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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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"I mean" he's had plenty of time to review the memory since then "I got carried away enjoying it instead of noticing you were a bit out of sorts and trying to do something about it. Which I should have done." 


"...hmm. That's fair," she acknowledges. "Nothing bad happened directly but - it's probably a good idea, if I'm going to be too out of it to do a good job of looking out for myself, that you should be looking out for me instead. Though, um," she hides her face in his shoulder a little, "I really liked the things you were doing. I really liked you telling me what to do and I really liked you enjoying it."


"Oh." He blushes all over again. "Well, I'm glad. It was, um, very enjoyable." Very very enjoyable. Even if he should have been paying better attention. 


"It's very good when you enjoy things!!" Blush. "It's very good when you enjoy me."


"You're very good to enjoy," he tells her. "And it's um, very good when you want me." More blushes.


"Well. I have good news about that."


Even more blushes. "I'm glad," comes the voice muffled by her shoulder. 


"I, um. I was actually not expecting. To want you that much. I didn't think that was a real thing that happened! But it turns out, in the moment, when I'm kneeling at your feet and you're telling me what to do in that amazing voice, I can just... be completely overwhelmed by how good it feels and how much I want you. And, um. I really liked having to say 'please' like that." They are going to end up in some kind of neverending cycle of shoulder-face-hiding here.


He might be very slightly turned on right now. Luckily, he is now wearing pants. "I liked hearing it. A lot. Um. I'd be glad to um, put you in situations where you have to say it. In the future. If you want." And there goes his head into the shoulder again, along with some leg adjustments to better hide some things. 


"I would like that," she says, with a tiny shy wiggle.

"Um. Can I... make a request, with the understanding that if it makes you uncomfortable you don't have to?"


Wait, what could she be asking about? "Of course," he tells her, a little bit concerned. "What is it?" 


"...I really like turning you on. I think I enjoy it when you're turned on in general but I especially like it when it's because of me. And, um. You are, I'm sorry to say, not nearly as good at hiding it as you think you are. And... I think I would be sad, if you got good enough at hiding it that I actually didn't notice? And—I'm imagining the opposite of that, where you tell me when I'm turning you on, and that sounds. Nice. It sounds really really nice. So, do you think, you could try that instead? At least when we're alone together?"



"Hiding, um, what, exactly?" he says, already fully knowing the answer (but holding out hope it isn't true). (It's totally true though.) 


"...your penis, my beloved."


(Yup, he knew it.) 

"I... sorry about that," he says, resisting the urge to reach down and cover it with both hands. Also she said that it's fine? It doesn't feel fine He blushes and curls up to hide from all of this embarrassment. "I... it... you're not really supposed to let people see, normally," he says, as if that makes the slightest bit of sense. "I can, try to tell you? Maybe?" But what if he tells her too many times? (Does he really, truly think she will dislike that. Seriously?) "If it's not a bad thing?"


"I promise you, I promise you, it's the opposite of a bad thing." She pets his hair. "Also I think probably most people don't pay nearly as much attention to you as I do and are not nearly as attuned to your body language and do not spot the Dick Shame Shuffle and think 'oh, John is hiding his penis again, I bet I can guess why'. In case you were worried about that."


He might have been a little worried about that (okay, a lot worried about that) if he'd had time to think about that instead of just worrying about what Rosy thought. "That's good to know," he says. "That's very good to know." He can stay here curled up while Rosy pets him, right? He's going to do that. For now. Until he can get over the thoughts of other people noticing his, condition. It may take a bit. 


"It's okay." Snuggle snuggle pet pet. "I really do like it when I turn you on. I, um, I liked that I could see how much you enjoyed the thought of me calling you 'sir' or 'Master'. was also really hot when you liked me calling you 'my lord' but I wasn't paying as much specific attention to it at the time."


Time to hide more deeply inside the safety of Rosy's pets. "It's just really hot, okay," he says, muffled. "I like it a lot, I like thinking about it." He might be getting slightly turned on thinking about it now, even curled up like this as he is. Maybe if he ignores it it'll go away? 


"I'm glad! I like when you like things! I especially like when they're things I can give you!" Pet pet pet pet. So cozy and soft.


Her pets are very nice, and also he can mostly focus on that instead of other things. Probably. As long as he's careful to not think about those other things. Like her calling him "Lord" or "Master" or imagining her doing so in a week when he can actually compel her (he's still not sure of the mechanics of it works actually and should properly ask) to do so. Though she seems perfectly happy to do it just because he tells her to. 

Instead of not thinking about things, he seems to instead be thinking about things. Shit. He doesn't make any move to hide it, (since apparently he hasn't been doing a very good job) but he does blush and curl up even more in embarrassment. 




The pets are good. And she doesn't seem to be saying anything, which is, also good? Probably good. 

"We should figure something else to talk about, right?" John says. "That seems like a good idea." And then he will stop thinking about other things. Probably. 


"Maybe? Why?"



"So then I can stop thinking about the things I'm talking about? Maybe?" Possibly this only makes sense to him. 

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