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boots yells at lancir
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He isn't very satisfied with this plan! He has a lot of miracles to do, he hasn't even covered a quarter of the city yet and then there's the entire rest of Valdemar to get to! Oh and does she know where the secret tunnels are that get you to any of the borders in half a candlemark's walk, because he can show her! 


People will be going to sleep and will probably be better able to do stuff like help you get all around Valdemar and show you places that might need help in the morning.


Sighhhhh. He concedes that perhaps she is right, and gets into the bed (fully clothed and with his shoes on, but Gemma doesn't seem very inclined to fight that battle). 


And once he is not actively attempting to fight her on the sleep question she can put him to sleep.


"That wasn't too bad," Gemma says cheerfully, nudging the door of the room mostly shut but leaving it ajar. "At the very least it should keep him out of our hair overnight, he kept trying to follow me around and Heal all my patients. Hmm, it's going to quiet down so you might as well call it a night now. Are you planning to come in tomorrow? If so I should get it down in the schedule." 


Yes, I expect to be here after dinner again tomorrow.


"Sounds good and I'll see you then if not before. Goodnight!" 



She checks the time and goes looking for Vanyel.


He's in his room, but it takes him a bit to actually come and unlock the door. "Oh, hey. Is it that late already? I think I lost track of time." He pushes the door wide so she can come in. "How was your afternoon? I heard you went to the market with Shavri, um, I hope she wasn't upset that I cancelled." 


She didn't seem distraught about it. I put a guy's leg back and attracted a crowd but I also got a bracelet to make a watch out of.


Vanyel makes a thinking sort of face about that, but doesn’t say anything. He apologizes and ducks into his bedroom to change into sleeping clothes, then opens the door for her and crawls into bed. “Er, thank you again for helping, my sleep would get so messed up otherwise. I went and napped in the stables with Yfandes and she didn’t wake me up until halfway through the afternoon.”


You're pretty badly affected by sleep deprivation, I'm glad I can help you catch up. Ready?


He doesn’t hesitate at all this time. “Ready.”


And sleep.

She lets herself out and goes to bed herself.


In the middle of the night, when she is presumably fast asleep, there’s a polite but insistent-ish double knock on her shields.




It's Gemma, only slightly frantic. :Critically injured patient. Losing him. Can maybe hang on the next ten minutes if you can get here. Fine if not. I'll give you tomorrow off if you come in: 



She doesn't change clothes, just stuffs her feet into her boots so she can run.


It's much less than a ten-minute run across the courtyard, and there's a panicked-looking trainee with the door held open for her, he waits until she's through and then leads the way down the dimly-lantern-lit hall at a run, and now there's a room and Gemma's there along with two other Healers and a couple more trainees, all of them blank-faced in trance and huddled over a man hastily draped onto a cot, covered in blood, and heads are not supposed to be misshapen like that. 

Gemma's the only one paying enough attention to notice Bella. :Fell off a roof: she sends. :Broke half the bones in his body, cracked skull, he's bleeding internally everywhere. Don't know if even your spell can fix this but worth a try: 


Bella yanks mana out of the dying man and turns it into a spell. It doesn't do everything all at once but it does stop the bleeding instantly. She grabs some from Gemma for the next iteration and that gets him down to 'bruised and dazed'.


The man lies and blinks at the ceiling for a moment, pats confusedly at his still-blood-soaked clothing, lifts his head enough to get a look at himself, and then tries to roll over and groans. "Ow. What, where - I was just...?" 


I need someone else to pull from for another go, I'm low. Or you can take it from here.


"Sir, hey, please stay put a minute. You had an accident." :One moment, let me check: She touches the man's forehead and her eyes go unfocused. :Nah, we're good, rest is minor and he'll be less confused about the accident part if he's still feeling it any. You can head back to bed, thank you SO MUCH for coming in. Oh, and tomorrow off if you want it, I did promise: 


Thanks. I might come in just for a few big things and leave after half an hour or something, depends. She yawns and goes back to bed.


Nothing and no one else bothers her before morning. 

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