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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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Asking her things isn't going to do him any good apparently, and he's not sure what else to do to help (though he does grab several more tissues and offer them to her), so he anxiously cleans himself off and watches and waits for things to be ok. (Which they probably will be, she's not mad or anything, he's pretty sure.)


"I'm fine," she manages after another few seconds, sounding a little hoarse but not too bad. "Come down here and snuggle me." The extraneous tissues can go on the Afflicted Pillow. It won't help but it'll at least keep the trouble from spreading.


Snuggle? He can do snuggle. He can definitely do snuggle. He lays down next to her and wraps his arms around her and gently hugs her. "I'm sorry about that," he says. "What happened? We don't have to do that position again, I didn't realize it would be so, um, difficult. And even when it was I didn't realize it would um, cause problems. Are you sure you're ok? Do you need water or anything?" He might be a little worried at the moment. (Okay a lot.) If she's going to be his he needs to be careful


"Swearing off the whole position seems premature!" She clears her throat and wipes her mouth and nestles against him. "We've definitely learned some things. Like that we need to refine our understanding of biomechanics. And maybe I should practice," tiny head-duck, "sucking your dick, a lot more, so I'm more familiar with the process and don't get tripped up on the details. But, assuming we can figure out a way to adjust things so I don't have to hold myself up quite so awkwardly, I think it has potential." She coughs again. "Definitely harder on my throat, though. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing! I enjoyed myself a lot and it seemed like you did too!"


That was not the kind of response John had expected! "I... if you're sure?" he says. "Why isn't that, um, a bad thing?" (Also, unrelatedly, assuming she's talking about practicing on him (though also practicing on dildos would be hot too), that's.... he's very in favor of that.)


She bites her lip and blushes. "Is it okay if the answer to that question is potentially arousing?"


On the one hand, he's really concerned about her in the moment and sex is the furthest thing from his mind (lies). On the other hand... he wants to know. And not just for sex reasons, there's regular curiosity in there too! (But also sex curiosity.)

"That's, um, fine, go on," he says, uncertain and interested. 


"I, um, it turns out, I really like, um. When you're in my throat and making me gag and it hurts and there's tears in my eyes. It turns out I really like that. So, just because this way is rougher on my throat doesn't necessarily mean I don't want to do it. Though maybe I should make sure to have a cup of tea waiting for me afterward next time."


....That's hot. If he hadn't literally just cum... that's hot. "We can probably arrange that," he says, grinning a little. "We could bring a thermos with us to, um, the place in the woods this weekend maybe?" He should ask about the logistics of that maybe but now is not the time. "Or does it need to be piping hot?" He pauses, thinking. "How hard would it be to reheat? With, like, magic, that is." Though also there might be more normal means, which possibly he should have thought of first. (Also didn't he literally just decide that now is not the best time for logistics?) 


"I am a little concerned that if we try to go that hard when, um, you want to fuck me afterward, we will encounter predictable issues with that plan. A thermos would work fine, though, I think piping hot may actually be a negative quality in tea for this purpose and a cozy warm-but-not-fresh kind of temperature is better."


...right, he had different plans. Right. "Right, sorry, I um, I forgot I had um, something else in mind." Something else very very hot in mind. "Though I suppose there's nothing stopping us from um, doing things more than once." There isn't, not really. There wasn't tonight. "Possibly we should take some tea with us just in case." 


"I will absolutely put Contingency Tea on my checklist."


....okay fuck it he should be making sure she's ok (she seems fine) (she said she's fine) but he wants to know. "Speaking of which, um, assuming we do things this weekend," which they are "what exactly do I need to know? What should I be preparing, or doing, or anything like that?" 


"...I have a checklist for that too but... I don't want to get my checklist right now because I want to be snuggled instead?"


Shit. Well, that's what he gets for not being sure she's okay. He should have known better. "Sorry," he says, "there's no rush, and I'm happy to snuggle you." He wraps his arms more tightly around her and rubs his face against her to indicate this. "Snuggling you is very good."


"You're so cozy," she sighs happily. "And I don't think you have anything to apologize for."


"I mean, I shouldn't have brought other things up when I should have been making sure you're ok and giving you snuggles, that's more important than other stuff that can wait, right?"


"I can hardly complain about someone else being irrepressibly interested in logistics. I think it's fine for you to ask, and good that you took no for an answer, and apologies don't have to come into it."


"I... I guess," he says. He still should have known better, but if she's not unhappy with him about it he doesn't need to draw things out trying to explain. "Okay." He snuggles up with her a little more. 


Cozy. Comfy cozy snuggly soft.


John feels similarly. A bit worried about having hurt her (but she said it was ok) and a bit worried about having not paid her proper attention (but she said it was ok) but overall, cozy. Holding a cute and loving girl in his arms like this is nice. 


She is very cute, it's true! And very loving.

After another minute or so of snuggles, she wiggles shyly and murmurs, "...I think the 'slut' worked okay. Especially in context."


He grins softly. "I'm glad! It didn't quite, um, work the first time, but the second time, I think" did he only use it twice? He's not fully certain "or whichever time was the last it felt a lot better."


"Yeah, I noticed that you didn't quite seem to be feeling it the first time, but, um," blush, "the second time I don't know about you but I certainly felt it."


A lot of her enjoyment seems to be sourced from his enjoyment, almost. Clearly not entirely, but... but a lot of it is. Which is... well it's really hot. He can work with that. (He can definitely work with that. Not that he was having trouble, but still.) 

"Yeah, I was feeling it a lot better the second time." He grins. "I'm glad you felt it. And enjoyed it." 

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