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boots yells at lancir
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"No, um, that's fine, I'm not in that much of a hurry, don't have other plans today – but you should probably eat fast, it's going to take us a bit to get there and it closes a candlemark before sundown. Sorry, I did ask Van to come yesterday and he seemed excited about it then but I poked him about it just now and he said he forgot and he's too tired. And Savil has work to catch up on or something. So it'll just be us and we'll need to borrow horses which are slower than Companions." 


That's okay. You'll have to give me the local equestrianism quick start guide, I assume your horses aren't like Valian ones.


Nod nod. "I'm not the best at riding but I can show you. What are Valian horses like–" she cuts herself off, "I should let you get food." 


Bella assembles a quick plate, eats fast, and carries her slice of cake telekinetically with her out of the building, taking bites from the air.


Shavri watches her with a grin. "You know it looks really impressive when you do that, right?" 


I don't actually know how impressive but I assume it's unusual.


"It's very impressive! Someone here could do it with Fetching but you'd need really fine control for it to work and I don't know anyone who'd bother." 

They get to the stables. There's a long row of stalls and straw on the ground and it smells very strongly, presumably of horse. The horses are of various colours, and all of them seem very calm about a stranger showing up. 

"You should ride Buttercup," Shavri says brightly. "She's easy. I mean, she's pretty old and so she's slow, but she'll be very gentle with you."

Shavri undoes the catch on a stall and opens it. There's a dun-coloured mare inside, who lips at Shavri's hair. "Sorry, Buttercup, I don't have any snacks for you today – don't feed her cake, Bella, it's not good for horses. Do you know how to put her saddle on or is that different where you're from? I can do it." 


Elves' saddles are simpler than this and half the time they ride bareback, so if you can show me, yeah.


"C'mon, Buttercup, move out for me." Shavri wiggles past to the back of the stall, lightly slaps her haunches until the mare somewhat reluctantly steps out into the middle area, and then and hauls down a heavy leather saddle from a hook. It looks old; the leather is a bit cracked in one place, Shavri frowns at it but doesn't say anything. She puts it down and gets out a folded blanket, which she partially unfolds and then tosses over Buttercup's back, straining to reach and tug it so it's even with no creases. She hefts the saddle up and over Buttercup's back, lowering it gently, and checks the positioning on both sides before bending to do up the straps. Buttercup submits to all of this treatment without complaint. 

"All right, there you go. Just a minute, I'll go do mine." Shavri tosses Bella the reins and darts off. 


Bella flies rather than try to mount by hauling her foot up that high and presently is sitting on Buttercup.


Buttercup mostly seems bored by this occurrence. 

"You don't actually need to do much," Shavri reassures her, returning with a slightly friskier chestnut mare. "She knows the way to the market and you'll be following me anyway. Just, er, if she's lagging then sort of lean forward and squeeze with your legs. If you need to stop suddenly you pull back on the reins hard, but that'd be surprising, if there's anything weird or new she'll stop on her own. Um, any questions? You can Mindspeak me whenever during. We won't go very fast or anything, we'll be lucky to get her to trot and Sally here doesn't like going fast either." 


Sounds doable.

Onward to market.


It takes them a bit longer than half a candlemark to get there, but Shavri cheerfully keeps up a Mindspeech conversation. She wants to know how Bella designed the Healing spell and what other kinds of Healing exist in Materia and whether Arda had its own Healing magic too. 


I don't know a lot about mainstream healing in Materia because it's divine magic and I wasn't even a real wizard at the time, let alone a cleric. I just knew what they teach teenagers in public school and a touch extra. I derived the healing spell by taking apart a spell designed to attack undead creatures; they're damaged by positive energy and healed by negative energy, while living things are healed by it. The undead attacking spell doesn't work to heal people but when I figured out which bits of it were doing the positive energy thing I was able to cobble together a real healing spell and then I wasn't done till I put my friend's eyes back.

Arda has healing songs but they don't work as dramatically and I'm not a good enough singer to make them work.


"I bet Van could make the healing song work," Shavri says brightly. "I mean, if he had any way of learning it and assuming it could work here at all. Although yours does. Does magic from one world always work in others or are there exceptions?" 


They reach a tall stone wall, where a bored-looking woman in a blue uniform waves them by; she seems to recognize Shavri. Outside the wall, the road is still paved, but everything is less clean, and noisier, and there's a beggar at the street-corner with a scarred face, missing a leg. 


I know some magic songs, but he'd have to learn the Quenya lyrics by rote. I don't know if there are exceptions but it's always worked that I've tried. Please ask him if I can put his leg back for him.


"...What?" Shavri's eyes widen. "Oh! I, er, all right." She hops down from her mare's saddle, grips the reins, and awkwardly weaves her way to the side of the street, dodging passersby; there isn't any traffic control to speak of, though the only traffic is on foot and horseback so this sort of works. 

"My friend has a special kind of Healing spell," she says to the man, speaking loudly and clearly. "She can make your leg grow back the way it was. May she do that?" 

The beggar's response is confused and dubious, but he assents, and Shavri beckons to Bella. 


Bella takes some of the beggar's mana and casts her spell. It takes two tries.


The man looks at his restored limb in disbelief and then jumps up. He says a lot of things. Most of them are asking her which god is working miracles through her. He suspects Kernos but Vkandis Sunlord is plausible too. 


It's not a god.


The man does not seem especially convince-able on this point, but he does eventually stop arguing and instead bows and thanks her profusely. 


"You're welcome!"


Aaaaaand there's a rather large crowd of people watching them. 


"We should go," Shavri says. 

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