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"Is there stuff we could develop here that'd help us get more equipped?"


"I don't know? Obviously I can make us anti-mind-control gear, but I don't know that it'd help, if she got her powers from a god. I don't even know if my spellbook is fundamentally capable of overpowering her powers. I guess it can overpower the fairy rules."


"Wish can duplicate Mind Blank. I don't know if that's really... the thing, here, but."


She conjures another Pathfinder rulebook.

"Says it foils miracle spells. But it also says it only protects against attempts to gain information about a target, not control them."


"I'm pretty sure it helps with protection from mind control?"


"Well, you're the expert. All of my information is filtered through... whoever wrote this game. - oh, plus eight against all mind-affecting effects, okay. I'm not sure if that's enough but it's something. I can cast mind blank on everyone who's staying, if we're going with the first plan. It'll only last twenty-four hours, though."



"I wanna stay. The poor kid."


"Okay. - oh, I'm a dumbass, we can't go to the world you were scouting, then her world won't be paused, you're from the same plane. I guess our options are - we can't unpause Golarion safely, and we can't unpause Valentine's world safely, hell me is from hell, Catherine's world is full of lots of people dying of preventable diseases...

"....I think maybe me and Connor are just taking a break and going home for a couple days? And anyone else who really doesn't want to be here while mind control me is here. We should figure out a way for you guys to contact me, though. Maybe I can just leave a ton of crystal balls and someone can scry and message me if you need me."


He looks super confused by all this. "Okay."


"Sorry. There's a lot going on. Valentine can explain it later, probably. Anybody really want to avoid being around mind control me? - I guess someone should probably warn the fairy."


"Prediction: fairy doesn't wanna be around mind control you and is also going to be mad about leaving for another place."


"I mean that's super valid of him? This is why we should talk to him and see what he prefers and whether there are any obvious solutions. But someone he isn't mad at. ...Matt, is the fairy mad at you?"


"Yeah. Just, if we have more options to mention to him that'd be good. - sending other people to new Imrainai's world shouldn't interfere with it being paused, would it?"


"Hmmm. I don't think so but I don't know that we've tested that."


He touches her hand.

I can't really keep track of what's going on right now.


There are honestly way too many things going on right now. I think as soon as we have a plan for mind control me I'm gonna go through the list of things that need to be done and attempt to make other people the point people on those. D'you want me to try to explain it right now? It's not actually urgent, everything important is paused right now.


Yeah I think I do want that.


Okay. One minute and then I will.

"I guess we can test that before we do anything. We're not in a rush. I'm gonna go... think about stuff, and other people can work on whatever they were working on before, okay? And we'll talk it all over and make sure the fairy knows about stuff before we bring anybody new here."




"'Kay. Nobody blow anything up. Be nice to the new guy."

She heads off to towards her yurt, tugging Connor with her.

You doing okay?


I'm fine! Just really confused.



So - right now we're juggling problems from a bunch of different worlds. The new world apparently has a me who was given the power to make anyone do anything she wants, and we're not sure whether she knows how to control it. We're worried that she's going to accidentally mind control us and it might mess things up, so we're thinking whether we can limit the possible effects by getting some people out of the plane. We're not sure it'll work, though, because apparently she suspects that she's been manipulating us without knowing that we exist. Did you have all of that?


Yeah. I'm confused about - so we want to pause the people who we send away? Or we don't want to pause them?


I think it doesn't matter too much either way, for us, except that we don't want to upset the fairy any more. And if we have him paused the whole time then he doesn't have much to complain about, if he doesn't want to be around the mind control Imrainai.


Okay. So then we're just deciding where to send people who'll be paused while they're there anyway?

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