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this plot literally came to me in a dream
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She turns around and skates back up the road, radiating love.


And John bikes home. 

He thinks at least a little bit about how to love her (or say that he loves her, perhaps) on the bike ride home, though it's not very long. Does he love her? Should he? Rosy's love for him has built over, well, over an entire year of um, stalking (concerning still by the way) but even so everyone knows that when a girl tells you she loves you you need to tell her you love her back. But also everyone knows that you're not supposed to say you're love them if you don't. And John... well John doesn't know if he loves her yet? He's not sure what it means to love someone, really. He certainly wants to have sex with her, but movies and tv shows and books and things have also made it very clear that wanting to have sex with someone doesn't necessarily mean you love them. It's more about... a more non-specific sort of caring. And it's supposed to be the kind that builds over a long period of time? Longer than... two? Three? Some small number of dates. Possibly Rosy feels that way because she has been seeing and falling in love with John for over a year (and also probably because Rosy is Just Like That, she's very Like That, which is something he does love about her... is that what love is?) but John hasn't had anywhere near that long. And he's pretty sure he isn't sure enough yet the way Rosy might be that... he doesn't know. He is making a long-term commitment. Like, if he owns her forever, is he going to marry her? That does seem like the right thing to do, but is that what he wants? He hadn't thought about that before, actually. He's not sure he wants to now. (In theory he can back out of this at any time but that's not really true and so this is a lot bigger commitment than he thought it was and he's not sure what to do about that and also he doesn't really want to think about this right now and should think about something else.) 

And then he gets home, still lost in thought, and greets his parents, and has a quick snack, and gets started on math to take his mind off things. His concentration is... well, it's a bit shot, to be honest, but he does at least get through all the things he needs to before study hall tomorrow morning. (Study hall might be a biiit cramped, though, but he doesn't need to do a good job on his French essay, probably, he's already doing mediocre in that class anyways.) 

And then he lies away in bed, going through the events of the past few days. He's had... sex? (at least orgasmed, as she put it, like a serial killer... or wait, they've done it in serial he... it doesn't matter. It was funny at the time) three times with her, which is a lot more sex than he expected to be having with a girl he just started dating (isn't he supposed to wait for the third date at least? Oh well, yet another thing he's messing up. At least they didn't have sex on the first date. Even if his dad made a point of going upstairs to shower). He's had sex with her a bunch in a short time and he's planning on having more but even more to the point, she's planning to give herself to him like something out of his fantasies? Out of the porn he reads? (Usually in both the giving is um, non-consensual (but not always!) but it still feels pretty much out of porn.) And he's potentially committing to own a person (a very cute and delightful person) and whatever that might entail. Is he ready for that? How will this interact with his college plans (actually wait hold on that's a good point, what are they going to do about that? He's not going to have to go to her Magic College is he? He's already planning to go to Carnegie Mellon, he can't go there. Does she have teleporter spells? Or portal ones? Or will they just have a long-distance relationship for a while)? There's a lot of unanswered questions and he's been diving in headfirst but maybe he should... try to figure out what this is going to look like? He does not want to give up Rosy (the thought of the fantasy they had together is enough to get him turned on all over again) but he... there's actually a lot of questions here he hasn't been asking, now that he's thought to ask them. Possibly he should ask them. Or think more on them. 

And it's with all these unsettled thoughts bouncing around in his mind that John finally manages to fall asleep. 

In the morning, around 7 or so, Rosy texts him a series of pictures of a cozy little office with two desks against opposite walls. One is a massive oaken beast; the other is sleek and modern and L-shaped. Each has a desk lamp, a notepad and pencil bucket, and a matching chair.

Which one do you like better?

He's still of thoughts and ephemeral bits of tangled dream worries (did they relate to what he was thinking about last night, perhaps? He doesn't know), but the images make him smile. He messages her back. 

I think the black one is more my sort of thing, if you don't particularly like one or the other. They both look great though! Looking forward to it! 



A little while later, probably around the time when Rosy really should be leaving for school, he gets another sequence of pictures. The desks have both been decorated: hers is now watched over by a row of small plushies, and the lamp has been replaced with a heart-shaped one (with three bendy necks each supporting a heart-shaped lightbulb enclosure). His has a dish of assorted candies and an arrangement of little origami creatures, a frog and a crane and a stag, and a Rubik's cube and a bowl of fidget toys and her old desk lamp arranged opposite its preexisting one, and a big swooshy heart drawn on the top page of the notepad in pink highlighter.

