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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"The feedback loop nature is very intriguing and I'm just not a fan of the byproducts! I suppose she did say there was a setting for only producing as much milk as her body reabsorbs, but in that case you don't get the thing where she needs to be milked, and I don't like the milk part of that but I do like the—hm—the part where she's caught in a trap between being in pain from not doing it and being overwhelmed by sensation when she does it?"


"That's fair," John says, thinking about the described predicament. "I hadn't really thought about it like that? But I'd rather, I don't know, it be anything else other than milk involved? I'm not sure what, I guess, but it's really not my thing. Even though I do like the concept you're describing. Where it's damned if you do and damned if you don't. But there must be better ways to do that." 


"I'm not sure there are! Not, hmm—not in the same way where it's so neatly enclosed in her own biological processes? Though I suppose if we're not concerned about realism we could just invent different biological processes."


John cocks his head, interested. "What kind of other biological processes?" 


"I'm not sure! I'll have to think about it."


"Fair!" He should probably look at the next item on the list? He should probably look at the next item on the list. What's the next item on the list? 

"I liked the menu," he says, "at least conceptually. The um, kink menu, that is. It felt a bit clinical but like. It would be really, um, fun to change someone" like you "like that, so that they" (she) "enjoyed specifically the things you wanted". and also not the things you didn't want them to, technically, though that's probably not something he wants to do with Rosy. (Though he could make her be into not liking things, maybe? No, not a good idea to start thinking like that. As she says,) "But in real life, which, um, might be, um, a thing?" he blushes "I probably want to talk everything over with you beforehand. Like you said. Even if the idea of that much control over your thoughts and ideas and things um..." he trails off, blushing and turned on. 


"There are definitely some options, for making it a thing in real life, but it's definitely a lot more complicated than a menu with words on it." She pats his knee. "Would you like me to look up some extremely sketchy ritual magic? Or would that be moving too fast and you'd rather not think about it until you have time to get used to me being yours in the first place?"


"I um." He had been under the impression that he might be able to control some of her mind with the vassalization ritual but possibly that's not the case? But also she's offering. Um. "I um. Maybe?" He blushes. "I don't think I intend to do it first no. Or second. Or seventh or whatever. But it might be fun to try? At some point?


"There's no rush! My family's library isn't going anywhere. I can look it up later."


"Okay." He's blushing a bunch now. (All of this stuff could be real, is real but also she's learning these facts about him (she knows half of them anyways) and it's a lot to deal with. He's not sure how to handle all of it.)  


How about she snuggles his leg and he reads her email, how about that.


He can do that! He might be blushing a bit (and being delighted at her being so cute) (okay, blushing more than a bit) first. But he'll get around to it. 

"Um, right, next bullet point." He scans. "I um, definitely liked a lot of the things she did to herself in terms of not being allowed things she wanted. Like touching herself. Or being able to cum. In general I agree that like, someone" him "having that kind of power over someone else" her, but also he's not picky in that regard "and them really wanting things they need permission for or to beg for or, stuff. Is um. I like it." he's blushing and turned on, again, (also she's totally in a position where she can tell and even if he squishes his leg together she can tell, can't she, damnit).


She can absolutely tell and she is snuggling his leg very delightedly about it.

"Yeah, like I said that's a tricky situation for me. There's a lot to like about it! But I think in too heavy a dose it would end up not being fun anymore. In moderation, though..." She looks speculatively up at him.


"It um, might be fun to try in moderation. As long as you, um, get it at the end? And have to beg for it first? Maybe?


"I think I would like to try that!"


Well, apparently he needs to hide his face about that. He tucks himself up and hides. (This is silly, he doesn't need to be hiding, there's a cute girl smiling at him out there...) 


That puts his head in petting range! Petpetpet.


That was unexpected! There may be some shocked (and overall positive though surprised) sputtering. (He is not able to unhide quite yet. Maybe soon?) 


Gentle headpats will continue until morale improves.


Morale is improving! Confused, but improving. 

Eventually, he does pick up his head (and feels somewhat silly for having curled up like that in the first place.) (He does regret having the headpats stop, though.) 

"Okay. Where was I? What were we talking about?" 


Well, it's not all bad, he still has a cute girl sitting on the floor at his feet looking up at him like he's the source of all goodness in the world.

"I think you'd just read the part about the kink menu? —no, right, you got to the part about begging, that's how we ended up here. You could go on to the next bit if you want."


He blushes and shifts in his seat a bit. (He likes the bit about begging.) 

The next bit... is about 'bullying'. And she doesn't like it. 

"I, um, don't need to um, 'bully' you if you don't want to be," he says. He doesn't say that he likes the idea (it's probably clear from his tone anyways), because he doesn't want to do things she doesn't like. Or well. Doesn't agree to? He's seen people (in porn, and yes it's porn but it's pretty clear they're not acting) who enjoy that sort of thing (and it's hot) but if Rosy doesn't then he doesn't have to if she doesn't want to. 

(He is a little sad about it though.)


She pets his knee and smiles mysteriously.


She hasn't said anything so there isn't anything more to say? She's being clever about something, but he isn't sure what. "What is it?" he asks, confused. 


"I said some things relevant to that later on in my notes so it seems silly to say them again when you'll just get there anyway. Go on."

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