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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"Okay. Then... would you like to curl up in my bed with me and snuggle? And talk about something not very emotionally difficult, like math or Disney movies?"


"We could do that!" He suspects that this would involve having to reposition, but he's not entirely sure how to let go at the moment. Also, "Disney movies? What about Disney movies? Or actually was that just a random example you pulled up from somewhere. It was, wasn't it." Well he sounds a little foolish now doesn't he. Whoops. 


"It was an example but it was a very specific example because I bet I can have several very interesting conversations about Disney movies."

She lets go of him and wiggles farther into the Bed Cave; it's darker in here with the upper swooshes of the open curtains blocking some of the light from the room, until she reaches for a switch half-hidden behind one of the posts of the headboard and turns on the spiral of fairy lights concealed in the canopy.


Lights! He had not expected the lights. Like everything else in this room (and in Rosy's vicinity), they're pretty. (Yes that includes Rosy herself, of course. Fuck he's really into her.) 

He follows her under the canopy, waiting to see how she ends up so he can determine how to position himself relative to her (and make sure he does it right, whatever right means here). "Such as?" he asks, curious. 


She flops cozily amid the pillows and snuggles up to him as soon as he joins her.

"Pick a Disney movie and express an opinion on it! Or just pick a Disney movie if having opinions is too hard."


Her pillows are soft and she is cozy. (And as fun as it might be to touch other parts of her right now, that's not what he's here for.)

There are a lot of Disney movies. He's not sure which one to pick or have an opinion on it if he does. (Also he's having trouble remembering any at the moment, which is weird because of how many there are.) "Um. Um. Cinderella?" he says, saying the first one that comes to mind. (Okay he thought of The Little Mermaid first but for some reason felt like it was a bad idea to talk about that one? Not important. We're in Cinderella Discussion now.) 


"And do you have any thoughts or opinions about Cinderella, or will I be providing all the thoughts and opinions in this conversation?" She nuzzles his shoulder affectionately.


He grins and nuzzles her back. (He liiiikes her. He really likes her. He's not sure how this happened in like, what, four days? Five? But he likes her.) 

"I think you may need to be providing at least one opinion? I'm still a bit out of sorts from suddenly having to think of a Disney movie and it being weirdly hard all of a sudden." Wait, should he have told her that? (Also, The Lion King. That's another one. He has thought of at least three Disney movies now. He does not need to think of more (Beauty and the Beast, that's four) damnit.) Possibly he should not have told her that.


"That's perfectly okay!"

She gives him a squeeze.

"All right, Cinderella. That's not one of my favourites so I'm not coming in with several opinions all piled up waiting to get out, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think... hmm. I like Prince Charming stories, obviously. But as time goes on it sits less and less well with me, how few of those stories involve the hero and heroine really knowing each other? It's clear they're meant to have this deep connection, but if I remember right—it has been a while since I watched Cinderella—they don't depict much of that. They just show, you know, love at first sight. And there's nothing wrong with love at first sight per se, but... you and I, I like to think, we know each other. I stalked you for a year and sent you a letter attempting to describe my entire personality. We have done the Cozy Math and shared opinions about dystopias and I showed you weird porn I found. I feel like Cinderella and her prince really didn't have the opportunity for nearly enough of that sort of thing. Do you see what I mean?"


It's actually a little surprising that she likes Prince Charming stories? But only a little bit. "I do see what you mean," he says. "Though I do think you know me slightly more than I know you, what with the year-long stalking period." He grins at her, to show that he's amused and not angry. "But even so, I think we've had a lot more chance to bond. Even if it's only over four days as opposed to an evening." He grins, thinking about all of the things she mentioned. They've done a number of things! Some of which he'd like to do again! "Though now I wonder what you think about Enchanted, which is almost directly in opposition to thing you're talking about here." 


"I confess I have not seen Enchanted, I was weirded out by the prospect of a Disney plot carried out by flesh humans. Please tell me all about the ways Enchanted breaks the mold of shallow relationships between romantic leads in children's movies."


She doesn't care about spoilers? She doesn't care about spoilers, she literally just asked him to tell her. 

