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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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He doesn't actually look at it until he has assuaged his mother and is up in his room, alone. (The mother-assuaging went ok, Dad had been his usual self, and telling her that Rosy would be over for dinner tomorrow worked exactly as expected.) 

The picture is very, very suggestive. And he gets hard (a little, at least), again, from touching himself to it. Fuck. 

Yes, you may orgasm to that picture in my honor. 

Do you want to get vibrators that work that way? I don't know if they're real or not, I've only ever seen them in porn art, but if you'd find being in that situation fun I'd love to put you in it. 

John dithers a lot about sending this response like this (is he being too forward asking? Is he being foolish acknowledging his ignorance? Should he be telling her instead of asking? (probably not on that one)), but she's waiting for his response, and so he sends the message. (And then waits for her response, possibly touching himself a little more.) 

I bet it's possible to find something similar even if not exactly the same! And I would love for you to put me in that situation. I'm going to be thinking about being your pretty maid all dressed up in my short skirt and low-backed dress, ordered to wear panties for once just so they can hold my torment in place. 💖 You could have me carry your tea and sweep your floors and throw out your candy wrappers, all while trying my best to stay perfectly graceful and composed, because you haven't given me permission yet to kneel at your feet and beg you to use me. I wonder what the front of that outfit looks like? I wonder if there's clothespins involved?

I'm going to go have a very good time now. I'll report back when I'm done. 💖

She's so hot. Why is she so hot? She's so hot. 

What could the front look like? John imagines a very low-cut top (low-cut as in the neckline goes underneath the breasts, supporting but hiding nothing), with the usual maid ruffles along it, and the tits themselves decorated with clothespins much like Rosy's were earlier. It's a very compelling image, would also go a distance to explaining the delightful look on her face, and he very much wishes he could draw at all. He wants to see it in reality, not just in his head. 

He dithers for a while about sending her this description, but decides not to. He doesn't know if she'll even see it before she finishes orgasming in his honor (still hot), and even though she likes his fantasies... he still isn't sure if she'll be ok with this one. And she's not here for him to see her reactions to it. He touches himself, and thinks, and dithers about it some more, and thinking about dropping a candy wrapper on the floor for her to pick up, and touches himself some more, and waits for Rosy's response. 

Want to be yours. Can't wait until I'm yours. Your helpless mind-controlled slave. Please. Now.

Striving for perfection in your honour, knowing I'm going to fail, knowing I'm failing, knowing you can see right up my skirt to the dildo you filled me with, wanting so badly to squirm, wanting so badly to beg for your touch, keeping still, keeping quiet. For you. For my lord and master. Steady graceful step, one hand under the tea tray, the other at my side, not squirming at all, not squirming at all at all, tears spilling down my face, bite my tongue to stop the moans coming out.

Clothespins, just two, the dress pulled down to show them and caught under them and tugging them up. Hurts every time I move. Good. Want more. Want you to grab them and twist until I fall to my knees thanking you. But right now you want a pretty perfect maid so I give you the best one I have.

You order me to scrub the floor and I'm on my hands and knees hurting with how much I want you, hurting with what's inside me, hurting with clothespins, loving it, pretty and graceful and quiet. Shaking a little. Skirt so short that if it weren't for what's in the way you could just take me right there, and I want you to. Want you. Want you so much but it's not for me to decide, it's yours, I'm yours.

More orders. Pick this up, put that down, carry this, clean that. I know you're doing this so I show you what you want to see, but I still have to do it right, can't just show myself off for you, have to be your pretty graceful maid. You could keep me like this for hours. Maybe you do. Maybe you keep me like this until I'm crying so hard I can barely see, and shaking so hard I can't hold a tray, and still standing by your chair waiting for orders, and you order me into your lap, and you play with my breasts until all I am is sobbing and hurting and "thank you Master", and take what's yours, it's yours, I'm yours, yours, your slave, your maid, your

twice. Again. Writing this. Writing being yours and hurt and used and taken. Needed to get off again.

Clothespins, two, didn't touch them until I imagined you did, hurt, good, hurt for you. Twisted them off the first time. Too shaky to put them back on. Second time just used my hands. So sensitive. So easy to hurt now. Want to be easy to hurt for you.

Apologies for substandard writing.

And sorry also if I wasn't supposed to twice.

Loopy as heck.

Love you.

