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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"It was really hot!!"


"It really was. I'm looking forward to more hot things in the future." He grins more. "A lot more calling you, um, things." Still hard to say out of context, apparently. 


She kisses his cheek. "Calling me your slut and your slave-in-waiting and eventually your slave?"


He blushes. "Yes. That. Those things. Definitely." It seems a little silly to be embarrassed about it but apparently he is. 


"I'm really looking forward to you calling me your slave," she says, rubbing her cheek on his shoulder in an affectionate and slightly horny fashion.


More blushing, damnit. "I'm really looking forward to that too," he says. "Also, um, you calling me certain things as well." 



She hides her blushing face in his shoulder and says, shyly, "Master-in-waiting."


John grins and giggles and kisses the top of her head. "That's not quite what I was thinking of, silly. But also I like it." Does he? It's a bit of a mouthful, sir is better, but it might have its moments? But he's supposed to like it, and it's not overly onerous to do so, so he might as well say so. 


"—I mean—I didn't mean it as a, a suggestion—I was just, um, um. Trying to say I look forward to calling you Master."


"Oh. Right, that makes sense." Whoops. Also, phew? (He's still not sure how he feels about the term but maybe he didn't like it?) Also whoops. He's being really bad at this sometimes. "Sorry about that. I'm, well, I'm looking forward to that too. A lot." 


Happy snuggle.


Snuggle! Snuggles are good. 

He wants to bring up the list again (and also should check the time because he hasn't actually done any homework yet tonight and may be spending some time working furiously in study hall tomorrow morning) but both of those are a bad idea when she wants to be snuggled. So: more snuggles! And he'll wait for her to say things. 




This lasts for about two more minutes before Rosy says contemplatively, "What about you? Do you have any thoughts on what has been working well or poorly in—I guess I do get to call it 'our sex life' at this point, I think three orgasms probably qualifies as a sex life. It's like serial murder that way."


He grins at her when she says the line about serial murder. And then he realizes something. 

"Wait, I've had three" (also wow three, that's... three more orgasms than he expected to have at this point in his life with a girl) "and you haven't had any. I... shit, I'm sorry, I... do you, um," he's not really sure about the mechanics of this. Well, he's read porn, and watched it, he has some idea but not, um, hands on experience. "I should probably make that up to you." He probably needs to get home soon but he should do this because this is part of what he's supposed to be doing? (Well, when she belongs to him, technically... but this isn't porn she's a real person and it should be more equitable. Probably. Unless she's into that sort of thing. Is she into that sort of thing?) "Um. How do I um, go about doing that?" 


"...It hadn't occurred to me that I might want to be made up to, honestly. I have very much enjoyed all three of your orgasms so far. Highlights of my year, every one. That's not to say that I don't want to also have orgasms at some point, just, I don't find myself in a particular rush about it? We can go slow? Get you those hands-on anatomy lessons I hinted suggestively about earlier, without particularly expecting anything to come of it? Pun not intended but retroactively approved."


"Are... are you sure?" He definitely feels like leaving this like this is wrong, somehow. "I promise I'll make it up to you later, I guess? Soon? I'm, um, glad mine were so excellent for you" they were excellent for him too, also highlights of his year (though with even better to come) "but I just want to make sure you also" have a nice time does not make sense with what she just said even though it feels like the thing to say "um, get to get off?" That works, he thinks. 


"I'm definitely on board with me getting off! I just don't want to rush about it. What do you think of the idea of anatomy lessons without particular expectations tentatively scheduled for, say, next time you visit?"


"That sounds good to me, I think? Though that's probably not going to be until Wednesday. I have... homework to do tomorrow. And homework I should probably do tonight, actually?" Shit did he say that too soon. He probably said it too soon. He doesn't want to put pressure on her if she still wants him to be snuggling him. "But Wednesday should probably be ok if it's ok with you?" 


"Wednesday sounds good!" She kisses him. "Should you be getting home so you can start your homework? I was going to suggest you try doing homework here but I don't think I can make that suggestion with a straight face. I would inevitably pester you with my affection and nothing would get done, I just know it."


"I," John hadn't thought of that! It sounds like a great idea except for the ways that it sounds like a terrible idea. "I... it would save on travel time if I did it here?" he says, half-hopeful to convince at least one of them that it's a good idea. (It's not a good idea.) "You're probably right that it's a bad idea, but also I want to try anyways?" Also that way he could be here tomorrow. "Also that way I could visit you every day instead of having to not show up some days because of homework!" Nope, still not convincing. Damnit. 


"Tell you what," she says. "You try doing your homework, I'll try doing mine, and if we both succeed I'll drag a second desk in here and we can make ourselves a cozy little nest to spend the rest of our evenings until summer. Or until we start distracting each other so badly we need to stop. One of those."


She's convinced! Or maybe not convinced, but willing to try it. And if she's willing to try it... maybe it can work? (He's lying to himself right now, isn't he. He might be.) 

"I can try it," he says. "I don't actually have all my stuff with me? But um..." is there any homework he can do right now? There is not. "Damn, no. We could try tomorrow?" They should not try tomorrow, he has to get his damn report done tomorrow, and it's not worth the risk. (Is he sure??? Yes. Yes he is. Unfortunately.) "No. Wednesday. We could try Wednesday. And then maybe it'll work!" They'll have to wait and see. 


"Wednesday it is. I'll get that extra desk in here, aspirationally."


"Sounds good to me!"

Should he ask about the checklist? Maybe he should ask about the checklist when they have more time. 

Actually, wait, now that he thinks of it. "Actually we could put the desks somewhere else, maybe? To make it less likely that um. To make it more likely that we actually get our homework done." Even if he'd rather take kissing breaks. Long kissing breaks. "If that's a good idea to you, that is." 


"Hmm. Valid. I'll commandeer some office space." She kisses him.

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