The last picture is of Rosy sitting on the floor underneath the black desk, gazing adoringly into the camera, which she seems to be holding out at arm's length so that it's just above the seat of the chair.


John pauses at the door when he gets the message to look through the pictures (he's not going to be late, probably, they're just pictures). Rosy is continuing to be herself! The plushies are unsurprising and adorable, the heart shaped lamp is slightly more surprising (in the sense that he didn't know they made those) but still very Rosy-like. His desk is pretty thoughtful too, and he wonders where the origami came from. Did she make it? (She probably made it. She probably does origami with various colors of sparkly paper. The thought makes him grin.) He did origami once in the past, but has forgotten essentially all of it, possibly she could remind him and teach him and they could do some together? (Sparkly paper optional, but encouraged.) Something for a later time. 

The rest of the things in the are also thoughtful, the fidget toys (he's not sure how all of those work but is excited to try them out, as long as they don't keep him from his homework), the Rubiks cube is... an aspiration that he's had and also since, um, left behind (he should try to get back into it one day, the group theory of it is really cool at least even if he's forgotten half the algorithms) and the candies look good too (what flavors are they? He'll find out later). And the loving (there's that word again) heart is also very her. All of her work there makes him smile. 

And then he gets to the last picture, and is confused for several moments, before realizing the, um, implications. And then he blushes and his hand half-involuntarily reaches down to touch himself for several moments. That's... that's really hot and he wants to try it. Possibly not when he's actually supposed to be getting homework done. He's not actually sure what other activity he could be doing that would make sense (well he can think of one but no he immediately puts it out of his mind) but well... that's something to think about later. (Even if he wants to think about it now.)

He sends back a message:

Cute! And fun! I look forward to trying the fidget toy! Also did you make the origami? I bet you made the origami, and would be happy to see some of your other work.

The last picture had me confused for a minute, before I realized what you were getting at. And well, I might like to try that. Though if the point is to get our homework done and not get distracted, well, we might want to make sure our homework is done first. (It's a really fun idea though. I want to do it.) 

This is the longest that Rosy has taken to respond to one of his messages yet, probably because she was spending that time skating to school.

I'm so glad you look forward to trying your desk toys! ๐Ÿ’–

I'd love to show you more of my origami. I picked some that seemed like they'd suit your vibe, but who knows, maybe you'd prefer sparkly purple unicorns. I can send you pictures tonight? Or wait until tomorrow to show you the whole collection. Or both!

Definitely no funny business before we finish our homework. After we finish our homework, I can think of a few things you might do with me... ๐Ÿ’–

John (now at school) grins and pumps his fist in the air a tiny bit. He knew it about the sparkly paper. 

I'd be happy to see the collection in person, I bet both the 3D nature of them as well as sparkly part will come across better that way. Though if you have anything in particular you're especially proud of, I'd be glad to see it! I've done a little bit of origami in the past, but have forgotten essentially all of it (I remember that you're supposed to use square paper!) and look forward to seeing all the cool stuff you've made. (And possibly learning from you, if you'd like.) 

After homework sounds best. I'd like to ask more details of what things you're thinking of, but well, school is perhaps not the best place. 

Oh, I would โœจloveโœจ to teach you origami! A post-homework desk activity, perhaps?

Your logic is sound. My lips are sealed until after school ๐Ÿ’–

He blushes at the last line. Her implication is blatant (and hot). 

I think we might have some other post-homework activities lined up, but I would be perfectly happy to do a post-post-homework activity or two! Assuming we have time, that is. 

And I'm looking forward to this afternoon now :P


He grins, and puts his phone away. It's time for class. Class, and then more homework during study hall. And then even more homework tonight. Why hadn't he gotten more work done last night? (Because he was reading an unusual porn to discuss with Rosy, and then also getting two blowjobs from her as well as having a nice time together, that's why.) Right. Good reasons. (Well, mostly good. Homework is important! Rosy is just very good to hang out with. (And get blowjobs from.))