That was incredibly hot to read. His cock is hard in his hand after reading it, even. Fuck. Rosy is so hot and he strokes his cock and thinks about the fantasy she's painted and thinks about how she clearly felt thinking about the fantasy (and the fact that she did it twice and it's s very good. Fuck. He strokes again, and his cock twitches, and he wishes Rosy was there to suck him off about it. Fuck

But he should respond instead of touching himself so much. Even if doing that is very hot. He touches himself more and reads more of it. He likes her idea with the dress and the clothespins, he might like his idea better but she came up with one and he's not about to gainsay it. The rest... his concept of dropping a candy wrapper to make her pick it up has been expanded. Much expanded. The idea of someone, of Rosy specifically being perfect and graceful for him despite being filled and made to be horny, and even punished (wait, no, no antagonism)... er, doing all of that despite being horny, until it's too much, and then hurting her because he can, because he can and because she loves it. And then, presumably, fucking her, though the fantasy got cut off there because she came and tore her clothespins off and then did it a second time hurting herself with her fingers. John is rock hard in his hand. She's so fucking hot. He should probably stop touching himself to her hot and lovely letter, and instead write her back. (Possibly while touching himself some.) And then get off to it, maybe. Fuck

Twice is fine, I'm glad you did. I like your fantasy. A lot. It's hot and wonderful and made me very, very turned on. I will probably go take care of that after this. 

Want to do that with you, want to do that and watch you squirm and try to hold your poise and composure and when you almost can't put you in my lap and do whatever I want to you and hurt you as you thank me and then when I've had enough order you to your knees and have you suck me off. Would want to use other parts of you maybe but they're occupied. 

Your writing is hot and good. Thank you. Good slave in waiting. 

He dithers for a few moments about if it's too much or not, if he's being too brazen in writing things down, putting his fantasies on paper (or well, digital cyberspace whatever) but he's so hard and wants to get off to it. And so he sends it. And then heads to the bathroom to do just that. 

Her response is pretty late by Rosy standards, almost ten whole minutes, but maybe it just took her a while to write.

I love you so. I want all of this.

Happy to be your slave in waiting. So, so happy to be good.

I looked up safety parameters for clothespins and I regret to inform you that they should not be kept on for longer than fifteen minutes at a stretch. So if you make me do that for hours it'll just have to be without them. Or in shifts, a while on, a while off. Or maybe one day when I know how to make temporary copies of myself you can dress one in a maid outfit and make her spend the whole span of her short life serving you in pain and pleasure until you finally deign to use her.

I was a little bit incoherent when I tried to write it but for the record in that part of my fantasy I was torn between the thought of you shoving me out of your lap onto the floor so you could use my mouth, and the thought of you tearing my panties off and pulling out the occupying force so you could use me that way. (Tearing off panties is harder than it sounds unless you prepare carefully ahead of time, but you know what I'm good at? Preparing carefully ahead of time.)

The end that I left off that sentence, because I couldn't find the words and I was turning myself on by trying, was about being your object of pleasure, your body to use as you see fit, your toy and your slave and your source of readily available gratification. I have looked up the words now. Your cocksleeve, your fucktoy. I still don't like being fully thought of as an object, but I seem to like playing the role of one a little, being yours so thoroughly that my job is to present myself to be played with and used however you want. I like the thought of being your pretty maid whose pretty body is completely yours and completely ready for your use. I like the thought of trying so, so hard to do the job of a maid as well as I can despite considerable difficulty, until at last I fail and am reduced to doing the job of a sex toy.

(If I'm going to be playing that role for you, a pretty slave to be fucked at your whim, I should probably look into alternate secondary birth control methods. I don't want you to be taken out of a scene by having to get a condom before you use your toy. I'll see if there's anything sensible to be done about that.)

So, does this mean I've now gotten you off four times in one night? I know I'm not supposed to be keeping a spreadsheet but what about a high score count? You can reference it when you hold me down and make me come until I beg you to stop.

I'm so happy that we come up with such hot things together and enjoy them so much. I'm so happy about you. I'm so happy that I'm going to be yours.

John is very, thoroughly, recently spent, and so this message to him (long, hot) does not do the same things the last one did. It's very hot to read, though. 

The clothespins thing is sad, but if it's true then it's true. He doesn't want to damage her in whatever way leaving clothespins on for a long time does. (What does go wrong? He should probably look it up himself.) Shifts could work, though he really should look it up to understand in more detail. 

