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boots yells at lancir
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Sure, what's up?


"...Er, I'd like to discuss most of it later and not here," he glances at Shavri, "short version is that I had that meeting with Elspeth and she has opinions. Do you have time to talk, hmm, tomorrow morning a candlemark after dawn?" 


I can, yeah. She designates a bit of paper as her schedule and writes this down. Where will I find you?


“I’ll be in the same office where we spoke before.” He nods to her and then returns to his table; Savil, seated there, glances up and waves at Bella.


Bella waves back and sits with Shavri.


"How was meeting with Melody?" Shavri says cheerfully. 


It was fine. We clarified my employment situation.


Shavri gives her a mildly confused look but lets it slide. "That's good. Did you get the supplies you needed for the magic? Do you need anything else? I, um, have a day off tomorrow, and I wondered if you'd want to go to the market." 


Yeah, I'm most of the way done with a scroll and that'll be enough to let you get started. I have nothing on tomorrow afternoon yet, how long does getting to and fro take?


"That's so exciting!" Shavri beams at her. "It's about half a candlemark back and forth if we borrow horses – Healers' has a common stable. Hmm, I sometimes talk Van into going and ride double with him and then it's twenty minutes, but we can't both do that. Maybe if Van can talk Savil into it too. I'll ask him." 


Okay, after lunch? I have something in the morning and I don't know exactly how long it'll run. She poises her pen over her schedule.


"That works for me!"


Bella writes it in. And in the evening I'll head for the healing house, I suppose.


"Just a moment, I'll check with Gemma on that." Pause, then her eyes refocus. "Gemma says that sounds good and she'll update the schedule book so people know to save any not-immediately-life-threatening injuries for you. Er, if that's all right with you? It means the Healers can do more for the patients who're sick without running their reserves down too much, but if you need to save mana then we can not." 


I don't need to save mana because I can take enough off the patients to cast the spell. Even if I ran myself completely out I'd be able to do a healing shift.


"Oh, right – that's really useful! I want to learn that spell so badly but I guess I'll have to be patient the same way I was for regular Healing. Er, if I'm really really good at learning things from books faster than most people, does that mean I might be able to learn this sort of magic faster as well?" 


Yeah, it does. Or if you're good at math, or learning languages, or solving puzzles.


Shavri grins. "I'm pretty good at languages and I like puzzles! I wish I were better at math. Van thinks the problem is that I didn't really learn any until I came to Haven, I only had a bit of basic figuring in my town's school, so I started out behind." 


Well, it's nothing to do with how well you were educated, so you should be fine.


More grinning. "I'm glad! Er, speaking of languages, how are you doing on ours? I guess you're going to learn it just from knowing what we say through subtle arts, but if there's a way of helping you practice faster I'd be willing to do that." Her face hints that 'delighted' is a more accurate term than merely 'willing.'. 


The alphabet was a big help. You could recommend me some easy books.


"I can definitely do that! I know some other Healers who have littles and books for them, and if nobody wants to lend us any then the market does sell books." She makes a face. "I wish I'd had easy books when I was small. My hometown mostly just had religious texts and they were so boring." 


That sounds awful.


"Wasn't ideal." Shavri ducks her head. "I saved up my first year's stipends and bought some old books here, ballads and poetry, and brought them down with me so at least the littles now will have something else." 


That was really good of you. When Fëanáro came up with his Quenya alphabet we got sticky papery leaves from a magic forest and wrote the names of things on them and stuck the leaves to the things, so people would learn it.

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