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"All right. I guess if we're taking some time to do our actual regularly scheduled work I should... maybe actually start the whole delegating thing."


People wait expectantly.


She conjures a notebook and looks at a copy of some notes she's written.

"Imrainai, you're the point person on figuring out what the likely consequences of killing Asmodeus are going to be. We're going to want to know what problems we'll have to fix immediately after killing him. Probably talk to the other people from your world about it for ideas. You should also be learning arcane magic. Hagan, you should figure out how to talk to Cecelia and get a more precise version of that plan to get her kids back. Valentine, you should write up a list of problems that the 1032 Earth is likely to have, so we can figure out what magic we need to solve those. Fazil and Mahdi, it would be really cool if you guys could come up with a list of useful things that I can do with arbitrary magic items that I might not have already thought of. My sister and Imrainai's sister, you guys - should pick names, and also it'd be cool if you guys could come up with a list of ways to improve the demiplane for people who are working here. 

"All assignments are voluntary but if you're gonna refuse one you should probably let me know."


There are no objections!


"Great! In that case I should... probably spend some time getting zapped with wands until my spellbook gives me magic resistance."


"Also new people are alarmed by all the slavery they keep hearing about and we were thinking you should come up with some other word for your relationship with Connor."


"Oh! That makes sense. He's also a knight. I knighted him."


"Cool. Yeah. We can all call him that."


"Cool. See you all later."


Hey Connor, are you okay with not telling people that you're my slave for the next while? Apparently it's freaking some people out. Which given that like a fourth of our population is versions of me should I guess be kind of unsurprising. I told Matt that people could also call you my knight.


I guess. Fairies will know anyway.


Fairies won't be nearly as concerned about it.


Yeah, that makes sense.


Wanna help zap me with wand spells a bunch of times so I can throw them off? I'm worried that if I do it all by myself the spellbook might interpret it differently.


Yeah, sure.


She can head over to him, then.

...she's kind of unsure whether he's sad about the slavery thing, but if it's not a big deal then she doesn't want to act like she's constantly worried about him being sad, or anything, but - oh right she's allowed to read his mind. She can just check how sad he is. She does that.


He is annoyed that people bother her with PR and so on and so forth and he hopes they haven't made her feel bad about having a slave because she didn't do anything wrong.



Doesn't mean anything about us, you know. 's just to keep people like Valentine from being scared. You still belong to me.


That's all right, then.


She hands him some wands. "You just kind of wave it and focus on making magic happen with it. This one does hold person, and this one does color spray, and this one does - are you gonna be okay doing things that are sort of ambiguously attacking me? They don't do damage but I'm not really sure where fairy magic draws the line. It probably doesn't matter now but I thought I should bring it up."


"I wouldn't expect the paralysis one to count, locking someone in a room or something doesn't. The other ones might? What do they do exactly -"


"This one does paralysis. This one might stun, blind, or knock me unconscious for a few seconds if I fail the save. This one makes people laugh."


"If it makes the debt jump like I attacked you I might want to switch to one that doesn't do that even if there's no misfortune."


"That makes sense. I just wanna switch between a few different ones so the spellbook doesn't give me specifically immunity to hold person spells. I'm sure we can find a few different ones that don't affect the debt, though. Wanna test it?"


"Yeah, all right."

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