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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Well, yes, sort of, but like—'sexy stripper flight attendants' can be a fantasy. 'Your sexy stripper flight attendant asks you if you need anything and brings you your drinks and does a striptease on the in-flight stripper pole and then kneels by your chair waiting to be called on to serve, because that's what she's for' is a narrative. You know?"


"I see what you mean. Plot, basically. Also -- you named one, why is that one not good? What specifically are you looking for?" 


"It's not that it's not good! It's a fine fantasy! It's just not making best use of the stripper pole, I feel like? Like, a good stripper pole narrative should be—about the stripper pole, or about the fact that there's a stripper pole, rather than having it be sort of incidental like with the sexy stripper flight attendant? You could take out the stripper pole from the sexy stripper flight attendant story I just told and it would be basically exactly as hot. I don't know, maybe I'm asking for too much. I just think that—hmm—maybe what I want, actually, is a narrative where part of the point is specifically that you can get this person to strip for you, which they implicitly normally wouldn't, as a symbol of your power over her? Which isn't really much of a thing in the flight attendant context unless, I suppose, you're mind-controlling normal flight attendants instead of having special sexy stripper flight attendants... but, I don't know, I feel like there's more to be done with 'stripper pole as domination narrative' than making flight attendants into sexy strippers. Something like, I don't know, I'm the queen of a fairy tale kingdom and I'm beautiful and powerful and wise and good and also I love being your slave and will happily dance at your command because none of my power or majesty matters next to how deeply you own me. You know?"


"I know." he squeaks. He might possibly maybe be turned on now also. Dominating a queen (or princess) and forcing her to dance on a stripper pole (in front of her old subjects, even?) (or in front of her mother, tied up, to um, show what's going to happen to her too...) to show his domination over her is um. It's very hot. It's very very hot. Oh and now he's making it worse, isn't he.


What if she grins at him and pets him softly (and also takes a moment to finish writing the beginning of her after-school date checklist), what then.


He snuggles close to her and does his best not to continue thinking about this scenario some more. (Marrying the princess in front of subjects only for her to kneel down and start sucking him off at the wedding instead of the kiss, having her dance half-naked at the wedding reception, possibly even with the queen sucking his dick while he watched. Or there's the reverse, actually, where he mind controls the queen so he can get to the hot princess? There are a lot of possibilities here. And he shouldn't be thinking about any of them. Any yet...) He's... not very successful. 


She finishes with the checklist and says brightly, "So, am I hearing a yes on sexy fairytale queen outfits, possibly stripper-optimized?"


Oh dear. 

"I think I might have wandered away from the stripper pole outfit part," he says, a little strained. "Though it's still there some of the time. Um. Also fairytale princess outfits? I'm not sure if there's a difference but there might be." Also: still turned on. Even if he's worried about what Rosy is going to think of his fantasies even though she's inevitably going to find out. (How is she that good at that?) 


"I can do both of those! Though not at the same time until I learn how to magically duplicate myself. And even then I feel like it would be weird." She does write down both versions, though. "And where, pray tell, were you wandering off to?"



"Um, a number of places," he says. "Mostly, um, using one to get at the other? There might have also been a wedding scene where the princess that um, I had just married, and embarrassed in front of all of her subjects, um, dances on the stripper pole while, um, the queen sucks my dick?" He blushes a lot. "Not that we can do any of that without there being two of you," he adds. 


She makes a bit of a face at that mental image, but quickly recovers.


"Okay so a problem with that scenario even when there's two of me is that it makes me think about my mom who is kind of the antithesis of a sexy topic for me. But I think I can fix this! What do you think of the idea of a fairy tale kingdom ruled by successive copies of the same person, duplicated over and over? Then you still get a princess and a queen but they can both be me and it won't weird me out. I guess I did not need to put this much effort into solving this hypothetical. Magically duplicating myself is going to be a very long-term project."


"I'm still glad you tried to think of solutions," he says, kissing her on the forehead. "Also, um, I'm not sure if it's hotter to have your mom tie you up or be tied up by yourself, prior to enslavement, but both are pretty hot." He pauses. "Er. Sorry for making you think about your mom. Again. I have no designs in that direction, by the way, in case it wasn't obvious, and I bet even with your help it wouldn't end well for me. But yeah I guess maybe I shouldn't talk about family things in front of you? That's... sorry about that." 


"I mean, you can talk about them in front of me, I will just make that face every time I am prompted to think about, like, doing them even as a fantasy roleplay with my actual mom firmly nowhere near the situation?" She leans down to kiss his forehead. "I still like hearing about your fantasies, though!"


"I'm glad," he says, blushing. She... doesn't seem to have minded any of that. Possibly he should tell her other fantasies? (Thinking about the fantasies definitely turns him on.) (There was all of that superherione stuff that he... decided not to talk about.) He's not entirely sure how to manage to actually say the words, though. 


