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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"That makes sense, I guess," he says, still feeling foolish. "I was just, um, very excited. Basically. If you know what I mean. I didn't mean to push you to go so fast." 


"I could have just not gone so fast if I didn't want to! Besides, there are advantages to needing to shower."

She leads him into her room, sets down her backpack, and starts taking off her safety equipment.


Advantages? "Wait, what advantages?" he asks, confused. 


She grins at him, drops her helmet and elbow pads and so on in a heap on her floor, and says, "Well, would you like me to show you to the office before or after I take all my clothes off?"



He hadn't thought of that. 


He really wants to see her with her clothes off. He wants this very badly (and his body, which he's not supposed to hide) agrees. "I... it might be difficult to show me the office when naked?" he half says, half asks, voicing the first argument against that comes to mind. Also it might be difficult to do work when naked and in theory they're supposed to be responsible or something? That argument seems very far away right now. Seeing the cute naked girl who is extremely into him is much closer. 


"True! All right, I can save being naked for after homework." She grabs her backpack and heads out to lead him to the office, which is just around the corner down the hall.


He feels immediately like he has made a terrible, horrible, awful mistake. Did he just turn down a naked Rosy for, what, logistical reasons? Why did he do that? He sheepishly (foolishly, regretfully) follows behind her with his own stuff. 


Behold an office! It's just like in the pictures. Rosy leaves her backpack by her own desk.

"So I'll go shower and then come back and start on my homework. Think it'll distract you too much if I'm doing homework in a bathrobe?"


It probably (definitely) will, but after his last mistake he's not about to say so. "No?" he says, half a squeak. 


She laughs. "Okay, I guess we'll see!"

And she's off.


And here he is, alone in a room, Rosy-less. (Why did he decide not to see her strip? Why did he agree that the bathrobe was ok?) Okay. If the point is to get to the fun stuff as fast as possible (and it is) he might as well take as much advantage of this Rosy-less time as possible. He takes out his social studies textbook and starts reading the newly assigned chapter, checking the content against the questions so he can answer then when he gets to, well, the answer.



She's back in a little less than five minutes, in a fluffy white bathrobe with her hair dripping down her back. Her feet are ensconced in bunny slippers with little pink noses and long white ears.

"How's it going?" she asks cheerfully.


He had not expected the slippers. Possibly he should have. They're adorable, just like the rest of her. And while she is wearing a bathrobe (and thus nothing at all underneath), the bathrobe is far more cozy than sexy. (He still wants to kiss her and take it off, though.)

"It's going alright," he says. "Just reading up on history so I can answer questions about it." He waves the printout in the air. Two of the ten questions are answered. There are still more to go. 


"Oh good!"

She plonks herself down at her own desk and starts dragging books out of her backpack.


He glances back at her (she's cute) and then sighs and returns to his own work. The faster it gets done the faster they can have fun. (Though he still should do at least a decent job. But there's no actual essays due tomorrow, just this and math. He can do it.) 


Rosy is a diligent worker, it turns out, though not by nature a quiet one; she keeps humming or tapping a pen and then catching herself and stopping so she won't distract him.


It's very cute. Distracting, but cute. (But he's not about to ask her to stop, that would be wrong.) Eventually, after a few iterations, he asks after one interruption stops (so she probably has her own concentration broken and it's safe to do so), "so, what are you working on?" 


"Trigonometry. But I'm almost done; up next is the next two chapters of Pride and Prejudice."


"Ugh, I remember reading that one. It's a lot better than most of the things they have us read, I suppose, but it's really not my cup of tea. I know it's supposed to be a classic, but, give me a science fiction or fantasy book any day. Trig is fun, though!" 


"I'm doing my best to approach Austen with an open mind. I want to understand why she wrote what she wrote and what it meant to her. Happily, English class also wants me to understand those things."


"That's a better view than I've got, I suppose. I just get through them as best I can, for the most part. I don't know when English class turned into, well, reading boring novels, but it did. I like reading! As, um, you may have noticed." He blushes. "Just not most of what they assign us." 


"I think I would have liked Austen a lot if I'd grown up in her cultural context. As it is I only like her a mild to moderate amount, but I'm very intrigued."


"I suppose these books would have been easier to understand if we grew up around when the writers did. But we didn't. And yet they get more popular the older they are, it seems, not less." He shrugs. "I've tried classic literature, but it really isn't for me. I wish I could have your perspective on it, I suppose. I'm glad you find it intriguing." 


"I try to find the interest in things. Anyway, I should get back to my triangles."


Triangles! "And I should get back to my reading on post WWII reconstruction. Scintillating reading." He does his best to make it clear he isn't serious when he says that. "Enjoy your triangles!" And back to reading and answering short answer questions he goes. 

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