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"I think your friends also had something they wanted to tell you once you'd talked to Eru."


"Okay. - I should talk to them but - I don't actually want to do it before I've slept. Unless it's urgent."


"They didn't tell me what it was. It wasn't urgent enough to interrupt you before you talked to Eru but that could be - kind of urgent, I guess."



"Maybe I'll talk to them after I've slept. I guess even if it were urgent it probably wouldn't get any more urgent with time paused."



Valentine and the new Connor-person pop back.


"Did she want to come?"


"Yes but there's a concern I need to clear with you. A god recently told her that she has the power to make anyone do anything she wants, and she finds the timing of our visit and our offer to stop time suspicious enough that she thinks she may have been manipulating us without knowing that we existed. There's a possibility that she's manipulating lots of people without knowing it."



"Okay. That sounds - complicated."


" - wow."


"I don't think she's - bad - but - consider the effect that having one of you who was accidentally mind controlling everyone around you to be the thing you most wanted might have."


"I'm imagining it! It's terrifying! Especially if she doesn't know how it works! Especially if she could be manipulating us right now, somehow! Especially if the kind of manipulation might change once she meets us and has more specific desires than the desire to stop time!"


"Is there a way to get her her timestop without bringing her here?"


"Conceivably we could bring the rest of you back to my world? The planet I was scouting, in particular. It's perfectly nice, no one lives there, we can claim it if we wanna..."


"I can only pause time in someone's dimension if I bring them to the demiplane. It's paused right now, because of you, but she's paused with it, so it doesn't help her. I might get a spell for it in the next week, but I don't have one now. - I guess I could keep you here to pause the dimension and put the accidental mind control me in my dimension, but I'm not sure I want her running around Moonlight Falls, either? Also if she does that time might or might not stop running on fairy time and I'll have to figure out what to do with my niece and nephew. Although I guess I could probably just bring them here. Or ask Connor's mom if they can spend the night at his house."


"Huh. That's a lot. I dunno."



"Do we have specific concerns about what'll happen?"


" - you know what my specific concerns are."




"Plausibly we could bring the mind control Imrainai here, anyone who really doesn't want to be undetectably mind controlled can go to the planet the new Connor was scouting and be frozen, and then we can have the mind control me here for a set amount of time, and then we can freeze her, and then we can take a vote solely of the people who left about whether she should be brought back, based on discussions with those who stayed afterwards. It might be particularly unsafe for me to interact with her and it's possible that I should be one of the people who leaves, in which case we probably won't be frozen. Or we will be frozen forever, but - if I leave you a magic item to summon me back this is probably fixable.

"This isn't foolproof, obviously, but if she can do complex manipulation of people she doesn't know anything about then I don't see that anything is, really."


"Is this...worth the risk?"


"I don't know. If she can control it it's really powerful and useful, and given the neutral good ping I am kind of inclined to think she'd want to help us. But I guess we could ignore her anyway. I am - kind of not inclined to abandon her, but I'm not sure whether we have the means to help her."


"She did say that she was currently trying to understand and control her powers so that she could save a bunch of people. I don't have specifics. I guess we could bring this one's father here and ask for more clarification, if he'd be all right with that. I expect he would. Especially since you can turn off translation now and have everybody who wants it get by with individual translation rings."


"That's true, I can do that."


"He explained it to me. Apparently there is a millenia-old war between two powerful alien races which both control lots of planets, and almost all the humans are slaves of one of those alien species, and she appealed to Eru - the creator of our universe - for the power to fix it."


" - wow, okay. I guess we also have to deal with that. Good job, other me, for being on that. - I don't think we should leave her to solve it alone but I don't really know whether we're equipped to help her right now or not."

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