He spends a few minutes helping his classmate again, so he's a bit later leaving school than the rest of the students, and the hallways are once again mostly empty when he heads to his locker at the end of the day. (There's no note on his locker this time, though. Or pretty flowers.) There's also no note in his phone yet, which is slightly more surprising. Is everything okay (yes. Stop worrying). He writes her a quick message. 

Heading home now, feel free to send over your ideas whenever you'd like! :D 

And then he heads for his bike to bike home. To do more homework (Ughhhh.) 

I decided not to send anything until I got home, to reduce the odds that I'd tempt you into indiscretions at school.

I think it would be very fun to kneel under your desk and suck your cock ๐Ÿ’–

To celebrate finishing our homework, or celebrate origami lessons, or maybe even be a nice accompaniment to you reading porn? You don't have to worry about doing private things in front of your desk toy ๐Ÿ’–

He catches the message just before leaving for home, and then has to read it a couple of times, with complicated (and turned on) feelings throughout. He tries composing a response, gives up halfway through, and bikes home, still thinking it through. There's some extremely hot parts (it's mostly hot parts) about sucking him off under the desk. And being his desk toy (which is extremely hot phrasing and he's glad that on the bike his hands have more important places to be). (The imagery and... associated fantasies swirling in his mind about that are so hot, he suspects she would get bored but telling her to kneel and wait to be used is so fucking hot, the idea of her being there for his pleasure is so fucking hot, the idea that she's not something/someone he needs to worry about looking at indiscrete things with...) 

It's that last one that's causing him problems. The idea is so, spectacularly hot, but it's also almost terrifying. She's indicated that she doesn't mind (and even tried to get him to do it before with the story) but he still feels unsettled about the idea. Maybe if it's something they set out to do explicitly it would work? He wants to do it, but the idea of doing it, looking at things that he doesn't feel like he should be with someone else around... the idea of it makes him feel weird. And wrong. But it should be hot and he wants to do it? (It's so hot.) So he wants to try it. 

Eventually, he gets home, and actually writes her a message. 

I would very, very, much enjoy that, as celebration, or as accompaniment. All of it sounds very hot. As does you calling yourself my desk toy. I really like the concepts behind that.

Should he relate some of them? She doesn't seem to have a problem with it, he's just terrified he's going to do something wrong and not be there to catch it on her face. But nothing has gone wrong yet? He'll try a more tame one.

I really like the way it leads into the fantasy of you being there, kneeling and waiting, ready to be asked to serve whenever the mood strikes me. I don't think it's a good idea to do for real, you'd probably get bored really quickly if I don't actually do anything for a while, but I thought I'd share that. 

Regardless, I am now extra looking forward to tomorrow afternoon. I should go finish my essay, but if you want a distraction or two my way, I won't mind. :D 

He dithers a bit about the last sentence, but leaves it in. They can always stop texting sexy things at each other if it gets too distracting (right?). And then he sends it, and goes inside to get to work. 

This message has her usual near-immediate response time.

I don't get bored that easily, my love. I bet I would be just fine kneeling under your desk waiting eagerly to be used ๐Ÿ’–

I might rather you didn't keep me that way for more than an hour? But that's more about having other things to do with my time than expecting to get bored in the moment. If it was just, say, fifteen minutes or so, that sounds fine to me. In fact I kind of like the idea of spending a few minutes on my knees at your feet while you take your time deciding when you'll let me suck your cock ๐Ÿ’–

The problem with the near-instant response times is that he doesn't really have the time to get frustrated with his social studies essay before she writes him back and then he gets to read more captivating things. Far, far more captivating things. (This does not bode well for their ability to get homework done while near each other.) He has had barely had time to get settled and sit at his computer before his phone buzzes and he enjoys absorbs her hot message. 

I think, least the first few times we acted out that kind of scenario, it wouldn't take me more than an hour before I decided to use you. More like five minutes, probably. Perhaps, if I was trying to be very intentional about it, I could make it to as many as fifteen. But I'm very glad you like the idea and I look forward to trying it out with you. Among other things. 

He sends the message. And if he wants to have all this fun Wednesday he's going to need to get as much done as possible today. So he should start on things now. And hopefully the response won't be quite so immediate this time? (Who is he kidding. Maybe a few more messages before he asks her to pause? He really likes the hot things she keeps sending him.) 

