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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"I'm fine," she promises. "And now we know that you being all hot and commanding at me makes me a little loopy, and nothing bad actually happened, I enjoyed myself and so did you." She shivers a little, remembering. "It was... so good. And I think the closest thing to a bad outcome here was—I wasn't planning on calling you 'my lord' until I'm yours? It's... that's what that means to me, is—relating to you as a vassal. But," blush, "I still enjoyed saying it. I still... really, really enjoyed saying it. And it didn't hurt me, it wasn't a bad thing. It's just—a pattern I'd prefer to change." Blush, wiggle, "Like, say, by coming up with something else to call you, when you're being all commanding but I'm not your vassal?"


She says that nothing bad actually happened, and that she's still fine, but that still doesn't keep him from being worried. There's probably no point in continuing to harp on it now? He'll just need to be more careful and pay more attention next time. (The lingering doubts and concerns don't go away, though.)

He's a little sad about her desire to not call him her Lord when not actually magically his, but then when she says she might want to switch to something else in the meantime...

"I, um, 'sir' is the um, standard, I think?" he says, glancing down at his entirely unclothed and unhideable crotch and then immediately anywhere else, like a far corner of the room. "At least in stories. And other things. There are, um, other words, um..." he doesn't want to say it (though she's probably going to get it out of him anyways isn't she) "but it doesn't really work right now for the same reason Lord doesn't?" True enough. "Sir should be fine." 


She grins and bonks her head gently against his shoulder. "Do please tell me what other things you might like me to call you when I'm yours."


(Yup, he was totally right.) 

"I um, Master, mostly," he says, spitting it out before he loses his nerve, looking anywhere but his unclothed and entirely noticeable crotch. "Other stuff like owner is good, but um, mostly it's Master. That I like." Definitely not looking downward at all right now. "Though I hadn't really thought about Lord before. I um. I like it. As you might have noticed." 


"You're adorable," she says, hugging him. "I love you so much. I would be happy to call you Master as well as 'my lord' when you own me, and sir in the meantime. At least—when it's appropriate?" She feels very tentative all of a sudden. "I mean—is it okay if I don't call you that all the time, just when we're... having that kind of interaction?"


The phrase 'when you own me' definitely has John looking elsewhere. (Look, the concept is really hot okay.) 

And then she's worried and he's there to reassure and hug her. "You don't have to do it all the time," he tells her (though he is now thinking of her doing it all the time. In private, at least). "I mean, it might be um, fun to try it for some things? Like, an evening, when we're alone," he quickly clarifies. "But not if you don't want to, I'd be perfectly happy" depending on the definition of perfect but the gist is fine "with you calling me things during, um, appropriate times only."


"I think 'an evening when we're alone and specifically decided to try that' is an appropriate enough occasion," she says, leaning cozily on him.


Works for him! And if she likes it they can potentially expand it to more often (only in private though. It'd be weird otherwise). "Makes sense to me," he says, snuggling closer. 


So cozy.

"So," she says, blushing. "You could pull your pants up, or, alternately, you could take them off, and either way, we could go back to snuggling until the next time someone does something so attractive that we need to make out about it?"


He blushes at the thought of taking his pants off entirely. (Though in theory, if he takes his pants off, he could ask for something similar in trade...) But no, it's probably a better idea to um, hide the parts of him he really should be hiding. (Even if he really really really wants to see her breasts. Maybe next time?) "I'd be happy to pull my pants up and go back to snuggling," he tells her, starting to move to do so.


"Hey, no, wait," she says, smiling to show she's joking, "what if I wanted the other thing?"


He can tell she's joking, but he blushes and worries anyways. "Maybe next time?" he says, despite the parts of him that want her to be happy (and also the parts that want to do more sexy things with her). "We'll probably have more luck snuggling this way." Sadly, horribly, true. 


"What if I don't want to have luck snuggling and would rather have luck with your penis."

She can't believe she said that. She'll just be giggling helplessly into his shoulder now.

"—it's okay," she manages. "You can have pants. It's okay."


He giggles too, a little uncertain. He knows she's joking, but after messing up earlier, he really wants to be sure he doesn't mess up again. 

"Thanks, I think," he says, going to pull up his pants for real this time. 


"In fairness to me," she says, trying to muster her dignity and mostly failing, "I had a really good time. With your penis. And I want to do it again. But not necessarily right this minute."


"I'm glad you had such a good time," he says, standing to pull up his pants all the way (and put parts of him away that should be). "I had very good time too." He really, really did. And he's going to have more! In the future! Not right now though but that's ok! He sits back down on the bed. "And I'm looking forward to future times." He really, really is. (He has to do homework tomorrow, doesn't he. Damnit.) "So then, what now. More Disney?" he asks, with a note of humour in his voice. 


"We could talk about Disney some more. Or I could talk about how much I liked," blush, "the thing we just did. Or we could talk about the story some more. We have a lot of options!"

But regardless of all that she is going to sprawl out on her bed and hold out her arms to him in a cozy and inviting fashion.


John is perfectly happy pivoting himself around into her waiting arms. And wrapping his own around her. "...I might like to hear about how much you liked what we just did," he says. "Though it might make it difficult to continue snuggling if we did. We might get distracted." Which would be completely and utterly awful, of course. The worst. 


"I think I would be okay with that," she says, snuggling up happily and pressing her cheek against his shoulder. "'re very cozy. Instead of getting distracted from snuggles by sexy things I appear to be getting distracted from sexy things by snuggles."


She does feel very cozy in his arms. And soft. And clearly feels safe and relaxed there. "I think I'm okay with that," he says, smirking as he echoes her earlier line. (There's a tiny bit of regret, but he's still pretty ok with it. She'll probably get around to saying things anyways, and regardless he wants her to feel safe.)  


He is so comfy and warm and his arms are so strong wrapped around her and oh there she goes thinking about his penis again. She wiggles a little, shyly.

"...I liked... you telling me what to do," she says. "I thought I would like it so I asked for it and I was right. Your voice was just—I don't even know how to describe your voice. It was good. It was amazing. I loved it. Also pretty sure it was a big contributor to the loopiness."


He grins. "I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to do it right, so I put myself in the right mindset, and... said it the way someone in that mindset. I'm glad it worked so well." Really really really well, apparently. Well, he's not complaining about that. "As long as being loopy isn't a problem," he hastily adds. 


"The loopiness is really nice! There's definitely inconvenient things about it; it makes me slower to understand and react to things, and makes it harder to keep on top of what I'm doing, like how I didn't manage to avoid calling you 'my lord' even though I knew I wasn't supposed to. But it feels good. I think we can learn to work with it."


"Alright, if you're sure. And I certainly didn't mind that you made that mistake, even if it, um, got a bit out of hand." He blanches a little at the memory. "Possibly better to be more cautious in the future."


"A bit out of hand? What do you mean?"

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