The temporary copies thing, on the other hand... John really likes that idea. Obviously it's far off (and further off than the non-temporary copies, clearly) though the idea of having someone he could hurt and damage without worrying about the consequences... that definitely is having an effect down below. Even in his current state. (What would he even do with power like that? Besides the clothespins thing. He's having trouble coming up with good ideas, but still knows he wants it.) 

Other things having effects on him: her finding and using fucktoy (a term he's most familiar with) and cocksleeve (a term that he probably has run across before but doesn't recall, but the meaning of which is rather clear and extremely hot) as terms to describe herself. He really, really, really likes this, and also everything that comes after in that same paragraph. 

(He's also excited about better birth control methods that don't involve a condom. Condoms are supposed to be worse than without, and he wants to enjoy his fucktoy fully and properly.) (There's no way she's going to figure something out before the ritual so he can take her virginity without a condom, is there? Oh well. Maybe he can ask to do it just this once, for well, symbolic reasons? He's probably not going to ask though.) 

He writes: 

Four going on five after your note, though I don't think we'll get to five. I'm turned on by everything you wrote, but not enough. Keeping a high score seems fine as long as I can try to beat it with you. 

He really does want to give her lots of orgasms. Even if doing it when she told him not to last time caused problems (and he still feels awful about that). With permission, though... 

Understood about the clothespins thing. It's a pity, but I'll be careful from here on out.

I am very excited about temporary copies now, though I know they're a long way off. And I'm also very excited to call you my fucktoy sometimes, or my cocksleeve, when you're acting like one. They are in fact very fitting terms. 

I'm also really glad about the hot things we come up with together! I've never done anything like this before, and I'm glad you're enjoying it so much. And I'm also very much looking forward to you being mine. 

Another longish and accordingly lateish message.

Thinking about it more, I think I've figured out part of what makes the difference between calling myself your toy in a good way and being treated like an object in a bad way. I think it's... so, Himari's fantasies seem to be about lowering herself, like when she was gratified to be dominated by her box because it put her in her place, lower than an inanimate object. My fantasies are about elevating you, so that I'm still a person but you're so far above me that my personhood is a footnote to you, of no more consequence than you deign to grant it. I want to be your slave, your slut, your toy. Not just generically a slave, but your slave, devoted to your service. Not just generically a toy, but your toy for you to use as you see fit. Does that make sense?

I should probably be careful about it, though, because even though being your toy is really hot, I suspect I'd have a problem if I started leaning into it to the exclusion of all else. We should make sure to maintain a balanced fantasy diet, where sometimes we're leaning into the toy thing but sometimes we're celebrating and rewarding my personhood instead of disregarding it. I think things like the princess/queen fantasy might be good there—part of the point of those is that I'm magical and special and wonderful and powerful and still your devoted slave. Maybe I can come up with more like that? What do you think? I have this half-formed idea where you're a spaceship captain and I'm your ship's computer, smart and clever and powerful and all yours... hard to find costumes for that one, though, and the set design would take some real work. Eager to hear your thoughts if you have any.

Please do try to beat your high score with me, when the time comes. I'm looking forward to it. I still want to take my time getting there, though. I want you to explore my body in a safe, comfortable, low-pressure way. ❤️

Bedtime for me now, I think. See you tomorrow, my love 💖

John isn't fully clear on what she's getting at, though the reference to the princess/queen thing (and half-formed spaceship thing) makes at least partial sense of it. It's weird to him to be thinking of mind controlling powerful ladies without then reducing them to a lower level, but he's not supposed to be doing antagonism and maybe that's what that means? At least partly? It seems like a hard line to walk, though. 

It also seems to be about her being his toy specifically, though. Which is something he can get behind. Possibly that might be a way to approach it, treating her as his badass queen or ritualist (or spaceship AI somehow), and being proud of her accomplishments? Still feels weird, though. But he can get used to it, he hopes. 

We can try and maintain a balanced diet! And treat you like a person for it, as opposed to an object. Let me know if you think we're having problems in that regard ever.

I'm really not sure about the spaceship AI thing, though, costumes or no. Difficult to have sex with a spaceship, or at least, I'd rather have sex with something shaped like a human person as opposed to, I don't know, a hole in some console somewhere? Possibly you could be an android or something, like Data in star trek, but with a lot more emotion than him, of course. And then you could be the ship's navigator or something, and do really efficient things and I could praise you about those?

