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boots yells at lancir
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Shavri leads the horses a bit faster and they eventually manage to get past the crowd of watchers. The paved street turns to cobbles, and then there's a big square with a fountain. It's also dirtier than most of the area around the Palace, with pigeon-droppings all over the stone, and the pond it fountains into is a bit murky. 

There are a lot of temporary-looking stalls arranged around the square, and behind them, more permanent shopfronts. Shavri leads them over the an area that seems to be set up as a makeshift stable, dismounts, and gives some coins to a boy, who takes her mare's reins and gives Bella a meaningful look. 

"What sort of thing were you looking for?" Shavri says. 


Bella gets down. Bracelet with a flat panel at least an inch in diameter.


"All right, probably this way? Does it have to be fancy like the paper you needed? There's a row of jewellers down here, some are fancier and some are less so." 

The stalls in question mostly have tables brought out in front, with wares displayed on top of leather or canvas sheets. Some stalls have mostly jewelry in plain brass, some clearly are fine gold or silver, some are made of horn or wooden beads. 


It doesn't have to be fancy, though I may have expensive tastes after that long with Elves. She looks through the wood stuff in the hopes that this will at least mitigate the pricetag of her prettiness standards.


Eventually she can find a heavy bangle, carved from a single piece of some very hard, reddish wood to form almost a full circle with a gap that can be pulled open to slip over her wrist. It doesn't have a panel exactly, but the wood is carved flat, and flares to at least an inch wide for the middle section. It's polished to a smooth sheen and undecorated except for a repetitive geometric pattern etched in, darkened with either ink or soot. 


Yeah, she can work with that. She asks after the price.


The man at the stall is delighted she likes it and tells her it costs four coppers. 


:Six coppers to a silver coin: Shavri clarifies in Mindspeech. :That's not a horrific price but it's a bit much for just wood – er, for reference, a silver is about how much a skilled craftsman would earn per day's work. He probably expects you to haggle: 


That will be a bit difficult with this vocabulary, but I can try it I guess. "Hmmm." She puts it down and rummages and says, "Two?"


The man bursts out laughing; whether it's at her accent, the amount of her counteroffer, or something else about her is hard to tell. 

"Three," he says firmly. 


"Three," she agrees, picking it up again and handing over three.


The man seems satisfied; he grins at her, showing several missing teeth.


"That wasn't too hard," Shavri says cheerfully. "Anything else you need, or want to look for? Things for your new room?" Dreamy look. "Maybe I'll try to find a present for Randi." 


I wouldn't mind browsing for a little longer but I want to leave time before bed to hit the healing house.


"Oh, right, I forgot you don't actually have today off. You must've been really busy today, I hope the thing that went long wasn't too tiring." Shavri forges off toward a cluster of stalls that seem to sell mostly textiles. They're very...colourful.


I'm not really tired. Is any of this actually pretty and in her size.


Probably none of it is pretty-enough-for-Elves, but there are garments in lots of sizes and many of them are quite beautiful by non-Elf standards. 


She winds up with a patterned shawl thing and some serviceable plain pants and tunics that fit well once she's lowered her standards.


The patterned shawl costs her three silvers after haggling, which Shavri thinks is normal, fine materials are costly and it takes a lot of time for the weaver. The rest is only a silver total.


She thinks she can probably afford this if she gets around to charging for magic lessons or anything so she doesn't make a fuss about it.


“Do you know what sorts of things boys like?” Shavri asks her, shyly. “If I’m getting a present for my, er, my sweetheart,” she blushes considerably, “do you think he’d like this?” It’s a simple necklace, black shiny stone with a hole through it as a pendant on a leather thong.


I have never dated ever in my life, do not know your culture, have spent nearly two decades marinated in the aesthetics of a people who would probably have to close their eyes to walk down this street, and apart from being homesick for that level of general gorgeousness do not think much about what I or anyone else wears. That having been said, it looks fine.


Shavri looks a bit taken a back, but it’s apparently enough to break her out of indecision, and she buys it. “All right, did you want to go back now?” It’s around halfway through the afternoon.


Yeah, it'll take a while to travel, may as well start now. Thank you for showing me the way - is it okay to borrow a horse anytime?

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