Gemma leads her inside. "Er, scheduling. We try to keep a book of who's around when, that's going to be especially relevant for you and Melody since you're the only ones with subtle arts and Mindhealing Gift respectively – we made a new leaf for you, here we are. You're still picking up some things for Lancir? Melody said you were doing that this afternoon, but Aber said Lancir came looking for you here and didn't seem to have any idea where you were, so, er, it's fine for this time but for future that's why we have the book. Write down whether you're busy, whether or not you can be interrupted or grabbed for emergencies, and whether you're planning to be physically here or elsewhere. Hopefully in a week or two we can work out a routine. Oh – and if you want to add something in and you're not physically here, feel feel to try for a Mindspeaker. Melody's one, I'm one, Shavri is and she's here constantly and very helpful. Questions?"