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People are apparently being tortured! 


Gee, you don’t say! Are your Valar far more interested in doing things about that than mine?


I think they are a totally normal amount of interested in that! Which is to say that they will fix it immediately or evacuate the relevant planets first or whatever.


Lemme tell you what happened in my world.


The new Connor stands there staring off into space. After a few minutes his dog bounds off to go lick Alex, who for some reason starts crying about this.


Awwww. Good giant dog.


She asks Valentine some questions, quietly, and then turns back to everyone else.

"So, uh, did we want to go get this world's Imrainai, too? Probably worth having both. I guess we ought to scry her, just as good a chance that me's are dangerous as that Connors are. Although this seems like a pretty safe world."

She uses her crystal ball again.


Different face than the other Imrainais. She's sitting on a bed and hugging herself and looking fairly unhappy. There's a person who looks like Connor's father in the room with her.


Can she detect alignment?


Neutral Good.


"She pings neutral good. - uh, new Connor-type-person, do you know her, should we be sending you to talk to her?"


"I'm pretty sure we don't even have that species, actually? I don't know how she knows my - I do know how she knows my dad, she's from some other world like you all and so he can pump her for languages. But I've never met her."


"Huh. Well, if she is with your dad right now, do you want to, like, go there and ask them if they'd like to come here so we can fill them in? And if so should we send anybody with you?"


He glances at Huan. Alex is crying into Huan's fur now. 

"I guess probably one of you should come, to explain the 'alternate universe yous' thing?"


"Yeah. Uh... Valentine, Hagan?"


"I can go if you think it'll help."


"I'm not sure I'm adding much to this."


"Kay. Sending you with the new guy, Valentine, we'll get you back in a bit."

She zaps them both with a wand of tongues again and sends them on their way.


- wow okay that was not much warning and here she is in this girl's bedroom.

" - hi."


"Did you want that to happen," he asks Imrainai.


" - I don't think I wanted that to happen at all."


" - um. Hi. Who - are you?"


"I'm Valentine. Um - I was sent here by Diamond Queen Elizabeth X to ask if you wanted to come to her personal demiplane to meet a bunch of alternate universe versions of yourself. Also of this person, but that's probably less exciting because apparently you don't know each other."


He is talking telepathically with his father but nods vaguely in her direction.

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