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"I think that doesn't help this specific problem? Fairy slavery is magic, it works because if you become indebted to a fairy then the universe punishes you for defending yourself against them if they attack you."


" - wow. And living on a different planet from them doesn't solve it?"


"I guess that would prevent them from directly hurting their slaves. They would still have to deal with the thing where if they tell any lies it hurts both them and the fairy they're entangled with. - to be clear, all of the fairy slaves we have on the demiplane seem to be okay with it, but I'm not sure whether that's because they think they don't have better options, and I assume it's not true of all fairy slaves."


" - I'm super not one of the people who solves these things but I guess I'd make a planet where lying is impossible? Or as many of them as needed to keep everyone separated who wanted to be separated."


" - I guess if that was possible it would be good, although it sounds pretty impossible? Uh - anyway I think the fairy slavery is lower down on the priority list than destroying hell. And probably also below giving vaccines out to one of the worlds that has fairy slavery so that people there stop dying of easily preventable diseases."


"Wow. Yeah, those all sound like good things to do."


"We're kind of busy. Luckily all of the dimensions with problems are paused except for Queen Elizabeth's. I think."


"Oh good. Okay. We do better when we're not in a hurry."


"That makes sense. I think lots of people do."


"When're you expecting your queen to pick us up? Do I have to bow and stuff?"


"You do not have to bow. Um, she didn't actually give us a specific time, she just said 'in a bit'. - Do we have a way to contact her?" she asks Hagan.


He shakes his head. 


"It's fine, I'm not in a hurry. I can do more research." He breaks the tip off a piece of grass and starts eating it.



" it any good?"


"Kinda bland. I think they're overcorrecting for the time they made all grasses too tart."


"Where I am from all of the grass is super inedible unless you're, like, a cow."


“Endorë’s like that too but most people prefer the thing where you can eat whatever’s around in a pinch so all the new planets have Valian ecology, where everything’s edible.”



- and she and Hagan are back.


"Did he say yes?"


"He said he's okay meeting everybody, yeah."


"Cool!" And here's a Lawful Good Connor-person.


He looks around at everyone.

”Uh, hi.”


Various people wave.

"Hi! Don't use your real name, otherwise you can't interact with full fairies. Also if you murder anybody you have to go home immediately. This is currently our only law but don't be a jerk to anyone. Welcome to the demiplane."


He glances around. He stares at Alex in particular for a bit.

Wait a second, if there’s already a me of the right species here why haven’t the Valar already fixed this?


Why the fuck would the Valar fix this?

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