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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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Right! Math! "I have not forgotten the cozy math," he says, grinning. "We can do more math tomorrow, even. As long as I don't have too much homework and mom doesn't interrupt us too many times being nosy with snacks. I don't have as good a setup as you do here," he says, tilting his head in the vague direction of the room-with-the-desks, "but the dining room table should be good enough? It was good enough for math." 


"—sorry, wait, which activity is the dining room table good enough for? I agree it was good enough for math, when we did that, which we've done, and, I thought, were planning to do again, except that it would seem strangely redundant to say that the dining room table was good enough for math so we should be able to do math at it...?"


"Oh! Um, sorry, I meant to do homework together with. Since we should probably do homework together first. Even if I'd much rather do math with you instead. But unfortunately I should be doing my homework and also mom will be home so I should extra be doing my homework." 


"Reasonable. I would be happy to sit at your dining room table and do homework with you."


He grins. "I'm glad! Hopefully I shouldn't have that much. There will be time for math before dinner hopefully, and almost certainly after. I assume you plan for after? Also do you want anything special for dinner tomorrow? I have no idea what's planned, mom may end up making something since she's, well, excited to meet you." Excited isn't exactly the right word, scrutinizingly curious might be more of the correct way to put it. 


"I'm happy to have a Surprise Dinner Adventure!"


"Okay, well, good." He grins. "Mom might make some Italian food, I assume you like pasta?" 


"Pasta is tasty!" She kisses his cheek. "Just like my boyfriend!"


He blushes. "I'm... tasty?" he asks. He wants to know if it's his cum or his dick or how it works but he's blushing and shrinking and too embarrassed to ask. 


"Mhm! In so many different ways! Like kissing." She kisses him, demonstratively.


Oh! He hadn't even thought of kissing.

Also kissing her is um, very nice. Very very nice. He kisses back, passionately. (There are other ways he could be tasty which she is clearly alluding to but he does not think that he can bring them up.) 


...well there was a plan here, and the plan was adorable, but, you see, now she is kissing him.


Still kissing him.



Look, he's really good to kiss, okay.


(It's hot making out with him in her bed while she's still casually naked.)



"...also," she says, a little breathlessly, when she finally manages to detach, "I love sucking your cock."


He blushes and grins and shrinks and grins some more. "I'm glad," he says, slightly turned on from the kiss and also from her saying she likes sucking his cock. "I'm, um, very glad." Still isn't sure how to ask which thing about it she likes though. 


She almost says more things but then, instead, kisses him again.


Oh. Well. Then they're going to kiss. He moves his hand up to the back of her head to hold her in place while he kisses her very hard. She's going to be his. He kisses her harder. 


Oh. Happy melty Rosy.


Adorable. Adorable and hot. He pulls her in closer, kissing her like he wants her (he does) and like he can do whatever he wants to her (mostly true, more or less). She's going to be his and dress up for him and kneel at his feet and beg to suck his cock and and and... he kisses her harder, rubbing against her a little. 


Happy cozy whimpery melty Rosy.

...hmm. Hmm. What if she has an idea, though.


"Concept," she says, even more breathlessly, breaking away from the kiss again. "Desk toy? Yours? Clothespins?"


He makes a wordless noise of frustration when she pulls away, but lets her, and when she says all of those things, he takes several breaths to calm down and get his head back. Desk toy. Right. They still could do that? "Clothespins?" he asks, moving his hand to her breast where they had been before, cupping it gently. "What did you have in mind?" 


"Rainbows. Like before. And I could—you could tell me to—kneel under my desk—and hurt myself—until you want me."


"That sounds... that sounds..." Part of the point is waiting remember. Even if what she's saying is making him stupidly hard. "That sounds really hot. And good? I should, um, figure out something to do while you do that. So you have to wait, that is. And um... do we want to do it in here or in the other room?" he looks around. How does her desk in here look? Does it work for this purpose? 


It'll be a little more cramped under her (lovely, sky-themed) desk than under the minimalist one in the other room, but Rosy is pretty small and can probably fit in there just fine. She's wiggling slightly in anticipation.

"I think I want to do it here," she says. "Less, um, logistics that way. If that's okay with you. You could use my computer to look at porn if you want."


Technically she still has the robe somewhere, but... less logistics is good. Definitely good. "I, um, can?" he asks. "That... could work. Um. I could um, look at pictures of secretaries and maids, or something? Or um, find... porn stories about them?" is he really considering this. "Are you... sure this is ok?" 


Rapid emphatic nodding.

In fact,

"Please make me kneel naked under the desk and hurt myself while you look at porn?"


His hand twitches, but he doesn't touch himself. Even if he wants to. Fuck is it hot when she begs like that. "I um. We should um. Start with the clothespins?" She wants to be made, though. He takes a breath. Okay. He can do this right. "Go get them," he orders. "Then um, kneel and put them on in front of me, while I watch." That seems good? That seems good. 

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