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boots yells at lancir
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Wide amazed eyes. "Your friend invented an alphabet? That's so amazing. How? Why?" 


They didn't have one, when I showed up, no written language to speak of, and he was so captivated by one of my textbooks, he thought it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. And I taught him my native language, Pax, and how to read it, and he decided Quenya should have an alphabet too, so he made one up, and it was catching on really well.


"Your friend sounds really neat!" Shavri glows. "I wish I could meet him. I...wish I could see his world. It sounds so wonderful."


I can show you what I remember but I don't recommend trying to visit even when I have a transit spell worked out.


"Because of the gods?"


Yeah, apparently they've decided they don't want humans in Valinor and they don't have very precise aim with their exiles. Or, I suppose, arguably too precise.


"Huh? Too precise as in they'd hit any human? I'm not sure I follow." 


I was sent back to the exact place and time of the accident which landed me in Arda. It sent me here and if I want to go anywhere else I'm going to have to do that on my own. So I wouldn't rely on the Valar to get you anywhere.


"Is that..." Shavri scrunches up her face. "Oh, right, it was magic that got you to Arda in the first place, so it would've just hit you a second time? And it was a random send-you-somewhere-else spell?" She shakes her head. "Would've been more awkward if it wasn't and it stuck you in this infinite cycle of getting sent back to Arda and the Valar sending you back there." 


Okay, yes, that would be worse.


Shavri glances around. "...I should go in about ten minutes, I have to study, but...could you show me some memories of Arda? Only if your subtle arts aren't tired and you don't need to save them for anything." 


Not tired, don't need to save them. Sense-memories aren't very expensive anyway.

Elf concert. A choir of thirty people, crooning in Quenya, in a gorgeous hall open to the sky, huge trees bowing to drape branches into the bowl of the amphitheater, concertgoers picking fruit and leaves off to nibble while they listen.


“That’s... oh, gods...” Dazed look. “Have you shown Van? You have to show him that. He loves music so much, but he, I don’t know, it’s like he forgets that until you remind him. But he would, gods, that’s incredible to me and he would appreciate it so much more, he actually knows things about music.”


I'll try to find a good moment for it.


Shavri bobs her head. “I should go now. It was really nice talking again and seeing that. See you tomorrow?”


"See you!"


Shavri smiles brightly at her and runs off.


Bella goes back to her room to finish the first scroll and then start work on her interplanar transit spell.


Nobody bothers her before nightfall.


The next day after breakfast she goes to meet Lancir.


He rises to greet her and then firmly closes the door, closes his eyes, and briefly moves his hand in midair.

“Thank you for coming,” he says, with warmth. “How are you settling in?”


Pretty well. What was that, a spell?


“Privacy spell against sound and Thoughtsensing. Set-spell’s down and I’m not going to jump the queue for having it repaired properly when we’re this short of trained Adept mages and I can cast my own temporary one.”

Lancir sits down and gestures at the free chair. “I spoke to Elspeth. Floated the idea that you’d be plenty trustworthy to take Heralds as patients. She...has some hesitations. In fact, she’s not completely happy about Vanyel seeing you instead of me.” He pauses, waits for her reaction.


Well, uh, he's a Herald so I guess if she doesn't like the idea of me having Herald patients that would follow.


"Well, yes." A slight chuckle. "Although he's an exception in that I've admitted to Elspeth multiple times before you ever showed up that I'm out of my depth trying to help him. So she's grudgingly pleased for that one case. Her concern isn't actually about whether we can safely give you access to state secrets, if that were ever to come up – I told her about your professional oath, and she agreed that's not an issue."

He hesitates, leaning back in his chair. "It's kind of the opposite, actually. Elspeth and I know each other well, we speak every day; she trusts me, and in particular, she trusts that if a Herald has some problem that affects their work, and it's relevant for her to know, she'll find out. Before it's a surprise emergency that demands a massive reallocation of our resources. This is very important to her, and...she's concerned that if a Herald is seeing you instead, you're not necessarily going to bring things like that to her attention. If the Herald in question prefers you not, for example. Which might come up." 

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