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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"No, I'm fine, I'm just trying to avoid harrowing or arousing you and apparently that's too many things to avoid."


"I'm not used to the idea of dating someone. Or magic. Or that someone is dating is into the idea of me owning them, with magic. Or" shit "wait sorry not owning? I mean, maybe owning? I don't know if owning is the wrong word to use here." Has he used that term outside his head with her yet? Or, wait, she used it in the letter. Right? He's probably worried over nothing. 


"I am very into the idea of you owning me."


He blushes. "Okay, good. I'm just, not sure always what the right words to use are. And I don't want to use the wrong ones." He doesn't want to hurt her and also he doesn't want to miss out on this if he says something she doesn't like. (Realistically there is almost no chance of that, but he's still worried.)


"I promise I'll tell you if you use a word that bothers me." She kisses him on the cheek. "And I promise 'owning' doesn't bother me."


"Okay, good." He blushes a little, steels himself, and then tries, "I'm also very into the idea of me owning you." Is that him getting turned on again? It's him getting turned on again. 


She wiggles happily and nuzzles his shoulder. "I'm so glad."

Then, a little shyly, she adds, " it okay to say arousing things now?"


John... dithers about that for a moment. On the one hand, arousing things? Are very very fun? On the other hand, it keeps feeling like things go wrong or weird in one way or another, and he keeps feeling ashamed or embarrassed or foolish about it. 

But things mostly go ok when they're being intentional about it? (Also he really wants to hear what she has to say. Out of curiosity! ...And also because they're hot.)

"What did you have in mind?" he asks, grinning slightly, hopefully and anxious and trying to get into it. 


She blushes and hides her face in his shoulder. "I... was going to talk about wanting you to own me," she says shyly. "Should I? Would you like that?"


He grins, and feels himself get a little bit more turned on. Still a little worried (he wishes he could stop and just enjoy it, but maybe that will happen when she says more things) but overall excited. "I think I might like that," he says, a little shyly himself. 


"I want you to own me, sir," she murmurs, shy and happy and hopeful, full of love and desire. "I want to make you my lord and master. I want to be loyal to you and bound to your will."

She bites her lip and un-hides her face long enough to look at him and see what he thinks before she says anything else.


The first "sir" is enough to definitely make itself noticeable between his legs, merely hearing it in her voice makes him start to creep upwards. And the rest only stiffens him further. That was... hot. That was very hot. "Well, that turned me on, s..." he starts to say, and then his brain hiccups. What should he call her? Slave doesn't feel right for right now (and might not later?) and well, most of his other language is demeaning language. (Girl might work but feels wrong and isn't what he's going for, and everything else is like "slut" and "cunt" and "fucktoy" and stuff.) And he doesn't know what would be ok. 

"Um, that's actually a good point," he says, now burying his own face in a shoulder. "What, um, do I call you? What can I call you? You have things to call me, but um, I." Come on, he has to say it. Right. "Some words only really work after I own you" nope apparently he doesn't need to say it "and others... I don't know what's ok to call you." He buries his face deeper. 


"...that's a fair question and I'm not entirely sure!" She pets him. "What might you call me, what do you want to call me? What were you going to call me before you stopped yourself?"


Does he have to say it? He doesn't want to have to say it. "I was gonna say, um," nope "um, the um, natural counterpart to um," oh come on for real? He can do this "Master," he finally manages, burying his head down with embarrassment. "But that doesn't actually make sense until when you can call me that!" he quickly adds. "It's um, just my natural inclination. From my, um, reading." Mind control porn, to be exact. "But instead I could, um, call you other degrading things?" Which he's also learned from porn. "Like, um, slut, or, um, other things?" Other things are worse (cunt, bitch, fucktoy) or don't really make sense (whore, also bitch) and he's too afraid to say them. (She hasn't minded yet, come on, he should do it.)


"I think... I have complicated feelings about being degraded," she says thoughtfully. "It's not something I'd seek out for myself... but I like the thought of you enjoying it? I like that a lot. But I'm not sure whether it would be... unsettling. But I might want to try it anyway? So," she blushes, "you could call me slut, if you wanted, and see how I feel about it. Though, as an alternative, it occurs to me..." She blushes harder. "You're right that slave doesn't work yet. But what about slave-in-waiting?"


