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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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Oh no she loves him so much and also he's so hot.

"I want that," she says, looking longingly at him. "I w-want..." She shivers, thinking about it. It feels really good to think about it. " would be so hot, to beg for that, to be made to beg for that. I want to be on my knees at your feet saying 'please, Master, let me serve you with my mouth'. I want to be there because you ordered me there because you own me."


She's very very into it, he had nothing to worry about? Also he's very turned on again now. "I want that too," he says, with only a small quaver of nervousness. "I want to see you do that, I want, want to pull out my, my cock and see you stare at it and beg for it like that" hearing her do a partial impression of that has made him extra excited for the real thing, like, fuck "and then when I'm satisfied," he'll do what exactly? Grab her by the hair (hot) and pull her down onto him? (Is that ok with her? Honestly probably) Order her to swallow his cock with her throat? (That did go really well the last time.) Or, hm... "I'll, um, tell you, order you, to um, suck, but, not too much, to get me hard and ready for um, to um, fuck my new slave?" He really wishes he could stop being so uncertain about all this but it's really hot regardless. (Fuck is it hot. He wants to do this. He's going to do this.)



"Oh," she says, very small, very soft, very turned on. "Yes please." Shiver. Lipbite.


The fact that she's so into this (he can hear it in her voice and see it on her face, she's so very into this) is definitely helping his uncertainty a lot. (And turning him on a lot.) It's the unfamiliar territory that's causing him issues, he's pretty sure. Still, he pushes forward. 

"And then, um, once you get me hard and um, ready," which should take no time at all probably, given how hard he already is, at the time it'll be even worse "I um, push you to the ground, um, softly! Push, not shove, push you to the ground onto your back and straddle you, and um, have you beg to um," wait is she even a virgin? Probably but ask later not now "beg me to fuck you. Maybe um, play with you breasts, while you beg?" This is really, really hot. 


Rapid, emphatic nodding. "Yes please. Please do that. Please play with my breasts while I beg you to fuck me. I want that. I want," she blushes and falters a little, "to be your slave, begging her lord and master, to—to claim—to take—"


Is she a virgin? Is that what she's having trouble saying? "To claim or take what, my, um," she said it was ok to use it for effect or something like that? Is this a good time for effect? Maybe? He wants to know and maybe the term will help? Fuck it, he's going for it "my slave-in-waiting?"


The term certainly has an effect. She whimpers, and her hands gently cling to his shirt, and she looks like she wants to dive into his voice and drown there.

But despite her dazed expression, she's much more eloquent all of a sudden.

"I want to be your fresh-made slave, on the ground with you on top of me, with your hands on my breasts and the taste of your cock in my mouth, saying 'please, my lord, I gave you my will, let me give you my body. Please fuck my virgin cunt and make it as yours as the rest of me. Please take your slave's virginity. I want you to stake your claim in me, Master, please.'"


Yup. Yup. Yup that's um. That's good. She is in fact a virgin (not surprising; still hot) and he's so fucking turned on at the moment. He wants this, he wants it to be reality, and it's going to be, and... 

He can't help himself, he grabs her (not too roughly! He hopes) by the head, and kisses her, deeply, feeling her reaction and her desire and his. And then he breaks the kiss and tells her. "I want to do that, I want, I'm going to that, I'm going to play with you while you beg with my cock rock hard in front of your, your" she said it so can he "cunt, my new slave begging me to give up her virginity like, like she gave up her will" he's so hard right now and he kisses her again, barely keeping himself from rubbing on her (he doesn't want a repeat of last time), kisses her hard and lifts his face and continues "and then, and then plunge into you" he rubs a little, pressing cock hard into her side trying to be careful "and fuck you, and fuck you, and take it for, for mine..." he kisses her again, fuck he wants to fuck her right now, but he should wait, he should wait so it can be perfect. He lifts his mouth from her and looks down into her eyes, to see her and see if she has anything else hot to say. (If she even can say anything else at the moment. Fuck this is so hot and good.)


"Yours," she echoes, dazed and adoring. "Yours."


