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boots yells at lancir
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This is the point at which there's a polite knock on her shields. 


Go ahead and let me know if we should meet again, she tells Lancir, standing up, and to Vanyel, Yes?


:aaaaaaa I need help are you busy sorry-:


She lets herself out. Not right now, what do you need?


:I don't know – everything to stop–: his mindvoice cuts off for a few seconds and then resumes, slightly calmer. :Teaching a lesson - got overwhelmed - ducked outside and there's people there TOO: the overtones are of someone who is very affronted by this fact and additionally embarrassed at being unreasonable, :I can't just leave them but I can't make myself go back in: Pause. :I'm blocking Yfandes because... I don't know. Don't want her to be upset: 


Can anyone cover your class?


:I, um, Savil is busy and I don't know anyone else's schedule unless I ask Yfandes and then she's going to know something's wrong and listen to my surface thoughts and get upset: 


Can you dismiss the class.


:Then they would–: Vanyel seems to deliberately stop himself. :I should do probably that. It's only half a candlemark early: The Mindspeech overtones make it clear that he feels deeply humiliated about this course of action and is resignedly doing it anyway. 


When you've dismissed the class, I'll meet you, I can tell what direction you're in from here. She lets herself out of the building and lifts off to fly toward where Vanyel's mind is located.


When she gets there, Vanyel is standing ramrod-straight against the bricks of a building quite similar to Savil's old Work Room, except that this one has a normal-sized door. A few younger teens, presumably the dismissed students, are trailing away in a knot, talking and laughing. It's a fairly busy area of the grounds; there's a gardener at work, some adults of unknown occupation talking on a bench not too far off, and a teenaged couple not-very-surreptitiously hiding behind a rosebush and kissing. 


She casts about for some relatively empty direction to walk in, then tugs him along.


Vanyel stares straight ahead and lets himself be tugged. 


When they have enough privacy that he probably won't be heard when he talks she sits him down. Okay. Do you want me to calm you down now?


Vanyel doesn't seem to hear her at first, then nods jerkily. 


Calm calm calm. Can you tell me what happened?


Vanyel takes a few slow deep breaths. 

"I don't know. I'm trying to figure out." He grimaces. "...Nevermind, I do know. I did a," reluctant pause, "a stupid thing, and I got hardly any sleep, and I haven't had any time by myself where I could think since," he frowns for a moment, thinking, "since suppertime yesterday?" He rubs at his forehead. "And I'm, er, kind of hungover. I thought I could get through the lesson and take a nap after, but my students were really difficult and rowdy today, and I was already in a bad mood, and then one of them said a thing that reminded me of Tylendel. I really didn't want to cry in front of them so I said I had to use the privy and I stepped out, and then there were all those people around, and that stupid couple kissing, and it - just - it was too many things. And normally I would've told Yfandes but I...thought about what you were saying before, and I do need more space where she isn't in my head, so I didn't and I called you instead." 


Do you have a headache? I can block a headache.


Vanyel hesitates before nodding. "Thank you. Bella, I'm really sorry, I should've - not been stupid - and gone to bed at a reasonable time and gotten your help sleeping and then I wouldn't be ruining your day today, it's just...yesterday afternoon was really good, I got so many things done, and then," he ducks his head, clearly embarrassed, "I was having fun. I, er... I finally realized Tran was flirting with me, and we, um," gritted teeth, "we...slept together, and it was fine at the time, I just have all these stupid feelings about it now. And I'm so tired." 


It's pretty normal to have feelings about having sex with people even if you don't have as fraught a starting point on the topic as you do. Was the getting drunk before or after that?


"Before. It took me forever to realize that, um, that was what he was interested in." 


And that's what kept you up late, or you were up late afterwards for other reasons?


"We were up late but not that late – Mindspeech relay in the morning – but, um, I was over in his suite and it felt awkward to leave even though I know I don't sleep well in unfamiliar place." Shrug. "And it was nice not sleeping alone, at the time. So I stayed and I did get some sleep, and then I...had a dream that woke me up, and I would've left then but he woke up too and cuddled me and it was - it was nice, and also it felt too awkward to leave, I was scared it would hurt his feelings. So I was awake for ages and I eventually slept more but it really wasn't enough and then we got up early and I've been having to do things ever since." 


Okay. I don't know what Valdemaran norms and cultural expectations around drunkenness or sex or the combination of the two around here are so I'm not going to comment much on that directly; getting drunk with a friend and then sleeping with them wouldn't have been out of place among people your age in my native world but you'll have to tell me if there's any complications I should know about here. Would the night have gone better if you'd had him over at your place instead?


"No it's a pretty normal thing. Especially with Heralds." He thinks for a while. "It probably would've been better if we'd gone to my place? I think I still wouldn't've gotten enough sleep but it would've been less - I don't know what the right word is. Less disorienting, maybe." 

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