John can't help but giggle at the slightly awkward term. "It's a bit of a mouthful, isn't it? But sure, I can try it, my slave-in-waiting." He says the last part with a bit of the voice she liked so much (it's easy to drop into the right mindset when saying something like that, it might have been the mindset that's causing him to do it in the first place, it's a bit of a risky thing to be doing now that he thinks of it. But that mindset wouldn't be worried). He picks his head up to see how she responds to it (betraying none of his inner concern (he hopes)) before responding to the rest of what she said. 



It turns out she really likes being called his slave-in-waiting. Especially in that voice. She's all dazed and adoring now. There may be a hint of a whimper.


Yup, that was more or less what he was looking for. He grins, and enjoys her adoration, and softly kisses her on the forehead (wouldn't do to get distracted now) before settling back into normal and continuing to respond to what Rosy said (which was what, again? Right.) 

"I don't know that I necessarily want it to be unsettling," he says, "even if you're doing it to make me happy? But I can try calling you a um, slut," boy is he glad he didn't mention the others "and we'll see how it goes?" 


She blinks a few times and recovers her composure, shivering slightly.

"Wow. Um. Yes. I think," she pauses to search for words, still reeling a little from the impact of that phrase, "I think it would make sense, to reserve slave-in-waiting for times when you really want to knock me flat with how hot you are, and use something else the rest of the time. And you can try 'slut' for that purpose, and we'll, yes, see how it goes."



He's a little bit sad that he can't just use that all the time (it was fun! And hot. Really hot). But he can be careful with it, since it does affect her, clearly, like before (and also potentially should be careful with the voice, since apparently that also has fun effects), and, he's happy to try "slut". More or less. 

"Sure," he says, "where were we before we got distracted thinking about what to call you?" He bites off the "slut" before he says it. It feels a little awkward at the moment. It'll probably be easier when he's turned on. 


She grins and blushes a little.

"I think I was talking about how I want you to own me," she says, starting out bold and getting softer and shyer as she goes on. "I think... I said I want to make you my lord and master, and bind myself to your will..." She blushes. "And then I was going to say..."

Shy nervous lipbite.


"...I want to be yours, and hear you tell me what to do in that voice, and know I couldn't disobey even if I wanted to. I want to be yours, and hear you order me to kneel, and say 'yes, my lord' and mean it—really mean it, the way it can only be meant when it's true."


Yup, all of this is hot. It's hot when she says that she wants him to be her Lord and Master (very hot), bound to his will, and it's hotter to think about what she's describing, where he commands her to kneel and she does it because she has to, has to obey, has to address him properly (well, maybe? Not sure how that works, to be discussed), and hot to think about the look on her face full of devotion and want. He really likes how she wants him. "That's really, hot, slut," he says, trying it out. It doesn't quite feel right yet. Hmph. "That really turns me on." Should he say more? He can try and say more. "Thinking about you kneeling like that because you had to and looking up at me with that look you get full of devotion and want, and then I tell you, to, um," he blushes a little. He's turned on but also a little scared. Is he doing this right? Is she enjoying this? (Look at her face, she's definitely enjoying this.) 


Huh, it doesn't sound quite right to her but she can't tell whether that's because of her own feelings or because it sounded like he didn't know how he felt about it. More data needed, clearly.

On the other hand, he is still, in fact, really hot, and it's really hot when he enjoys things, such as this whole conversation, this whole conversation is really hot. She's not getting all floaty about it on the spot like she did a minute ago, but it's good.

She bites her lip and ventures, "Please, sir, tell me?"



He can do this, right? He can do this. "Tell you to um, pleasure me, um," no, that's not right. That's not really what he's thinking of doing. "Tell you to um," he takes a breath and settles, thinking about it (getting into the right headspace, why does he need to keep doing that), and says, "Tell you to suck my cock." still a little afraid, but she's still enjoying it he's pretty sure, "tell you to, to pleasure your Master with," no wait, "actually, better idea," he says, getting ideas from how turned on he is. "Tell you to, to beg to suck your Master's cock, beg to use your mouth to give him" me? whichever "pleasure, beg to be allowed to please your new Master?" somewhere in the middle there he has lost some of his certainty, and is now concerned that maybe this is too much. Is it too much? He looks at Rosy, to see how she feels. 

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