Yeah she absolutely emails him back within ten minutes.

I've decided that when I finish my homework tonight I'm going to have another orgasm in your honour. (The last one was very nice, by the way, I thought about being ordered to kneel before my lord for the first time. ๐Ÿ’–)

This time maybe I should think about something on the desk toy theme... I could go into more detail, but perhaps you'd like to be left alone for a while to do your homework? Or perhaps you'd like to suggest some details yourself? I would be thrilled to hear further thoughts.

Ten minutes is not enough time to make reasonable amounts of progress on his social studies essay, and he needs to finish that so he can finish up his awful book report. (Possibly it would have been a better idea to do these in the opposite order? Oh well, it's the same amount of time either way.) 

He touches himself for a moment to some of her words and phrases ("ordered to kneel before my lord" (which she doesn't capitalize, by the way, which is odd) "for the first time" gets special attention), and then tries to write her back. 

I'm pretty glad to hear about you having another orgasm in my honor tonight. 

He considers the idea of ordering her to do so in the future but maybe that's something better discussed in person. (Or not discussed until she's his, or never discussed at all because he's worried about her response?) Regardless he leaves it out, and continues. 

How was the first one, by the way? Since I never did ask. I would be happy to hear more details about how it went, and am looking forward to give you one in person!

Not just because it's the right thing to do, but also because, well, he'll be able to fantasize more about what it's like when she does, instead of using porn for reference. (And he wants to be able to fantasize about it, he's doing so right now and more details would make it better.) 

In terms of what to think about tonight, well, I do very much like the idea of you waiting to be called upon to serve your function as a desk toy. I also like the idea of you doing the actual sucking when told to, possibly unzipping my pants for me sounds fun too. But I'm also very interested in your details, since every idea you've had so far has been hot. 

I should probably get some homework done, maybe don't respond quite so fast this time :P but I am happy for the little distractions you keep sending me, so feel free to continue to do so, if slightly more spaced out.

He dithers on the last bit for a minute or two, but it's probably the right approach. He sends it, and gets back to work. 


Her next email arrives about 40 minutes later.

All right, I'll schedule this one instead of sending it directly.

What kind of details would you like to hear about my orgasm in your honour? Masturbation logistics? What I thought about and how I felt about it? How I felt about dedicating that particular moment of my life to you? ๐Ÿ’–

As for desk toy thoughts, I think unzipping your pants for you sounds like a wonderful idea. I like the thought of waiting under your desk, kneeling before you, not knowing what you're doing or looking at. I wonder if I should close my eyes so I can't tell whether you're touching yourself, or whether you'd be generous enough to let me enjoy watching? ๐Ÿ’– And then eventually, when you feel like it, you can give me an order or just reach under the desk and pull my head into your lap, and I can unzip your pants and serve you with my mouth. ๐Ÿ’–

Much more time to do his work this time! After not getting a response in five minutes he puts his phone away so he won't be tempted to look, and manages to get through nearly an hour of work (checking every ten minutes or so despite his best efforts to do otherwise) to see if she's messaged him.

And the message was hot to read. His parents aren't home yet (dad will be soon but he'll hear him come home and also dad doesn't generally enter without knocking anyways, that's more what mom does and besides them both being home hasn't always stopped him in the past anyways) and so he spends a few moments touching himself thinking about her description. Thinking about her eagerly looking up at him the way that she does while he does homework or plays computer games (or looks at porn) and then with a single word ("Suck") ordering her to unzip his pants and pull out his cock and then, well, suck. (Possibly other words telling her to speed up or slow down or how to go about it? There's very much possibilities here.) 

I like those thoughts very, very much. Especially the bit about how I could be doing something else and just order you to start and you would. And I would like it if you did think about those things when you masturbate in my honor tonight. 

Is that too much like telling her to do so? Nah, she already said she was going to. (Possibly he should talk to her about ordering her in that way. At some point. Eventually.) 

As for last night's orgasm... well I want to hear about all those things really. I have only really seen orgasms in porn, and I want details specific to you if I can have them. And hearing about the other things (especially about dedicating that moment of your life to me) will be hot to read. (Much like your last message, and also a lot of the other messages you've sent me.) 