"Anyway," she adds, "I mostly wasn't thinking about the enslavement part per se, but I would like to submit for your approval the concept: this queen has been doing this for centuries, creating a new copy of her original self at sixteen years old and then bringing her up to speed on the modern day so she can be the new heir, and every generation on the new princess's eighteenth birthday the queen brings her to you to be properly enslaved. I guess in this scenario you're implicitly immortal, which is neat."


Is that his dick getting harder? It's definitely his dick getting harder. "That's... that's very hot," he says. The immortal part is also nice, also the bit where they spend two years not realizing anything is amiss and then... they're his, and he keeps ruling the kingdom (behind the scenes maybe?). "So I'm the power behind the throne, possibly," he says/asks, "and no one knows but me and the um, princess line? I do like that. And possibly the stripper pole can factor in somewhere, if we want. Showing the new princess what's about to happen to her, and there's nothing she can do to stop it, and helping her realize this has been going on for centuries..." Yup. Dick hard. He's turned on. 


"I feel like I should straighten out a subtle issue here," she says. "John, my love, it will take mind control to get me in a state to play a character who's not eager to belong to you. Like, it's not just that the implicitly antagonistic framing gives me mild qualms, which it also does, but regardless of that, my instinctive reaction to being told that I'm about to become yours is shy blushy happiness and I don't think I'd find it easy to override."


Oh. Oh damnit. He didn't mean to give her qualms. 

But also, um, oh. He starts off looking dismayed, then apologetic, and ends up a mixture of the two plus blushy. "Sorry about that," he says. "I will try not to, um, do the antagonistic framing." So much for mentioning superheronies ever. "But also, um, the shy blushy happiness thing is, um," he blushes now himself. It's a weird combination of hot and sweet that he's not entirely sure how to express. 


"Mild qualms! Not showstopping ones! I bet we can find ways to approach that kind of thing that will work better for me, and even if we can't, I still like hearing about things that turn you on even when they're not my personal cup of tea!"

She leans down and kisses his forehead again.

"That said, I do think there's something to the image of the shy blushing princess in her beautiful fairytale gown watching the queen strip and dance for you and realizing that tonight she gets to learn what that feels like. The thrill of being ordered to kneel, and obeying out of love and desire, and realizing it will be the last time she gets a choice. There's definitely a narrative to be had there."


It is... difficult for him to take the, antagonism, as she calls it, out of his fantasies just like that. That said he can kindof see what Rosy is getting at, there. "I think I can see what you're saying?" John says squinting, trying to see it. "A coming of age ritual, almost? That said if it was you in that princess gown I don't think you would be very shy about it. Much more enthusiastic and eager." He snuggles her close. 


"Yes, exactly, a coming of age ritual." She leans over to put the notebook on the nightstand so she can snuggle up properly. "And I could do shy! I could absolutely do shy. I could do shy to start with and then slowly getting more and more eager until I'm throwing myself at your feet begging to be taken. I think that would be a lot of fun."


He very much does like the concept. "We can't really do it with, um, anyone else there," he says, narrowly missing mentioning her mother (in fantasy! not her real mother! But still) "but I'm sure we could come up with some way to, um, slowly pull you out of your, um, shyness?" He's actually not sure what come to think of it. What would she find appealing to the point of throwing herself at his feet and begging? (He likes the idea of that happening.) 


"I am not yet multiple people, it's true. Oh, actually, here's an idea for you: slight variant on the 'clones of herself' concept, the queen regenerates her age every so often to stay immortal, and for your gratification she does it in a way that messes with her memories so every time she comes out as an innocent young princess who has no idea yet that she's meant to belong to you. Then you get to introduce yourself to the innocent young princess and explain the situation, possibly with reference to some pictures of the queen kneeling naked at your feet, that sort of thing, and she's a little nervous at first but still very into it, and the more you talk about how thoroughly you're going to own her and how much she always loves being your slave and all the things you'll get to do to her once she's yours, the more into it she gets, until she's obeying your every command because she wishes she couldn't do otherwise, and eagerly giving herself to you the moment you allow it."


It's still hard for him to extract all the 'antagonism' out of it when he thinks about it, but he tries. He wants to do this sort of thing, and do it with her, and that means not doing the stuff she doesn't like. (Though he can always add it back in after she's his... didn't he just have a bad time about that sort of thing? No!) He winces a little at the thought and tries again. "I wonder if it's better in a sci-fi setting, with recorded messages," he says, thinking out loud. "Though I suppose you can have a recording in a crystal ball?" (That said: space princess!! Space opera princess!! That sounds awesome.) "And you can have the queen, or possibly the princess just after transformation last time... or... something, telling her all the details of um, everything she gets to do, and everything she likes..." he looks at her for a moment to see what she's thinking of that. 

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