I'll think about this more tomorrow. For now, it's bedtime for me too. Sleep well! 

He really is having more trouble coming up with things at the moment, and really needs his sleep. He'll hopefully do a better job tomorrow. 

A little after six AM, she responds.

Oh, to be clear, I was definitely imagining the whole time that the ship's computer had a human avatar somehow. I'm agnostic about exactly how. Holodeck nonsense? Android/robot body with remote control? Human cloning with remote control?? Oh, that one's interesting actually because then you have the human who exists only as the ship's avatar, her every movement controlled by her brain implant, getting to enjoy being yours just as much as the ship does. I'm not sure how to bring that out within the actual roleplay but I'm sure going to be thinking about it.

I love you. I'm so excited about all our fantasies.

Being more awake (at later than 6 in the morning, but still some time before school, though not enough, he should look into waking up earlier to talk to Rosy, it's good and fun (and hot)) definitely is better for coming up with ideas. Though Rosy has things covered on the ideas front so far. 

Holodeck nonsense sounds very fun, though I'd want to know what happens to fluids. But I do like the idea of the whole ship being a holodeck or something, and you can just manifest anywhere and look however I want you to and stuff. 

He pauses. Is it ok to write that line? It's probably not ok to write that line. Even if it's something he wants (fully customizable!) he knows it's bad to even imply that he doesn't like the way his girlfriend looks. He deletes and replaces. 

and look however you want in whatever costumes you want. 

There, that's better. 

Plus, depending on software, you could manifest multiple of you at the same time. (Possibly one of them in front of the captain's chair, on her knees. I am having an amusing image of the enterprise's bridge, entirely crewed by holographic yous, with me in the captain's chair, and one of you on her knees in front of me. I think once again, this requires a duplication spell to enact, unfortunately.) We could get similar effects with the robot bodies or human clones, too. I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at with the human clone thing though. What do you mean by that part, exactly? 

And now he's used up ten minutes writing an email (and touching himself) and needs to get ready for school. 

Well, we do still have to implement these fantasies using my physical form, at least for now, so I was imagining the fluids situation analogous to a real human—I do love taking care of your fluids for you ❤️

Holodeck spaceship bridge sounds like a lot of fun, though! And it could even let us get away with a less difficult set design job, if we decided the captain likes setting his bridge up to look like an old-fashioned sitting room. Unfortunately I don't have the ability to make myself look however I want in real life, yet, but I could definitely take advantage of the holodeck costuming premise to do some fun things. Probably I should spend my costuming budget a tiny bit more sensibly than this but I'm imagining sexy Star Trek uniforms modified to look like sexy maids or secretaries or cheerleaders depending on the captain's whim of the day. It can't be that hard to learn to sew, right...? No, my time is probably more valuable than my money in this regard, money can be spent on many things but only time can result in magic. And anyways I can't give you a whole crew until I can duplicate myself which is definitely going to be a project of years. For now, maybe best to stick to a spaceship with an android or human avatar.

Sorry for not expanding on the cloning idea enough—my vague concept was that if making a robotic human body was expensive or complicated, the next best thing might be to grow a real human in a vat, with a brain chip implanted to give full sensory feedback one way and full motor control the other. So basically just like an android body, except that since the cloned avatar has her own entire human brain in there, she has her own thoughts and feelings... and since she's a me, she loves existing just to be the interface between your spaceship and your cock ❤️❤️❤️

I don't know though, on second thought, that might be a little too intense for me. It's definitely appealing at first glance but I could see it getting away from me and going to places I'm not sure are safe. I'll have to think about it.

Aww, now that she understands what Rosy is getting at, that does sound interesting! And possibly depending on how the interface works, the ship-Rosy can report on what the clone-Rosy is feeling and thinking. Possibly even while she sucks his cock? (That sounds really hot.) But he doesn't want to do anything that's too intense for her. (Mostly. And it wouldn't be fun without her active participation anyways, not without a lot more mind control that is probably not going to happen. Also he's not supposed to do things she tells him she doesn't want and not supposed to do antagonism in fantasy let alone real life for fucks sake so should stop thinking about this.) 

