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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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Then in a little while she will be curled up in his arms soft and cozy and content. And still naked.


John hasn't been much paying attention to the naked bit at the moment. He's had other things on his mind. Though being snuggled up with a cute naked girl is nice though. Even if he still feels a bit guilty still at the moment. At some point he's going to start worrying about time and possibly wanting to do something, but he wants to give her all the time she needs more than he wants that. 


Soft comfy nuzzle.

" was really nice though, before the trouble. I had a good time."


He winces a little when she mentions trouble. "I'm glad you had a nice time. I did too. Possibly we should do it again sometime, without, um, the rest of the stuff going on." Not now though. Definitely not now. 


"I would like that! Maybe we could try a different approach next time? I mean, not that I object, to being your toy to play with, it turns out I really like being your toy to play with, but I feel like maybe it would help make things more comfortable, if we were doing it on a more equal footing? And I can always be your toy to play with again later." Nuzzle.


"That might be good!" Whatever she wants, and also the option isn't being taken away from him in the future, clearly. Plus, thinking about it, it might be easier for him to do it that way next time. Equal footing, no one directing (even if directing is fun), him touching her, and... John has a thought, and blushes about it. 


Inquisitive nuzzle?


He blushes more. "I um, you said equal footing, and then I thought about, um, me touching you, and, um..." He trails off, still blushing. 


"And me touching you too? That does sound like fun."


Eep. He shrinks a little more. "It might be!"


She kisses his nose. "I think it would! Can I tell you about other good ideas I had while you were playing with me or is now not a good time?"


He's a little bit afraid but he's also curious. "Ideas? What ideas?" 


"Um." She blushes. "It was while you were asking me what I wanted, I think, and the idea I managed to articulate was that I wanted something inside me while you touched me, and that's true as far as it went, but the full mental image as it eventually unfolded went something like—you order me to put my hands behind my head, and put all the clothespins back on me the way I had them, and one of the bottles from the Innocuous Drawer inside me, and then you play with me, hurting me or touching my clit or sometimes both at once. Though, now that I'm thinking more clearly, I feel like this picture would be much improved if I owned actual sex toys, so you could leave a vibrator running between my legs while you twist both my nipples as far as they'll go and listen to me whimper and thank you for it."


John is not remotely in a sexy mood at the moment. (Even despite the naked girl in his arms talking to him about sex.) Still, he... appreciates that image. He appreciates it a lot. "That's.... fuck. Damn." he says. "That's really hot? That's really fucking hot. I um, have no idea where or how to get sex toys though. But um. If you know or can find out" he's also afraid of doing it himself because what if his parents find out or something "I um. That might be really fun?"


"I'll look into it," she says, and kisses him on the cheek.


"Thanks," he says. And then he tilts his head and thinks about what other things could be gotten from such a place. And then blushes some more. (Should he ask? He probably shouldn't ask. She might notice him blushing again and ask anyways? Damnit.) 


"What is it, my love?"


(See, just like he thought. Damnit.) 

"Do you, um, think, um... do the places that sell those things... also, um, sell outfits?


"What kind of outfits, exactly?"


"I um. Maid? Schoolgirl? Stuff, um, like that?"


"...ooooh," she says speculatively. "That gives me an idea..."


John is still blushy and embarrassed, but now also excited and curious. "Idea?" he asks. 


"So," she says, "hypothetically, if I happened to know where to get my hands on a spare mansion, how would you feel about being alone in a mansion together with me in a maid outfit serving you however you pleased all day? Ooh, I bet we could do a schoolgirl thing, too, it'd just take a little more setup... any other outfits you want to suggest?"


"Spare mansion?" he asks. He's.... excited by this prospect. Very excited. "And what kind of setup?" In theory he should answer the rest of her question, but that's embarrassing and scary and easier to ask questions about the rest of her plans. (And then answer the question when she inevitably somehow picks up on him not answering it, again.)


"Like, picking one of the rooms of the old house and restyling it to look like a classroom." She considers. "How do you feel about Disney princesses? I bet there is someone out there who sells Belle lingerie."

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