering.


Once safely ensconced, she adds with a flash of an impish smile, "The password is strawberry."


Then she twists her clothespins and whimpers very softly.


Oh! He hadn't thought of that being an issue, but it could have been an issue. (Also, cute password.) 

(...also she just gave him her password. It's probably just to the computer but she's logged into everything probably already and he's not going to abuse it at all (that would be wrong) but um, the idea that he has access to all of her things now is hot, now that he thinks about it...) 

He sits down at the computer. How does he want to do this? The chair is comfy, and normally he would be pulled up closer, but he wants to be able to see Rosy looking up at him in that hot way that she does, and also be able to look down at her and see her hurting herself. He looks down: she's doing both of those things right now, isn't she.


Very much so yes.


Yup, that's hot. His hand strays towards his pants again before he moves it back away. 

Okay, so, if he's really going to do this (he still can't believe he's going to do this) he should... sit further back possibly? He tries it, sitting as far back as he can and hitting spacebar to wake the computer and typing in the password, looking down again. Yep. It's a little dark down there, but he can see both her eyes glittering at him with devotion as well as her hands twisting her clothespin-adorned nipples, and the rainbow of clothespins around it. His hand nearly strays again, but he pulls it back at the last moment. Okay, what was he going to do again? Look at hot maid and secretary pictures on the internet? Possibly with a mind to thinking about, um, bending one over and fucking her from behind or something? He can do that. He can almost certainly do that, even in front of someone else, because she wants him to and it's ok? Okay. He takes a breath, opens incognito, and types relevant search terms into google. 


It takes him a bit of time to put good terms into google image search (regular search keeps wanting to look at videos and there's no way he's doing that when he doesn't know where the volume knobs are and also those sites usually redirect a dozen times and try to install viruses, and there's no way he's going to get a virus installed on Rosy's computer because of his carelessness), but eventually he's looking at various pictures of French Maids getting fucked from behind, and imagining that they're Rosy. Rosy dusting the furniture and he comes up behind her, Rosy doing the dishes and he comes up behind her, him ordering her to stop and bend over and display her, pussy (works alright here!) and beg him to fuck her... he keeps wanting to touch himself and not being sure if it's ok. It's probably okay? His hand strays between his legs and he tries to surreptitiously touch himself (despite the fact that she's looking directly at him). He may not be doing a very good job of being surreptitious. Does she seem to mind anything? 


She whimpers and twists her nipples just a tiny bit harder when his hand finally contacts his penis. So, no. She the opposite of minds.


Oh. This was... predictable, wasn't it, but he still feels slightly uncomfortable about it. Still, the way she's reacting is, well, helping some with his discomfort. (He really likes the way she's hurting herself even more. And the way she's staring at him with desire.) He gently touches himself again, more overtly, to see what happens. Even if it feels slightly weird to be doing. 


Biting her lip and staring and whimpering and twisting the clothespins until tears spill down her cheeks.


...okay, that's hot. Hot and turning him on. He glances up and down, looking at the porn and at Rosy, though he's getting more and more distracted by Rosy, all while rubbing the tent in his pants. Eventually he slips his hand in the waistband and touches himself more directly. 


She makes a sound that's nearly a sob, and instead of just twisting harder she starts wiggling them, twisting a little harder just for a moment and then relaxing back down and then a little more and then a little less and so on. She is also squirming a tiny bit.


That's... very hot. He may be focusing entirely on Rosy at the moment, stroking his cock with his hand down his pants. He watches as she hurts herself more and more, reacting to him touching himself. She wants him so badly, doesn't she. It's hot when she wants him. "You want this, don't you toy?" he asks, rubbing himself visibly. (Shit, toy. He's not supposed to be paying attention to her, damnit. He's supposed to be making her wait and things. Fuck, did he mess things up again.) 


"Mhm, mhm, yes sir," she gasps.


"Good toy," he tells her, with as much confidence as he can muster even though he's feeling a little foolish at the moment. Maybe... maybe he can look up girls with clothespins on their bodies? He can try that. And that way he doesn't need to watch his incredibly attractive desk toy hurting herself. 

He doesn't run into many images of girls actually hurting themselves with clothespins (and he's not about to click on videos at the moment), but he finds a number of images of girls tied up in pretty poses, with clothespins placed decoratively in various places on their bodies (and some not so decoratively, something about some of them makes him not want to look at them for long). He thinks about tying Rosy up (she will let him, he assumes) and putting clothespins on her, and having her beg him to fuck her like that (there is a very hot pictures of a girl tied in a pretty harness with her legs bent and tied together, ankle-to-thigh, with her legs spread, clothespins making a pair of pretty lines up her stomach -- though if he wanted to fuck her he'd have to remove the clothespins from her, well, outer labia it's called he knows now. Rosy would still beg though), and then when he gets to another picture with a girl sucking a guy's cock with clothespins all over her tits... 

(Should he make her unzip? He doesn't think so, if he didn't have to get up to move the pants down it would work but since he does... or wait, hm. She can pull it through the hole in his boxers, maybe?) He glances down at her, then glances away. He's supposed to be looking at porn, not her. "Unzip my pants, toy, and pull my cock out through my boxers," he orders, doing his best to be confident and uncaring at the same time. As though ordering a sandwich or something. He continues to try to look at porn even though all of his attention is on her. 

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