As much as I might enjoy the fantasy of the more complicated version, (and I like the costume ideas,) I agree simpler is all that's going to work for now. I'd be perfectly happy for my android spaceship avatar to, say, put in minor course corrections to keep going straight or take into account solar winds or something and keep us on course, all the while sucking me off or something. Possibly I should come up with better spaceship tasks than that. I'm also imagining spaceship battles but it seems weird to mix those. 

Though the idea of having his badass battle spaceship suck him off while he/they fight some unsuspecting other ship, and then the defeated crew becomes his sex slaves... but no. No antagonism. No being a space pirate slaver, with a badass girl spaceship that sucks his cock, no matter how hot that sounds. (And it does sound really hot.)

I get what you mean about the human clone thing now, having an extra Rosy that gets controlled by the actual ship Rosy. But if that sounds too intense for you, we shouldn't do it. I don't want to make you do things you don't want to do. 

Okay, he definitely needs to be getting up early. Mom is thankfully not home to yell at him to get going, but if getting ready is taking this long due to, well, Rosy, he needs to give himself more time. He hurries through the rest of getting ready, hopefully to give himself time to read at least one more email and maybe write a short response before he leaves. 

A mere couple of minutes for this one.

We should definitely come up with good spaceship tasks. Am I going to accidentally end up worldbuilding some kind of horny Star Trek variant with lots of tricky things for spaceships to do in an utterly excessive amount of detail? I am, aren't I. I accept my fate.

I don't necessarily want to rule out the clone idea completely! I'm still thinking about it, and I might figure out a way to make it work for me. But yes, I very much appreciate you not wanting to make me do things I don't want to do. ❤️

John giggles at her first paragraph. 

I look forward to whatever you manage to come up with! 

he sends her. And then it is time to go. He heads out the door and gets on his bike and heads off, thinking about the second paragraph. He wants to make it work, or at least talk about it more, but he doesn't want to force her to do things she doesn't want to do, or ever worse, have her do it because she feels she has to, which is a problem he sees happening all the time. Admittedly, Rosy is much less prone to this than most people, but he doesn't want to take the risk. He'll be careful instead. He checks his phone one more time upon arrival to school, to see if Rosy has sent him anything else. 

I will do a responsible amount of paying attention to my classes today. ...and otherwise think about spaceships.

She's so very cute. 

I'll do the same! And we can compare notes later. Have a good day!

School time! So much less interesting and fun than Rosy time, but necessary just the same. 

Her next message shows up in the middle of lunch.

So spaceships!

Have you ever seen Andromeda? It's by the same guy as Star Trek but more obscure. I mostly remember the characters I had crushes on, but there was definitely a ship's computer who definitely had some kind of holographic or robotic avatar and that mental image is definitely in the back of my mind here.

Anyway, I want difficult problems my ship-self can solve for you while her avatar is on her knees serving your pleasure. I want you to grab my hair and drag my head down and then pet me while I gag and tell me I'm a good girl for doing so well at both my jobs. I'm not sure yet how to arrange for me to actually solve anything difficult while sucking you off, but maybe I can have the ship's solutions prepared in advance?

I think what this needs is some kind of FTL situation that requires serious effort and cleverness, not just in doing the right math but in navigating difficult tradeoffs, including situations where part of the challenge is making the right moves to find out the information necessary to plot a safe course in time. And maybe I'm some kind of experimental ship that's supposed to be able to combine the adaptability and lateral thinking of a human crew with the parallel processing and mathematical prowess of a ship's computer, and you seduced me and convinced me to make you my captain—in fact, I wonder if you were rescuing me from my creators, who planned to use me as nothing but a convenient machine, whereas you see me as a beautiful woman (and happily use me as one)? I kind of like the thematic underpinnings there, if the reason you have absolute power over me is because I'm built to be completely controlled by a human master, but we're subverting that system by having my master be someone who cares about me as more than just a spaceship that flies itself, while at the same time we're both getting off on the part where you still have absolute power over me.

If we go that route or something like it, then I think there's no better pilot and no better ship out there than me, and I should come up with hyperspace navigation problems that a human pilot with a normal ship in that setting would be totally stumped by, then figure out how I use my unique advantages to succeed where others would fail. We can run away from the authorities together, and explore distant stars, and maybe one day rescue my ship-sisters from captivity together (into, of course, your captivity, which is much better)?