"Well, so the movie does actually start animated," he says, "with, well, the prince and girl-he's-supposed to marry -- complete with um, bird summoning voice, I think Enchanted was very based on Cinderella now that I think about it -- um." How exactly does this go? He pauses to get his thoughts straight. Right! "They're both singing a duet but like from far away about true love's kiss and how it changes everything? Possibly the princess, or, well, princess to be? Girl?" her exact state in the original narrative is not clear. "is the one doing most of the singing. I forget. Regardless, despite the machinations of the evil queen, the prince, her son, runs into... what was her name again? Fuck. "Gisselle. Gisselle, that was her name. And they both know that they're madly in love and are going to get married, he literally says 'we will be married in the morning!' They might have kissed, I forget. But regardless, the evil queen, who doesn't want her son to marry because then she loses the throne, who is also the wicked witch, tricks Giselle, in her wedding dress, into a well that takes her to live action New York." And also her squirrel friend. But that's not relevant at the moment. Or, wait, does that come later? Not important. "'A place where there are no happily ever afters', she says. Or something like that. And then, basically, Giselle runs into, um, fuck. The male lead whose name I can't remember, but he's a dude and he has a kid and he's going to get married to some other lady, but then Gisselle ends up in his life and he's like 'okay why am I taking care of this weird lady who keeps wanting to find her prince, whatever that means and also makes clothing out of my curtains' -- she does that, by the way, after she summons a bunch of creatures with her voice -- which, in New York, are like cockroaches and rats and flies and pigeons and things -- to clean up their apartment -- but regardless he's like 'why am I taking care of this lady, what's happening', and also the prince goes after her into the well later, and then they do meet up, eventually, after more machinations, but there isn't any spark, Gisselle realizes the relationship is like, shallow, but Gisselle and the male lead whose name I forget do grow together and end up (after some more machinations, including the evil queen turning into a dragon in live action New York and Gisselle going to save her prince -- the male lead, not -- Edward, that's his name, Prince Edward, she goes to save the male lead from the dragon with a sword, I forget the exact details, there's a lot of rain and her dress is all flat and things and she looks really badass, um.) Where was I? Right, they end up together after that. Also Edward and the other girl who was going to marry the male lead end up going back to the magical animated place and getting married (and also her cell phone has signal there somehow which is a throwaway joke) which I always thought was a pair the spares but the relevant bit was like, Gisselle and the male lead ending up together not because of like, magical love at first sight but because they liked each other. And learned to grow together. The opposite of how it works in Disney movies, that's the point, that it's like, a deconstruction of that trope. If... that... makes sense," he says, suddenly realizing he's been talking about the plot to Enchanted for a couple of minutes. (Luckily she seems very happy at the moment, grinning and wiggling and not at all put off by it, but still. He probably shouldn't have done that?) 


She is, she is grinning and wiggling. He's just. The way he tells stories!!! This boy!!!! 💖💖💖

"—yes," she says, after a moment to recover, "I see what you mean. Also I need to kiss you now." And she does.


He kisses her back, happily. (And does his best to ignore parts of him, this is intended to be a cute and adoring kiss, not a sexy one, damnit.) Now he's grinning, afterwards. "I just really like the movie," he says, slightly sheepish. "I like the songs and also the way it's like, a deconstruction of the usual tropes, and also the way the girl saves the boy in the end instead of the other way around. I've seen it a couple of times. It's good. We could see it together at some time if you want?" 



Rosy, it transpires, may also have gotten a little caught up in the kissing.

"Aww," she says, reminding herself that this is cozy time and not time to tempt the laundry curse. "It does sound great. I... think I still don't want to see Disney embodied in flesh humans, though. I don't know, it just seems weird!"


"That's fair, I suppose," he says, slightly disappointed. "I think they were trying to make a point with it, but also I think I've told you most of the relevant details anyways." He's also not sure where to go now. "But yeah, I don't know, we could talk about other Disney movies now, if you have other favorites. Or not necessarily favorites, but ones you want to talk about. Ones you have lots of opinions on, that is." 


She is looking at him like she can think of some things they could be doing besides talking about Disney movies.


It's really good when she looks at him like that. Really, really good. He grins despite himself, and starts having similar thoughts. Maybe he could kiss her again? He goes to kiss her again. (Shouldn't he ask fir-- okay, fine, but he needs to ask after this kiss.) 


Well, if he's gonna just go right ahead and kiss her, then here they are in her bed kissing, laundry curse be damned. She wiggles happily.


She's so cute, she's so cute, and also kissing her feels very very good. He keeps kissing her. (If he doesn't stop kissing her, he technically doesn't have to ask, right? That's how that works?)



He (eventually, finally,) breaks off the kiss and says, "weren't we supposed to be um, not doing this?" He's not sure what he wants her answer to be. 


"You said you wanted to do things that make me feel more comfortable. We successfully discussed a Disney movie. Two, even! Then you invoked my adoration by being very yourself, and I feel very comfortable kissing you, it turns out."


He grins. "That's pretty fair, but are you sure?" (Is he really arguing with the girl who wants to kiss him that she might not want to kiss him, is he serious.) "I don't want you to feel like, I don't know, we went into this with one idea in mind and ended up a different place." 


"You know what, that's very fair. One moment please."

She snuggles up and closes her eyes. How is she feeling?

...cozy. Happy. Inclined to recklessly disregard the laundry curse.

There's definitely some lingering fragility here, but it's faint enough that she genuinely doesn't expect it to be a problem. She actually does feel okay.

She opens her eyes again and says conversationally, "You could take your clothes off. In case of accidents."


Well that sets him to blushing. A lot. (And also is a pretty clear signal for what she wants. A very, very clear signal.) "I um." He blushes some more. "I ummm." He blushes a lot more. "I'm, not sure, I'm ready. I mean. We could? I mean. Maybe we start slower?" Silly to think of starting slower when he's literally thinking of her stripping naked and kneeling at his feet after the ritual and oh boy he's getting hard now. "I mean..."


"Sorry, I mostly didn't make that suggestion expecting you to go for it, it just sort of slipped out."

She kisses his cheek, because he's being adorable and attractive.

"We can just kiss. And try not to get too carried away. And I can try to stop making suggestions that are just going to fluster you. Even though I definitely have more."

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