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"You try."


"Well, if I were you, assuming it were true, I might go for, like - 'Hey, Rana, I've been thinking about it, and I wanted to say that I'm really sorry that we were so careless about the lying, earlier. We put you and your family in serious danger, and that was really horrible of us, so I'll understand if you don't want to interact with everyone else - ever, really, but I wanted to say that we're going to be a lot more careful about following the rules and making sure new people know to follow them, too.'

" - which reminds me, we should make sure the new one knows all of the fairy rules."


"Oh. Yeah, we should."


"I can do it."

And she can attempt to impress upon the new person all of the fairy rules and the extreme importance of everybody following all of them all of the time.


“Is there a blessing for it?”


" - I don't know what that means."


“Oh, they’re programs we can install that change the world - like, adding extra information to your visual input or reminding you of things. You could probably do one that made it impossible to mess up at the fairy thing. If you don’t have them it’s fine, though, I can just mostly not talk to them until someone puts one together.”


"I think it happens even if you're not talking to them, if you're entangled with them. And I don't really know how to keep track of that, so - I'm just trying to be very careful all the time."


"Uh, okay. In that case you should maybe get someone - my dad, maybe - to make the blessing pretty soon. But I can be careful for a couple years or so."


"...okay. We have literally been doing this for less than a week so I guess if you can be careful for years without messing up that seems probably fine."


"I can just ping myself whenever I'm about to say anything. It's kinda annoying but it won't get old that fast."


"Ping yourself?"


"Like a blessing except it's really dumb. It just, when I'm about to talk, is like "remember that fairies!"."


"Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense."


"People where you're from don't have that? I'd be so bad at everything if I didn't have that."


"We do not have that. Or, I don't, maybe someone does. Most people don't."


"Huh. I guess whatever works for you. Dwarves don't have it and they do okay."


"I don't know that I would say I'm doing okay. But yeah, I guess."


"You mean the thing with the evil gods?"


"I guess I kind of mean a lot of things. The evil gods aren't really my problem personally. - well, not the ones that Elizabeth's trying to kill right now."


"Do you wanna tell me more about it? I don't know what other worlds are like."


"Oh, uh, I don't know a ton about what's going on in, like, the broader world. Uh, we don't have very much space travel and we can't eat grass, so we mostly all have to work jobs to buy enough food to eat. And usually that's okay, but I - kind of made some bad money decisions and ended up in debt with some vampire debt collectors chasing me? So I, uh, took a contract with an evil law firm and now I'm not allowed to leave. And I'm kind of scared that if Elizabeth unpauses my world they'll notice I'm not there and I'll be in a lot of trouble."


"Yikes. You could come to our dimension probably?"


"I mean, I guess. It's not urgent as long as the world is paused. Although I guess there are sort of lots of other people who probably have lives I should eventually let them get back to."


"I mean you could reasonably wanna let it wait until we end scarcity in your home universe? But you could also not wanna do that. This doesn't seem like a great place to live, really - it's so small -"

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