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“...What?” Gemma lifts her hands. “Back up and start over. Healing magic. Uses a different energy source. Same one as flying? Tell me everything- er, give me the two minute version and I’ll go from there.”


My home world has magic but for not-two-minute reasons it is difficult there to improve the state of the art. I had only layperson understanding of it when I went to Arda but absent those limits made a lot of progress on reinventing it including a good healing spell. It only does injury damage, not disease, though. It runs on something called mana; practice increases mana capacity, sleep refills it, I can take mana from other people.


"...There's only one spell and it heals multiple kinds of injuries? How does that work? Also wouldn't it be bad to take mana from patients if they're injured and recovering?" 


They're not using it for anything, unless I teach them to cast spells or it turns out it's similar to mage reserves somehow. It channels energy from a plane of positive energy.


Shavri thinks for a while and then shrugs. "I don't know enough about how mage-energy works here. Savil or Van might? Oh, and an easy test is you can just ask one of them, or any mage with Sight, to watch you spellcast, and see if it shows up to them like normal casting does here." 


Sure. Anyway, I have plenty of my own mana right now, should I heal people?


"If you're up for it, that would be incredible. I'll have to see how many of the people here today are injured as opposed to sick, but it would help us out a lot." Gemma starts walking, beckoning for Bella to follow. "Does the energy requirement depend on severity of injury? Time it takes? Just trying to figure out how to prioritize you." 


The spell is the same but it might not get someone all the way to uninjured if it's really bad. But I developed it to put back somebody's eyes that had been gone for years, so it'd have to be really bad. It's quick to cast.


Gemma stares at her like she's grown a second head. 

"You can fix injuries that happened years ago?" she manages finally. "Lost eyes? We can't do that. If it was an injury we could maybe set it right if we got to it within minutes or candlemarks, but not if it were bad enough. How does this magic even work?" 


Uh, I reverse engineered it from a spell that's used to attack zombies, so I don't know that I have the kinds of answers you want if 'it channels energy from the positive energy plane' isn't it.


"What are–" Gemma cuts herself off and rubs her eyes. "I'll let someone else interrogate you about it. I can at least watch with my Sight and maybe pick something up that way. Sounds like you don't have to be tracking all of the things you want to put right in your head and know how it should look at the end, though?" 


Not at all, no, it is complicated but not from that end.


"I'm so confused about how your kind of magic works." Gemma shrugs. "Well, here we are. Have a seat and we'll send you some injured people. Shavri, you can watch her if you like the first few times. For educational purposes and, er, to make completely sure it works here." 

First up is a stonemason with a badly crushed hand and forearm from some accident, being stoic about it but clearly in pain. Shavri looks at it dubiously, and Mindspeaks Bella instead of talking out loud. :It's touch or go whether any of us could Heal that well enough to give him full use of that hand. Um, and can you painblock at the same time or is that too hard?: 


Uh, could but the spell's really fast - She casts it. He's better in about six seconds.


The man gives her a startled and slightly alarmed look, staring at his suddenly perfectly-fine arm. "How did you – I thought Healing didn't work like that." 


"It doesn't normally!" Shavri says brightly. "Bella's special." :Bella, what. How. You just – there wasn't even any Healing-energy, it just all speed-healed itself like nothing was doing it: 


At home this happens all the time but it's usually clerics who can do it, the weird part is that I have an arcane version. Even that's not unheard of.


Shavri very briefly looks at the man's arm with her Sight and pronounces it definitely all better and sends him on his way. Next please. It's a little boy with a bandaged arm, and a very upset mother. Bandage is quickly removed to show an animal bite of some kind; it's swollen and red and looks a couple of days old. 

Shavri says something soothing to him; she seems to be good with children. :Bella, go ahead. What's a cleric?: 


Heal! A cleric is someone who gets magic from worshipping a Materian god.


The little boy looks at his arm in disbelief and then tries to jump on Bella and hug her, despite the hissed admonitions of his mother. 


:What? All you have to do is worship them and you get Healing like that? I'm so jeal– wait I forgot that everything else about Materia is terrible. I'm still jealous though: 


Yeah that's basically the single best thing about Materia. She hugs the kid, blinks away a couple tears, and puts him down.


They plow through several more patients, broken bones and lacerations. Shavri is starting to get a very thoughtful look. 

:You didn't even know this magic when you got sent to that other world: she sends eventually. :You didn't have a special Gift for it. Does that mean – could learn it too?: 


Yes but it will take years.


Shavri bounces. :I don't care! It takes years to train as a normal Healer too. How many candlemarks a day of practicing? I don't think it uses up the same energy reserves as normal Healing or else I'd be able to see it but I should find a way of checking. Ooh does it work to Heal yourself with it? If so I'm going to try to make Van learn it because he manages to get injured constantly on missions and he's technically got Healing-Gift but barely. He's going to want to anyway because it's new different magic! This is the best thing ever!: 

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