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boots yells at lancir
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"Interesting. There are some things I can cheat a bit at learning because I have Mindhealing and can reinforce the pattern directly when I practice – it's good for memorizing things, and for physical skills like penmanship, less good for anything purely conceptual like maths. Not sure which area this is more like." Melody beckons for Bella to follow her inside. 


More like math. You might get a little leg up that way. Bella follows.


Melody waves down a random clerk. "Hi! I need to grab some of the official document supplies - can you let Lancir know, I'll write down what I took so he can restock."


The clerk looks at her a bit oddly but seems willing to accept that this is a sufficiently official request, coming from a Healer, and he leads them to a door and unlocks it to reveal a storeroom full of shelves with wooden-slat bins on them. 


"Not sure what exactly you need so have a look," Melody offers cheerfully. "Should be various kinds of paper and ink – do the pens need to be fancy too? I have lots in my room but most of them are pretty cheap." 


I need to be able to get pretty precise effects with them but I can actually do some of that with telekinesis if I have to.


"We can see if it goes, if mine aren't good enough I can ask around but I think they ought to be fine for detail work." 


Bella rummages for what she needs in the way of scrollmaking supplies. Is there any gold ink? Or leaf?


"Doubt there's gold leaf here – if you really need it the Temple to Vkandis in the south district ought to be able to sell you some – but, ooh, I think there is gold ink! Over here." 


Gold ink is actually better, but leaf would have done. She takes some.


"Excellent! Is that all you need?" 


Yeah, now I can draw a scroll or two of an introductory spell and walk people through it. I should maybe have classes, for efficiency.


"That's an idea! Sounds like you're going to be busy enough as is, better get the efficiencies you can. Ready to go?" 

In the hallway: "Just so you know, I'm not expecting you to put any of this before getting that message out to your friend. Only if it doesn't get in the way." 


His spell is harder than mine, but he doesn't sleep much and he's absolutely brilliant, so yeah, I do need to get underway, but I think I have enough time to see patients and teach a class for a few candlemarks a day.


"That's something. I think I'll finish my curtains once I get you my pen supply, but I'll be around if you need anything." 




They reach the Healers' wing and Melody's room; Melody digs out a leather satchel and shows Bella a set of pens with various sizes of nib. "Will this do?" 


Some pens float out for Bella to inspect, and she picks a couple. These'll do me, thanks.


"See you round." Melody waves and clambers up on a chair to finish hanging curtains. 


Bella goes and works on drawing a scroll till either dinnertime or somebody knocks.


There isn't all that much time left in the afternoon, and nobody knocks (either physically or mentally). 




Shavri is in the dining room and waves to her. "Bella!" 


"Hi!" Over she trots.


Lancir steps into her path just before she gets there. "I've been looking for you all over. Can we speak at some point?" 

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