As for the nature of the navigational challenges, I've been struck by a whim. You're more of a sci-fi nerd than I am, so correct me if I'm wrong, but in our world "dark matter" is stuff that can't be seen directly and can only be detected by its effect on other matter nearby? I wonder if the hyperspace landscape is populated by a kind of even darker matter that is not only undetectable by direct measurement but also only shows up even to indirect measurement when you're looking for it from within hyperspace? So you have to start every flight by entering hyperspace blindly to scout, maybe pop back out immediately if local conditions are bad, plot your course based on what you managed to glimpse while you were at it, then you have to course-correct as you go because the aetheric winds (or whatever we want to call them) change too fast to be reliably mapped in any but the broadest terms, and you can only see the currents that are close enough to your ship to be affecting nearby hyperspace matter. Just a thought. I think I might like it, though.

Anyway how's your day been?

He looks at his phone, reads a bit, looks around, sighs in frustration, then finishes the rest of his food and heads to the bathroom. To read the rest, and reply. (And possibly other things.)

I have not seen Andromeda. Though perhaps I should? I'd be happy to watch it with you if you want to show it to me. 

I too was thinking about things along a navigational bent, though not in quite in so much depth of detail as you've managed to come up with. I also had the concept of constant course corrections being required, though I like your idea of hyperspace being full of hazards that computers can detect but you have to pop in and out to constantly course correct. I like it a lot if you're a sapient starship because then that could possibly mean that you and you alone can navigate hyperspace without having to pop in and out, you have the processing power to detect the currents and predict movements and the human understanding to use that to plot constant course corrections. (And also suck my dick at the same time.) Possibly they do make sister ships after I seduce you into running away with me, but put more limiters in them which makes them unable to run away again, but also makes them less effective, so we're still the fastest. 

John also wonders if in such a case they'd be treated like objects rather than people, which would be hot... but isn't a proper topic for Rosy. He's supposed to be the good captain freeing them from slavery (albeit into being slaves to him), not the evil one ordering the less-capable one to pursue and hurting the human/robot/holographic body when she isn't as up to the task and taking his (sexual) frustration out on her. (It's hot to imagine though.) 

And then of course we free them by being more clever and more maneuverable than them (like a trick pilot going into the asteroid field, but with dangerous dark matter rapids or something), maybe they follow because you're so good that you play at being damaged when you're not and they think they have you, but of course it's all just a clever ruse and we beat them at the last second. And then we free your sister ship from the limiter and launch the evil captain into space in a lifepod, and she agrees to be mine too, and... anyways, I like your ideas. Obviously if we wanted more than one ship we'd want more than one you but we could be intrepid and awesome with just us to start with. Might be fun to figure out how the initial seduction goes too, and roleplay that first? Anyways, those are my thoughts. 

John has been in the bathroom way too long and lunch is nearly over, he does not have enough time to edit this to make it sound better. Rosy almost certainly won't mind any of it, he's pretty sure. He sends it, pulls up his pants, and heads to his next class. 

I am so very much looking forward to roleplaying navigating the hyperspace currents and sucking your dick at the same time. 💖

The sister ships being more limited makes a lot of sense. (And we can take away the limits when we rescue them!)

I wonder if we could run rescue plots before we have more than one of me by saying that the original is the only one who comes with a body installed, and when we free the rest of me (I know "sister ship" should be the term but I am beginning to feel weird about it) they're eager to learn what it feels like to serve you the way I can, so we all work on the project together, but it'll take a long while before the rest of me get to enjoy having bodies for you to fuck 💖

I love your scenario where I pretend to be damaged to trick the other captain and we get to rescue the other me from him. There's so much drama available there! And it would be so touching to have the rescued ship tearfully swearing fealty and telling you how much she wishes she could get on her knees to thank you properly (while the original me demonstrates exactly what she means).

