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Vanyel gets up and leads the way, and when they reach the Work Room, he summons a mage-light (there are no windows), and then closes and bolts the door behind them, and leans on it. His hands are shaking a bit.

(His affect is mostly overpowering anxiety-fear, with a few flickers of curiosity and something akin to relief.) 


Is this urgent? You read really scared right now and if a few more days would help...


"A few more days is not going to help." Vanyel sits down abruptly with his back against the door, and switches to Mindspeech. :It's not – I don't know how urgent it is, probably not on the level of a few days, but it's...not going to get any less scary to tell you. And it might be urgent. I don't know. It's confusing: 


Okay. I'm listening.


Vanyel hugs his knees. :It's about the Foresight dream. A little over a year after it started, I was, um, practicing lucid dreaming, and I realized it was a dream and said something, and...Leareth was in the dream too. Him now, I mean, in the present, we were just both in this shared lucid dream and could talk. And, um, he's immortal and that's completely terrifying, and he knows so much about so many things, and he says that invading Valdemar is part of a plan to make a lot of things in the world better: 

Vanyel shivers. :He's really convincing and he's way smarter than me and I – I don't know what to think about anything he says. I don't trust him at all but he makes good arguments, and he told me I should read Seldasen on ethics, and I did and Seldasen says a lot of the same things even though he was a Herald. I just realized after the dream last night that he's probably going to learn about you. He has spies in Valdemar. And you haven't been trying to stay hidden. So that seemed important to tell you: 



Thank you for telling me.


Vanyel doesn't seem to know what to do next. The fear-anxiety is less, but still there. 

:Are you mad?: he sends finally. :Do you, um, believe me?: 


I'm not mad! I have no reason to be mad. I don't think you're lying. I don't know enough about Foresight dreams to gauge how weird this should sound but stranger things have happened.


:Taver thought it was plausible: Vanyel squirms. :I...guess...I'd thought if I told anyone else they'd be mad that I didn't say anything sooner, but you're not from here and just got here. Yfandes, er, doesn't think I should tell anyone. But can't say why. It's sort of a Companion-Foresight thing, just, something about the future feels like it'll go better that way: 

His shoulders go up around his ears. :I didn't actually ask her about telling you: he admits. :I'm scared she's going to be mad. But I figured it wouldn't matter because of your oath – you aren't allowed to tell anyone else even if it affects Kingdom security: 


Nod. Arda has prophetic visions but I know they aren't guarantees, though they might be guarantees-unless-extraplanar-visitors-show-up, I'm not sure. In Materia divination about the future is low granularity and unreliable with a few special exceptions.


Vanyel's eyes widen, his affect shifting toward startled-hope. :I hadn't thought of that. That you turning up could change how it's going to go...: 

Then, abruptly, he bursts into tears. 

:I'm - just - so scared: he sends. Even in Mindspeech he has to push the words out. :In the vision I'm the only one who can stop him. And, just, how am I supposed to DO that? He knows I'm coming. He's - smarter than me - and he has centuries of experience and - and he's learning way more from the dreams than I am, I'm sure he is, even though I try not to give anything away. And I'm - a disaster - with a giant hole in me - and, just, I can't do this. Why did the gods pick me for it? WHY?: 

(Terror and anguish and despair.) 


Do you want me to calm you down.




Calm calm calm.


Vanyel closes his eyes and sags against the door, exhausted and limp. :I'm sorry I got upset: 


Prophecies about horrible things are fucking terrifying, I wasn't about to blame you! The Valar showed me some horrible visions of the future that could not reasonably happen after my intervention even prior to them showing me, and they still freaked me out real bad and sometimes I still worry that now I'm gone the Valar will go around stomping on everything I did so it happens anyway.


Vanyel nods, embarrassment shifting to relief. He seems just about tired enough to collapse in a puddle on the floor. :I'm sorry. I wish I could do something to help you - make sure that won't happen - but I guess I can't: He halfheartedly tries to hide a yawn. :I want to know what you think but it probably doesn't make sense to ask when I can barely stay awake: 


We decided three days before you told me this and I now think maybe we should try to find a slot tomorrow, but yeah, I think you need a nap.


Vanyel groans and picks himself up from the floor by grabbing the doorknob, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. It's still very obvious that he was just crying. "I'll ask Yfandes," he says out loud, and opens the door. Pause. "...I can do the right after lunch time if I ask Savil to cover some mage-work. Um, can you bother me about sleeping if I forget to ask tonight? I should try to remember to ask you other times, but if me tonight is trying to do anything other than sleep at a reasonable time then I'm being stupid." 


I'll write it down. She does; she also writes the after-lunch appointment.


Vanyel rubs his eyes and squints at the angle of the sun. "...I think I'm going to nap first and then worry about eating lunch. I'll, um, see you tomorrow." 


See you.

And she... opts to walk to the cafeteria.


Shavri, who seems to have been watching the door, half stands up and waves. "Bella!" 


Hi! I got held up, am I keeping you waiting? I can grab something portable.

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