He really really wants to fuck her. "Mine," he agrees, and kisses her again. It would be a bad idea (he should buy condoms or ask (to tell) Rosy to be on birth control) to but he wants to. He could, mouth? Again? "Do, do you want to..." he's worried again (what if twice is too many or something?) and has trouble saying it. He kisses and then tries again. "Do, do you want to, to, to," he's so hard right now. "My cock?" he says finally. "Before I um," he rubs against her (which he's been doing, hasn't he been, he should stop, but it feels so good). He blushes, unable to complete the question. 


"Mhm!!" she says, wide-eyed with longing. "Please? Please sir? Please let me suck your cock again?"



If he rubs on her now after hearing her beg like that, hearing her say those words and calling him sir and want him like that, that he very well might cum again. Which would be awful. 

Unfortunately that means logistics. How do logistics work? 

There's a way to make this work without kneeling, right? He's seen porn. Easiest to um, just fuck her face into the bed? It seems a lot harder to implement than in porn he's seen (also the girl is usually struggling in those) but he can try it anyways. 

He gets up off of her, making sure to leave her on her back, and fumbles with his pants. "Open," he tells her as he pulls the zipper down. 


"Thank you sir," she whimpers. Her eyes are huge and absolutely fixated on his crotch. Her tongue keeps darting forward in her open mouth, to touch her lower lip, like she wants to lick or bite her lips but needs to obey the order to keep it open.


Fuck, she wants him. She wants him, and he wants her. He wants her a lot. He pulls his pants down enough to get his (hard, turned on) cock free, and straddles Rosy over her mouth, on his knees, cock suspended there, her eyes focused on it. (Fuck that's hot. She wants him.) For a moment he considers making her beg more, but he's worried about cumming immediately. So instead "Suck, slut," he says, pausing slightly between the two words (that one worked better mostly) and then tries to figure out how to press his cock into her mouth. (It's a bit more difficult than he thought it would be from this angle.)


She whimpers again, very emphatically, and tries to help out with the awkward angle, and ends up propping herself up slightly on one elbow and putting her other hand on his thigh and then not caring at all about how uncomfortable and precarious she is because she's too busy choking enthusiastically on his cock.


She isn't choking very long, because it takes very little stimulation under the circumstances, what with how turned on John is (even despite the uncomfortable angle and things) and almost as soon as she finds a proper angle and gets deep enough once he's cumming. "Fuck," he moans as he spurts into her mouth and throat. "Fuck, it's going to be so good, fuck." She's going to be his and he's going to fuck her and everything is going to be perfect he cannot fucking wait. 


She cannot make emphatic agreement noises because she is otherwise occupied but oh boy does she ever agree.


Cumming in her mouth feels good. (In her, her cunt (virginal even!) is going to be even better.) He shudders and holds his position until he's done, and then wants to find a better place to be (is she okay being at that angle, actually?), but is uncertain what to do with the fact that he's, um, sticky. He doesn't want to get it on her clothes or sheets. He looks around for something sensible, her mouth still on him. 


There's the box of tissues on the nightstand but he'd have to lean pretty awkwardly to get it and he might not be able to stay in her mouth the whole time.

Meanwhile, Rosy is trying to do a lot of things at once, and is impaired at quite a few of them, and is beginning to feel some genuine nervousness about whether or not she'll be able to successfully swallow all this and maintain this position without falling and be appropriately gentle with her boyfriend's delicate parts and not run into the oversensitivity issue from last time and, um, also breathe? Breathing is important? She should schedule that one for sometime in the next minute, she's just not quite sure at the moment where exactly to fit it in.


He's worried enough about the angle they're both at to take the risk, and leans over to grab the tissue. If he pops out, he pops out, he'll have the tissue and then they can move to a more sensible and comfortable set of positions. 


Rosy attempts to be helpful to this enterprise, and that is one too many things, and now he's out of her mouth and she's coughing a bit and the cause of keeping her pillows clean is rather thoroughly lost. It's fine, that's what pillowcases are for.


He hears the coughing and turns to see her coughing up liquid onto her pillows. "Shit, are you ok?" he asks, grabbing a tissue and offering it to her first. 


She accepts the tissue and trades him a thumbs-up, though she's still coughing.


He grabs one for himself and tires to clean himself off while worrying about Rosy. "Are you sure? Do you need a drink? Can I get you anything?" That last one is not going to get him any useful response in her current state, but he's worried he did something wrong to her. How did this happen? He should have been more careful. 


Cough, cough, tissue, affectionate leg-pat,

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