As for the original rescue, I'm imagining you're someone who's enough of a VIP to get a private tour of the shiny new ship, (maybe with a very professional and businesslike salesperson talking up my virtues? For some reason I really like the idea of dressing really sharply in a not at all sexified way and pretending to be a fancy business lady advertising the ship to you where the ship is also me.) That parenthetical rather got away from me. Anyway, you have a private tour of the prototype model, with an eye to maybe selling you one of the later ones, but you can't buy this one because she's promised to the government or something. And when the saleslady lets you have some time to speak to me directly, you realize that there's a real person in there, a real person who was constructed from the ground up to be completely subordinate to her captain, and I'm scared of what that will mean, even though I'm also drawn to the idea; and you know these people won't see me the way you will, won't realize that I have feelings that matter, and I'll be sad and lonely belonging to them. So you offer to protect me, by stealing me from my creators and making me yours, and I'm incredibly grateful and a little nervous and very turned on, and you gently and lovingly (is that all right to say?) introduce me to all the ways it can be good to belong to someone, and I thrive in your care and fall deeply in love with you and also suck your dick a whole lot. 💖💖💖

What are your thoughts on that idea? Are there things you like about it and want to see expanded on, things you don't like and want to see revised, ideas you want to contribute, questions you want me to answer?

John very carefully doesn't read anything until study hall near the end of the day. 

He can't spend all of study hall in the bathroom though. Instead, he sits in the far corner, away from everyone else, and very carefully doesn't touch himself at all, and reads. 

(Man, and he really liked the idea of the evil ship's captain taking out his frustration on the ship's avatar thing. Sexually. Oh well. He wasn't going to do that with Rosy anyways.) 

I think we might want to figure out some more background details about the initial scenario here, though I do like the general shape of it. And I do like the idea of being shown around by you in a spiffy business outfit. It might also be useful for additional scenarios in the future. But I feel like I'm having trouble with who my character is, exactly. Who are they that they're being shown this ship, as a demonstration for me to buy a whole order of them. (Also, do we want to have an actual demonstration? I bet traveling a short distance much faster than normal would be something they'd do to demonstrate to prospective buyers. Might be slightly weird if you're already there as spiffy business lady, but you could do your voice over the intercom, so we wouldn't need two physical instances of you?) That parenthetical might have also gotten away from me :-P Regardless, who am I that I'd be shown this ship and then decide to run away with it and become a free agent. I guess I could be an agent for some company or global power, perhaps? That way I would have the ability to buy things, on behalf of someone else, but then lose all my resources when I run away with you. I still feel like I want more details here, but that's probably the right idea. 

And then, along other lines, why is there a physical avatar of you on the ship, but not on any of the future ones? Is it part of the limiters? Because you're a floor model? Because you're the prototype and it's easier to debug that way? And if it's hard to make avatars for the rest of the ships, why? Are you a robot/android that we don't have the parts to make? (Also why does this android come with, um, functional parts. Maybe you are intended to be the floor model? Disturbing if so, and also might answer my next question, which, um, I guess I'll get into now.)

The other thing I have (well, had) trouble reconciling was that the spiffy business lady would be leaving us alone together long enough for us to talk, and fuck. Did she get called away for a while? Did I sneak back on board for corporate espionage reasons? (Actually that one's also pretty neat.) But um, if her leaving us alone together was intended as a sales tactic, that could explain some things. It would be disgusting, 

and also hot but he's not going to mention that

but it would explain some things. Though that might also be a bit much, and you might have different ideas. 

Anyways, those are my thoughts, slightly rambly though they are. 

They are too many to go back and fix and also he should try and get some work done now instead of messaging hot things with Rosy. 

Let me know what you think if you can, and if not I'll see you in a couple hours! 

He steels himself, and he sends it. And then tries to get to work. 

Somehow she finds the time between classes to send off a quick note.

Is "disgusting" the only word that springs to mind there, my love? 💖

I have more thoughts but I'll just have to talk about them in person, I won't have time to write another whole essay's worth of sexy worldbuilding before I see you.

Disgusting is not entirely the only word, admittedly yes. Well, okay. As sad as he is to not see more sexy worldbuilding (he's very much enjoying the sexy worldbuilding, it turns out), getting more work done is a good thing. And should give them more time with math later. (He really likes the way she likes the math.) And so he does he best to read a few more chapters of the next boring English novel he's been assigned, waiting for the bell to ring. 

And then, after class, he heads (possibly a little too quickly but he's excited) to his locker, to meet with Rosy. 


By the work of some mysterious power, or just being very organized and good at speedwalking, Rosy has once again gotten to his locker before he did. She bounces when he turns the corner.


She's so cute. (Does he risk kissing her this time? Does he?) He grins and waves and walks even a little bit faster, despite the crowd of students. (He really wants to kiss her.) 

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