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"And is anyone threatening her with slavery."


"I think yes but mostly not people here and when it was people here it got resolved."


He looks at Valentine for confirmation of this.


"The fairy one of you did, but then people made him stop. And Wolfram and Hart... sort of is, I guess, but they're paused right now. Probably."


"Maybe you should have a rule, 'no enslaving people or giving people back to someone who enslaved them', to go with the rule about not murdering people, and then if people want to do other weird stuff at least everyone's clear on there being rules about that."


"I bet you could persuade Elizabeth of that."


"Does that interfere with Cecelia's whole thing?"


"I don't think so? If she leaves we wouldn't send her back, right?"


"No, we wouldn't. But - I'm not clear on the extent to which her fairy has meaningfully enslaved her."


"I think he did, before they came here. I don't think we can have very good laws about people coming here already slaves, besides that if they leave we won't make them go back."


"So are you just...not going to do anything for Cecelia unless she leaves, then?"


"You can't very sensibly go 'forcing people to do things against their will is bad so we're going to drag you away from your boyfriend against your will'. People've tried it and it's not really very helpful even when the boyfriend's dreadful. People like - having stories where they have control of what's going on."


"Do you have any slaves."


"I think we're just keeping an eye on them for now. I just kind of feel like a law against enslaving people might, uh, break down in the specifics of what we're enforcing, right now."


"Well on my planet there's no enslaving people. At all. Including if you did it earlier and they haven't left."


"I mean, I think it's hard to enforce that when there's magic involved? - like, what do you even think people on your planet would do, if Cecelia and her fairy showed up?"


"Make fairy magic not work at enslaving people, probably. And then explain to him why he shouldn't do it."


"I guess maybe Elizabeth could do the first part, given enough time. I'm kind of unclear on - the last time Cecelia came here telling us she couldn't have debt, she seemed really distraught about it, and then Elizabeth disentangled the fairy from his court, and I guess now she belongs to him again? But - we're trying not to annoy him because we sort of accidentally lit his house on fire."


"Kind of a lot of things have happened."


"...anyway, if you want you can talk to Elizabeth about amending the rules. Probably don't talk to the fairy until you know more about the situation. I don't want to accidentally make things even harder for Cecelia."

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