He hits send, sighs, and gets back to work. He's making progress on homework at least. Even though they are planning to do work together tomorrow, he wants to give them enough time as possible for, well, non-school-related activities. (He should bring the math book, though, that was fun and he wants to do more math with her.) 

It's another forty minutes before her response arrives.

I didn't feel like digging too deep in the drawer of Extremely Innocent Household Objects at the time, so I just laid on the bed and used my hands. I went through my whole ritual checklist in my head to get myself in the mood, because I am a very weird person, and then I imagined you looking at me all freshly yours and saying "Kneel." in that voice you have, and thought about how good it will feel to be yours, and how good it will feel to hear you give that order and know I must obey it, and how good it will feel to be on my knees looking up at you knowing I'm there because it's where you want me, and I thought about all that and kept touching myself until I came. I apologize for not having an exact recounting of where and how I touched myself, but most of my thoughts were focused on you. ๐Ÿ’– I really liked it. I liked thinking about all those things, and I liked that I was thinking about them so I could have an orgasm dedicated to you. The thought crossed my mind at some point that maybe someday all my orgasms will be dedicated to you, and I'll think about you every time, and you'll give me orders about how and when I should do it and what I should be fantasizing about, and I think that thought contributed a lot.

Speaking of which, I'm nearly done with my homework now, so I would like to invite you to share any further desk toy thoughts you'd like me to be thinking about afterward. You could tell me how you plan to use your desk toy, or just tell me what you want me to think about without specifying whether you're planning on doing it, I'm very happy either way. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

John is definitely curious about the Innocent Household Objects drawer (what's even in there? Cucumbers go bad, right?) but that's not the point of the message. The point of the message definitely has him touching himself and imagining what Rosy was imagining, regardless of whether or not he's doing his homework. He can imagine it too. It's hot. (And she really likes the voice.) And the bit about him giving her orders about what to fantasize about and when is straight of his own fantasies (and worries, this neatly solves that problem) and the idea that all of her future orgasms will be dedicated to him is something that he hadn't thought about and definitely makes him hard. (She's going to be completely and utterly his, orgasms and all.)

The only question then is what sort of thoughts to tell her about, and he really isn't sure. (How is he planning to use her?) He tries writing her a message anyways. 

You don't need to worry about having an exact recounting, the broad strokes are just fine. And I very much enjoyed reading it. I really like knowing the things you're doing and thinking about when you orgasm in my honor. And I look forward to telling you what you can and can't think about when you do so in the future. 

(Is that too forward? Probably not, she mentioned it.)

In terms of what to think about this time, well. What I'm planning on doing with my desk toy is having them/you wait patiently under my desk while I do something else, and then telling them to suck me off when the mood strikes me. Admittedly the details are somewhat sparse here; it's the situation that's hot and I think I'll play it by ear. But feel free to imagine kneeling and knowing you're there to serve me and waiting for my order to do so. (Possibly while naked, if possible?) And fill in whatever details you'd like. 

John reviews the last couple lines of message and wonders if he really wrote them. Is that not too much? Was he really okay writing those things? It turned him on to write, hopefully she'll also enjoy it. Wincing and hoping (it'll probably be fine) he writes the last little bit. 

Regardless, enjoy your orgasm in my honor! And let me know what it was like when you're done. 

He dithers a bit about adding an "if you'd like" to the end (writing and deleting and writing again) but thinking about how he would act with the voice she loves so much, he leaves it off, and sends. And goes back to his annoying book report which he needs to finish tonight. 

This time he gets an immediate response, within less than a minute of sending. It just says,

Thank you sir ๐Ÿ’–

Presumably, further news will be forthcoming later on.

Well that was hot. And unexpected. And hot. He likes being called sir. He's not entirely sure which part she's thanking him about, but possibly leaving off the "if you'd like" was the right choice. He really likes being called sir. He dithers about sending back a "you're welcome slut" or even a "you're welcome, slave-in-waiting" (which would be really hot). Eventually he can't bring himself to do so (what if he's interrupting/what if it's too much/what if she doesn't like it) and decides to settle for trying to get his homework done and checking his phone every two minutes to see if she's said anything. (This turns out to not be a very efficient way to get homework done, and he eventually remembers/reminds himself that she's been sending things on a delay and properly gets his book report writing on.) 

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